Chairmanship at Negotiations in Organisations — A Model to Facilitate Decision Making
When subordinates start negotiating among themselves, managers may find themselves in an awkward position. As a senior executive, a department head, a division manager or as the president of a company — at all levels in organisations, managers sometimes find themselves presiding over negotiations. These meetings normally do not have the explicit label of negotiations. Participants are together to take decisions about budgets, office space, computer‐time, responsibilities or the allocation of personnel. These, on first sight, widely differing decision areas have in common that they deal with scarce resources. Claims often exceed what is available.
Mastenbroek, W.F.G. (1987), "Chairmanship at Negotiations in Organisations — A Model to Facilitate Decision Making", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 11 No. 6, pp. 14-16.
Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited