Homeostatics as the basis for forecasting the global ecological catastrophe
Describes how homeostatic models can be applied to modelling the normal processes, as well as the critical phenomena, such as paralysis, shock or collapse, which work in the polarised world. Discusses the development of civilisation against a background of the fight for resources, territories, spheres of influence, as well as the war between the technologies, behind which are the people. This produces an ultimately bad effect upon the ecology. Thus, unless the human race does not think better of it and changes the prevailing paradigm in relation to the nature and to the people themselves, a bitter pay‐off – the global ecological catastrophe – is due. Outlines a created simulating model of the community, which shows that a global ecological catastrophe is likely to occur between 2020 and 2050. This time frame represents a zone of bifurcation, which, it is said, may result in either the death of civilisation, or an excruciating process of rebirth, which would also involve a transition to the new information technologies (based on the principles of the plasma, vacuum, or torsion fields, and so forth). In order to avert the global ecological catastrophe, suggests that it is necessary to accept the noospheric thinking code and, among other changes the organisational structure of the United Nations Organization (UNO), and the relationships between countries.
Gorsky, Y.M., Stepanov, A.M., Teslinov, A.G., Kudrevatova, O.V. and Pokrovsky, S.V. (2000), "Homeostatics as the basis for forecasting the global ecological catastrophe", Kybernetes, Vol. 29 No. 9/10, pp. 1166-1183. https://doi.org/10.1108/03684920010342215
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