Kybernetes: Volume 29 Issue 9/10


The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
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Table of contents

To the role of decomposition strategy in high parallel algorithms

Ivan Hanuliak

Describes the important role of decomposition strategy in parallel computing, and its influence is illustrated with the example of a very frequently used parallel algorithm for…


About the mathematical expression of the observation operators

Eufrosina Otlacan

The paper accepts the “functional paradigm” in the formative process of the image of an object. It holds that the used formulae must be mathematically demonstrated. As for many…


Models of reality and reality of models

G.G. Constandache

The activity of scholars presupposes models of the universe, i.e. structures, which can be used to simulate and anticipate the evolution of phenomena. Such models are usually…


Computer‐mediated communication use by the deaf and hard‐of‐hearing

J.M. Bishop, L. Taylor, F. Froy

Discusses the potential of computer‐mediated communication to reduce the social isolation experienced by many deaf and hard‐of‐hearing individuals. Communication presents…


Adaptive dynamic input‐output analysis using neural networks: Japanese industrial structure

Yukio Ito

Considers an application of adaptive control policy to dynamic input‐output systems of Japanese large‐scale industrial (primary, secondary and tertiary) sectors by neural…


Digital setting for instruction: Didactic communicative technology

Aldo Nigro

Considers learning as the passage of information from one code to another; from the biological ones (DNA/PROTEIN/PATTERN) to the psychic (LANGUAGE). Believes that the circulation…


Identification of biological signal sources for circadian and cardiac cycle rhythms using BP neural networks

Y. Cisse, Y. Kinouch, H. Nagashino, M. Akutagawa

Biological oscillatory activity in neural networks has been intensively studied over the past years. Neuronal oscillations are the basis of many different behavioral patterns and…


Requisite holism, isolating mechanisms and entrepreneurship

Miroslav Rebernik, Matjaz Mulej

Holism is a familiar concept, but it lacks a coherent definition in either theory or practice. This impedes common understanding and realistic observation and action. At the heart…


Brain organization and information activity

O.G. Chorayan, G.O. Chorayan

Some ideas about the structural and functional nature of organization and self‐organization processes and their evolutionary dynamics are considered from the standpoint of…


Homeostatics: science of the twenty‐first century

Yu. M. Gorsky, A.M. Stepanov, A.G. Teslinov

Homeostatics is a new science, which, it is considered, advances at a rate which may supersede cybernetics. It reveals the informational laws that govern the living matter and…


Homeostatics as the basis for forecasting the global ecological catastrophe

Yu. M. Gorsky, A.M. Stepanov, A.G. Teslinov, O.V. Kudrevatova, S.V. Pokrovsky

Describes how homeostatic models can be applied to modelling the normal processes, as well as the critical phenomena, such as paralysis, shock or collapse, which work in the…


Constructions in swarms: From simple rules to complex structures

Andrew Adamatzky, Chris Melhuish

Natural collective phenomena, for example, the movement of crowds of pedestrians and the impressive nest formations of social insects, provide us with an existence proof that…


Sustainable development as a challenge for environmental cybernetics

Cestmir Halbich

Deals with the not commonly used terms environmental cybernetics and more sophisticated technologies (MST) in connection with a frequent term sustainable development. In the…


Organisations, complexity, and viable knowledge management

Maurice Yolles

Organisations experience complex situations that affect their ability to survive in the longer term. Complex situations are full of uncertainty and lack of knowledge and clarity…


Uncertainty information and uncertainty systems

Wang Qing Yin, Ren Biao, Wang FengLi

We introduce the concepts of information, uncertainty information, systems and uncertainty systems, analyze the intension of these concepts, and point out the differences and…


Continuous logic – I. Basic concepts

V.I. Levin

A general description of a continuous (‐valued) logic is given, basic operations of the logic are defined, and some problems and particulars of their solutions are discussed…


Continuous logic – II. Main generalizations

V.I. Levin

Outlines the basic results in the generalization of continuous‐valued logic. The survey is based on Russian publications. We consider an order logic, which is a generalization of…


On the effects of random time in dynamical systems

Guy Jumarie

Analyzes the effects of internal random time in some dynamical systems. Assumes that this relative time is equal to the absolute time disturbed by an additive random term in the…


Optimisation of two variables function with linear inequalities constraints – Contraction of the feasible region

Hamadi Ammar, Yves Cherruault

Shows how a hi‐dimensional optimisation problem with linear inequalities constraints is converted into a global optimisation problem of one bounded variable function f*. Then, we…


Monte Carlo tests of cointegration with structural breaks

Ralf Östermark, Rune Höglund

The power and size of five cointegration tests, the ADF‐, Zˆα‐, ECM‐, SW‐, and JJ‐statistics, are evaluated in some large‐scale Monte Carlo simulations, when the underlying system…


Convergence of Adomian’s method applied to algebraic equations

R.Z. Ouedraogo, Y. Cherruault, K. Abbaoui

Considers the convergence of Adomian’s method applied to algebraic equations. Presents directly some conditions of convergence which only depend on the equations’ coefficients and…


Adaptation of linguistic laws to ecological models

P. Sastre‐Vazquez, J.L. Usó‐Domènech, J. Mateu

It is known that a mathematical ecological model and, in general, a particular methodology of modelling, can be considered a literary text written in a formal mathematical…

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