Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 19 Issue 9
Table of contents
Enhancing the competitive advantage of transcultural businesses
Stephen Gatley, Ronnie LessemDescribes the results of a two‐year research programme, part ofwhich has been carried out in partnership with the management teams ofmajor companies with international activities…
New ventures and entrepreneurship in an Eastern European context: : a training and development programme for managers in state‐owned firms
Edwin G. Nelson, John TaylorAs part of the Romanian Government′s plan to create a marketeconomy, state firms are required to restructure by disaggregating,commercializing and privatizing their operations…
Crew resource management for teams in the offshore oil industry
Rhona H. FlinThe international aviation industry uses a special form of humanfactors training with their flight deck crews and other teams, calledcrew resource management (CRM). CRM is…
Eliminating inequality: women‐only training, part 2
Kevin Brew, Thomas N. GaravanDescribes the new opportunities programme at An Post, the Irishpostal service. Follows on from Part 1 in which the literature onwomen‐only training was considered. Focuses on the…