Planning Review: Volume 24 Issue 1

Table of contents

The Chief Performance Officer

Darrell Rigby

Lou Holtz, one of football's most successful coaches, offered a brilliant description of his employment contract: “I have a lifetime contract. That means I can't be fired during…


The Chief Executive as Change Agent

Robert M. Grant, Renato Cibin

The major oil companies of 1995 are very different in strategy, structure, and management systems from the “Seven Sisters” that dominated the oil industry during the 1960s and…


Strategy & management at Amoco Pipeline Company

David L. Lemmon, Stewart Early

Declining U.S. production volumes, increasing competition on many corridors, and refinery rationalization in the 1980s combined to put profit pressure on nearly all interior…


A portfolio of strategic leaders

William E. Rothschild

What is the relationship between a leader's personal characterisitics and the life‐cycle stage of a business? How does a company's strategic competitive advantage influence the…


Leadership, management, administration, and societal change

Ruben F.W. Nelson

Whatever else we do, we fill our work lives with concepts: administration, management, leadership, strategic leadership, strategy, planning, master planning, corporate planning…


Communication: A key factor in strategy implementation

Joseph N. Miniace, Elizabeth Falter

How does a major academic medical center interpret for its employees the organization's evolving position on managed care? How can top‐down and bottom‐up communication be combined…


An analysis of competitive forces

Robert M. Fulmer, Albert A. Vicere

If this is the “Age of the Learning Organization,” surely creating leaders who can build learning‐oriented competitive advantage should be a big business. Nohria and Berkley of…


The World Wide Web

Sam Felton

This article is the first to appear in our new The Net@Work column that will become a regular feature in future issues. Sam Felton uses the Web to search for new ideas and sources…


Tips for aspiring reengineers

Mark M. Klein

This article is the first to appear in our new Tips on Tools column that will become a regular feature in future issues. The author draws on his extensive experience in enabling…


Delivering I/T value in three easy steps

Janet M. Pumo

This article is the first to appear in our new Technology Update column that will become a regular feature in future issues. The information is based on an ongoing benchmarking…


Build leadership talent from within

Kenneth Kaye

Leadership development is often the least systematic aspect of an organization's strategy development, although it is arguably the most important. Leadership succession isn't…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited