Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 11 Issue 6
Table of contents
Auditing Training
Peter Bramley, Heather HullahThe article by Buckley and Caple which described the concept of the Training Audit seemed to us to be both interesting and stimulating. So much so that we used it as a discussion…
Training for Public Managers: The Alabama Certified Public Manager Program
Ronald R. Sims, John G. Veres, Toni S. Locklear, Raymond B. WellsOf all the human resource functions which occupy personnel specialists' attention, organisations probably spend the most time on training and development. Virtually all employees…
Chairmanship at Negotiations in Organisations — A Model to Facilitate Decision Making
Willem F.G. MastenbroekWhen subordinates start negotiating among themselves, managers may find themselves in an awkward position. As a senior executive, a department head, a division manager or as the…
Management Learning Contracts:: From Theory to Practice, Part II — Practice
George Boak, Mac StephensonIn Part 1, we described the basis for the development of the Management Learning Contract at the Northern Regional Management Centre at Washington, Tyne and Wear. The contract…
Changing a Bureaucracy into an Open Organisation
Margaret BlanksbyThe controlling Labour Party in Sheffield changed leadership in the early 1980s and introduced policies aimed at “working jointly with council employees and those who use council…
Educating Australian Engineering Support Personnel
Adrian R. HaasThis article seeks to review the provision of vocational education available to para‐professional‐level engineering personnel in Australia. This stratum of personnel corresponds…