Assembly Automation: Volume 18 Issue 1


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

Using total cycle time for quick response manufacturing

Lee Grubb

Thomas Group Inc., with offices in Irving, Texas, Detroit, Michigan, Singapore and Frankfurt, Germany, has more than 20 years’ experience of vastly improving client business…


Washing machine assembly benefits from Eureka project

Anna Kochan

Reviews the Eureka Alasca project. Outlines the pilot assembly cell developed for Zanussi’s washing machine plant. Describes the need for an operator‐friendly man‐machine…


IMS update ‐ progress to date and future projects

Yoshihiro Kusuda

Describes the history, current activities and ongoing projects of the IMS. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems is an international collaboration programme for research and…


A shorter product development time with digital mock‐up

Brian Rooks

Digital prototyping is becoming a major tool in the fight to shorten product lead times. A further development is digital mock‐up that allows designers to investigate the…


Kansas City ‐ flexible manufacturing system

James P. Dycus

The Kansas City Division of Allied Signal Aerospace operates a flexible manufacturing system which is described. Its components ‐ machining centres, co‐ordinate measuring…


Twin‐arm manipulator system for the assembly of large products

Farid Dailami, Alan Redford

The continuous need for agility coupled with increasing labour costs and improvements in reliability and capability of automation has meant a renewed interest in the application…


Some aspects of real‐time production control in distributed flexible assembly systems

Paul G. Ranky

Owing to the advance of communications and automation technologies it is now common, that a product is designed in one part of the world, manufactured often in another continent…


Integral attachment using snap‐fit features: a key to assembly automation. Part 5 ‐ a procedure to constrain parts fully and generate alternative attachment concepts

Suat Genc, Robert W. Messler, Gary A. Gabriele

This fifth part of a comprehensive six‐part series of articles presents a systematic procedure for formalising the generation of alternative concepts for a particular design…








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao