Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 14 Issue 6
Table of contents
1992 and Harmonisation: Cases and Implications from Canada and the USA
Phillip C. WrightAs Europe approaches 1992, there is little evidence thatpara‐professionals are preparing to harmonise certification programmesin readiness for changing trans‐border work patterns…
The KAI as a Survey‐feedback Instrument
Tudor RickardsThe Kirton Adaption‐Innovation Inventory was introduced as asurvey‐feedback instrument during a team development workshop. Theinstrument proved easy to apply and interpret…
Developing Management Meta‐competence: Can Distance Learning Help?
Stephen LinsteadThe demand for management training and development is currentlyshaped by a requirement for flexibility in delivery, minimising timespent away from the workplace, and an associated…
International Management Development in the 1990s
Laurence Handy, Kevin BarhamSome firms are shifting towards a transnational approach tointernational business. Their success will depend on the firm′s abilityto foster “networks of opportunity” in the…