Planning Review: Volume 8 Issue 1

Table of contents

Strategic management the Monsanto way

Ralph L. Neubert

It has become increasingly obvious that few companies can continue to provide goods and services in the same way as in the past, and remain economically viable. New government…


Ten not‐so‐easy steps to selling planning in your company

Charles H. Granger

There is no one generally workable way of selling top or middle management on planning, but there are a number of recognizable elements to the process of “selling” planning. These…


Keeping a weather eye on the future

Harold Edrich

A major manufacturer finds that sophisticated corporate planning methods, combined with extensive use of consultants, still do not provide sufficient lead time to anticipate…


Forecasting for everyone: An examination of the true powers of the mind

David Loye

What does the future have in store for our organization and for us? Will it be good, bad, indifferent? Will we plan effectively, make the right managerial decisions and live…


Profile of a corporate planner

Gary Knisely, Stuart M. Matlins

This article is based on a survey of chief corporate planners conducted in early 1979. The survey was conceived and sponsored by Johnson, Smith & Knisely, Inc., executive search…


War games for the board room

Rene Zentner

A scenario is “a synopsis of a dramatic plot of a drama dealing with certain aspects of the future. The plot is based on a current condition and depicts potential actions and…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited