Logic and Philosophy: The Snapshots. Special issue of Multiple-Valued Logic – An International Journal. Vol. 5, March 2000


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 December 2000



Andrew, A.M. (2000), "Logic and Philosophy: The Snapshots. Special issue of Multiple-Valued Logic – An International Journal. Vol. 5, March 2000", Kybernetes, Vol. 29 No. 9/10. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.2000.06729iae.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Logic and Philosophy: The Snapshots. Special issue of Multiple-Valued Logic – An International Journal. Vol. 5, March 2000

A. Adamatzky, B. Kulik and B. Fedorov (Eds) Gordon and Breach Science PublishersUSAISSN 10236627

Keywords: Publication, Logic, Philosophy, Conferences

The special issue of this international journal, edited by Adamatzky, Kulik and Fedorov, presented peer reviewed papers selected from the conference Modern Logic: Problems of Theory, History and Perspectives, held in Russia in 1998. Editors of the issue hope that the papers included in the text will form a series of snapshots, which allow the reader to reconstruct an integral picture of what is happening at the edge between logic and philosophy. The paper by Ivlev gives an insight into the concept of logical modalities and situation of propositions with several truth-values. Bezhanishvili gives an extension of a predicate calculus via construction of a tabular calculus for epistemic partially interpreted modal logic. Pavlov designs an impressive logic of falsehood; the logic itself has four truth-values and nine types of a negation. Karpenko proposes four new matrices of three-valued paraconsistent logic. Vasyukov proposes axiomatization of infinite-valued temporal logic with the operator of future time, allowing for future flux. A philosophical context of several non-monotonic extensions of logic, e.g. default logic and autoepistemic logic, is discussed by Chernoskutoff. Background information about the journal can be found at http://www.gbhap. com/Multiple-Valued_Logic/

Alex M. Andrew

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