Journal of Management Development: Volume 11 Issue 7


Table of contents

Nine Management Development Challenges for the 1990s

Robert M. Fulmer

Identifies and discusses nine issues the author believes willdominate management development programmes in the immediate future:learning (including “maintenance learning”…

How Managers Can Think Strategically about Their Jobs

Rosemary Stewart, Nanette Fondas

In today′s rapidly changing and high‐pressured environment,managers need to learn to think more strategically about what theyshould be doing in their jobs. Shows how managers can…

The Rankings of International Business Programmes in China

Wai‐sum Siu

Reports how Chinese international business educators perceive therelative quality of Chinese foreign trade programmes. The rankings andevaluative criteria adopted indicate that…

The Strategic Design of Cross‐cultural Training Programmes

Laubie Chi‐sum Li

Suggests that the lack of attention given to pre‐departure formanagers selected for overseas assignments is due to the isolation ofhuman resource management (HRM) functions from…


Perspectives on Management Development in New Zealand Companies

Robert T. Hamilton, Stephen R. Dakin, Ronald P. Loney

Survey evidence is used to identify the perceptions of managementdevelopment held by operating managers and corporate human resourcemanagers in New Zealand companies. The results…

A Simulation for Teaching Skills Relating to Organizational Self‐renewal

Marjorie A. Lyles, Janet P. Near, Cathy A. Enz

Describes a simulation that provides an alternative method forteaching managers about the organizational renewal process and about theskills which are necessary to effect change…

Management Development in the Global Village: Beyond Culture – a Microworld Approach

Mary McBride

Examines the global organization and its particular managementdevelopment needs. It proposes that implicit in the idea of globalstategy is a model of management based on…

Preparing Managers for Foreign Assignment: The Expatriate Profile Program

Roger L.M. Dunbar, Allan Bird

Managers often have little knowledge concerning the cross‐culturaland organizational changes they can expect to encounter when they aresent abroad. Describes a personal computer…

OrgSim: Using an Organization Simulation to Create a ″Live″ Case

Kenneth L. Murrell, Dallas Blanchard

Presents a powerful experiential training tool in the teaching oforganizational dynamics. A participant′s and a co‐ordinator′s manualhave been developed to guide the training…

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson