Planning Review: Volume 8 Issue 2

Table of contents

Motivating line management using the planning process

Steven R. Palesy

The conclusions reached in this article are based on systematic observations of 11 organizations over a three‐year period. Examples have been selected from these observations and…


The debate over productivity: Tilting at Windmills?

John Thackray

Hyped by the Administration, the problem of productivity has lately hit the headlines. Like the Nixon and Ford governments, Carter and his entourage of economic experts have taken…


Planning for change in the organizational structure

Leon Reinharth, H. Jack Shapiro, Ernest A. Kallman

This article is based on a chapter from the forthcoming Van Nostrand Reinhold/NASCP book by the authors titled The Practice of Planning: Strategic, Administrative, Operational.


Bureaucrat to businessman

Robert M. Abramson, Joseph J. Voci

Developing managers for government‐owned enterprise in less developed countries means creating entrepreneurs who can double as public officials.




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited