Employee Relations: Volume 12 Issue 4


The International Journal

Table of contents

Job Evaluation: Trade Union and Staff Association Representatives′ Perspectives

Abby Ghobadian

Employee representatives′ perceptions of jobevaluation are explored and the impact of jobevaluation on the collective bargaining procedure,pay differentials, motivation and…

Repeal of the National Dock Labour Scheme: Britain′s Ports in an Era of Industrial Relations Change

Nicholas Finney

Based on a talk first given to the ManchesterIndustrial Relations Society, the process of changeis charted – especially in recent times – inBritain′s ports. In particular, a…

Smoking Policies: The Legal Implications

Richard W. Painter

Recent research has suggested that thoseexposed to passive smoking may incur anincreased risk of contracting lung cancer. In thelight of such findings, many employers have…

Stress and Trade Union Officers: Towards an Agenda for Research

Douglas Miller

Little consideration has been given to the questionof stress among trade union officers. Someexplanations for this are offered and, on the basisof pilot research carried out in…

Behavioural Analysis of Grievances: Episodes, Actions and Outcomes

René Bouwen, Paul F. Salipante

By focusing on grievants′ formulation of theirgrievances, behavioural analysis can further ourunderstanding of grievants′ actions and theirassessment of grievance outcomes…

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  • Prof Dennis Nickson