International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 22 Issue 6

Table of contents - Special Issue: Changing education governance and management in Asia

Guest Editors: Professor Ka Ho Mok, Dr Pak Tee Ng

Changing education governance and management in Asia

Ka Ho Mok

The article aims to offer an introduction to the special issue on changing education governance in Asia.


Privatization and the rise of direct subsidy scheme schools and independent schools in Hong Kong and Singapore

David Chan, Jason Tan

This paper aims to trace the evolution of two initiatives – the direct subsidy scheme and independent schools initiative – their genesis, rationale, current form and take‐up rate…


A comparative study of Singapore's school excellence model with Hong Kong's school‐based management

Pak Tee Ng, David Chan

This paper aims to examine and compare the school excellence model (SEM) approach adopted by Singapore and the school‐based management (SBM) approach adopted by Hong Kong. It…


Reforming school governance in Taiwan and South Korea: Empowerment and autonomization in school‐based management

William Yat Wai Lo, Ja Oek Gu

The article aims to use the globalization theory and the implications of democratization for social policy to analyze the school governance reforms in Taiwan and South Korea.


Singapore's global education hub ambitions: University governance change and transnational higher education

Ka Ho Mok

The principal goal of the article is to examine how Singapore, one of the East Asian tiger economies, has attempted to diversify its higher education system by developing…


Massification, bureaucratization and questing for “world‐class” status: Higher education in China since the mid‐1990s

Kinglun Ngok

This article aims to review the latest developments of the higher education sector in China since the mid‐1990s by focusing on the expansion of university education.


International trends and private higher education in India

Asha Gupta

This paper seeks to conduct an in‐depth study of international trends in private higher education and focus on the Indian scenario


Education policy rhetoric and reality gap: a reflection

Ng Pak Tee

This paper aims to discuss why there is often a gulf of difference between policy rhetoric and reality. In particular, the paper seeks to explore issues with the policy rhetoric…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen