New Library World: Volume 104 Issue 6
Table of contents
The complete librarian – an outdated species? LIS between profession and discipline
Ragnar Audunson, Ragnar Nordlie, Inger Cathrine SpangenCompares and analyses two approaches to structuring library and information science (LIS) education and research, the discipline oriented, and the approach which is denoted “the…
Concepts, reality and suggestions about Greek library management education
Stella Korobili‐Xantinidou, Mersini Moreleli‐Cacouris, Irene TilikidouThe rapid changes in the Greek Library scene in the last decade and the need for librarians to work in a more complex and demanding environment create responsibilities for library…
Cross‐country partnerships in international library and information science education
Leif KajbergMajor collaborative schemes and initiatives in library and information science (LIS) education are outlined. It is observed that networking and mobility efforts in European LIS…
Fragmentation of the LIS curriculum: the case of Croatia
Aleksandra HorvatAn overview of the Library and Information Science (LIS) education in Croatia is provided. It is argued that the changes brought about by the new information and communication…