Executive Development: Volume 6 Issue 2


Table of contents

Improve MBAs to Meet the Needs of Production and Operations Management

Shirley Patterson, Marilyn M. Helms

MBA programmes cannot escape changes; they must expand theircurriculum to allow future managers to cultivate skills necessary tocompete in a highly technical international…


The Learning Organization: A Rover Perspective

David G. Bower

Relates the experience of Rover to models of a learning company.Examines the work of the Rover Learning Business which allows employeesto receive support for development…


Polarity Management

Barry Johnson

Describes a workshop recently conducted by the author, at whichmanagers were introduced to polarity management. Outlines a model and aset of principles which can be useful to…


Green Audit: The Path to Global Survival

Gerald Vinten

The reconvening of the United Nations Conference on Environment andDevelopment (The “Earth Summit”) from 3 to 4 June 1992 inRio de Janeiro, preceded by a meeting of the…


What Makes a Good Leader? The Role of Communication

Nelda Spinks, Barron Wells

A set of five competences characterizing successful leaders wasidentified through research by Warren Bennis in the 1980s. Reports asurvey asking college of business students and…


Management Development: British Style

Mary Cianni

Presents an American view of how British corporations have renewedtheir efforts to improve the development of managers. Examinesmanagement development practices at five…


The Identification of Management Potential

Keith V. Coaley, R.K. Knightley, David Beard

Describes programmes of development centres for both sales staffand sales managers within a large organization, which enabled theidentification of high potential, based on…


Doctors in Management: Two into One Won’t Go – Or Will It? Part I

Rosemary Harrison, Susan Miller

Describes a three‐year collaborative initiative between NorthernRegional Health Authority and Durham University Business School whichseeks to help 24 clinical directors, already…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

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Emerald Publishing Limited