New Library World: Volume 95 Issue 5
Table of contents
The Internet: International Information Highway
Tony AddymanThe Internet has had an impact on the lives of millions of people. Manycould not work effectively without it. Over the past two or three yearsa variety of new and exciting…
The Aldham Robarts Learning Resources Centre
Don RevillA new building designed to accommodate converged library and computerservices into the twenty‐first century, the Aldham Robarts LearningResources Centre of Liverpool John Moores…
The Creation of Market Niches through Information in a Changing South Africa
A.P.N. ThapisaShows that successful businesses today are market‐led rather thanproduction‐driven with attention being paid to quantity, quality andregularity of supply. Suggests successful…
Electronic Documents and Authorships: Who Did It?
Haakon LundToday′s increasing use of electronic documents raises the question: willit be necessary to change the core concepts of author and work withinthe tradition of Anglo‐American…