Retail and Distribution Management: Volume 11 Issue 2

Table of contents

The impact on retailing

With proposals being made in this country for the development of cable TV, perceptive retailers will not have failed to see the opportunities it opens up to them. In America…


Buying for profit

RA Forrester

One of the vital roles of retail buyers is an ability to strike good deals for their companies — haggling over that precious 1% which could mean a profit increase of 20%. The…


Analysing corporate mission: Improving retail strategy

Nigel Piercy

In recent years a great deal of attention has been devoted to improving strategic planning in business, to identify the long‐term future direction for a company. At the centre of…


Mail order inventory control

Alan Waddington, Leslie Chadwick

While the share of all retail sales taken by the mail order sector has increased from 4.7% in 1976 to 6.4% in 1982, such companies face special problems when it comes to inventory…


Retail designers in the '80s

Sue Sharples

Retail analysts Tony MacNeary and John Richards of stockbrokers Capel Cure Myers are engaged in a study focussed on retail designers, but it inevitably took them beyond this…


What if your computer breaks down?

John C Vann

We've all of us suffered from the so‐called computer error — the ever‐repeating bill flopping through the letterbox, or the more serious print‐out failure holding up a giro…



The Northfleet Group of Gravesend, Kent — UK market leaders in retail display systems — has appointed Gary B. Pettit to head the company's projects division as major accounts…


On record

EPOS for Victoria Wine What is claimed to be something of a watershed for the EPOS market is a project which, in the next three years, will provide all Victoria Wine's 900 plus…


Management information: EQUIPMENT REVIEW

Bar Coding Until recently cheese, fruit and meat have had to be bar‐coded semi‐manually at the point of weighing. Teleprinter Equipment Limited have now produced what they claim…



Montague Lewis

This report, one of a set of six in the retail strategy analysis series, concentrates an up‐to‐date survey on all the groups controlling supermarkets in the United Kingdom. It is…


Linking purchase ordering and warehouse management: Computer software packages point the way

In spite of an improved retail climate, multiple retailers are still confronted with low sales growth, small margins and continued competition. Many of them are solving these…




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