Planning Review: Volume 22 Issue 4
Table of contents
Making reengineering strategic
Tim R. Furey, Stephen G. DiorioMany managers wrongly think of business process reengineering only in terms of automating paperwork to cut costs and headcount. But the methodology can also be used to create sets…
New process/financial scorecard: A strategic performance measurement system
Strategic Measurement Systems (SMS) collect and analyze the performance information needed to manage processes and competencies that produce significant competitive advantage. An…
DHC: The chemical division's balanced scorecard
Mike Vitale, Sarah C. Mavrinac, Mark HauserThis case is real. To preserve client/consultant confidentiality, the industry has been changed and the firm disguised.
Scenarios designed to improve decision making
Norman E. Duncan, Pierre WackScenarios that offer peeks at the future are intriguing, but critics complain that often they aren't much help in sorting out current decisions. The authors offer an alternative…
Four scenarios of State Government services and regulation in the year 2010
Thomas W. Bonnett, Robert L. OlsonImagine that someone working for your company in the year 2010 sent you a postcard that arrived in 1994. Instead of technology news or stock tips, the message described changes in…
How to avoid misusing electronic meeting support
Michael C. KettelhutGroup problem solving drives many initiatives that support innovative strategic management. Tools or methodologies that improve group processes—such as Group Decision Support…