Planning Review: Volume 18 Issue 5

Table of contents

Using alliances to build market power

Jordan D. Lewis

Forming valuable alliances with suppliers, distributors, and competitors requires some daring counterintuitive tactics. The next bold step is to set up cooperative…


Inland Steel's joint venture: From competitive gap to competitive advantage

Robert J. Darnall

Inland Steel's CEO committed the firm to on investment in a high‐tech joint venture with the Japanese in order to be competitive in the 1990s.


Corning cultivates joint ventures that endure

James R. Houghton

Corning's CEO shares lessons the company has learned while managing over 40 joint ventures—with only a handful of failures—in the last 60 years.


The US West/Carnegie Group Strategic Alliance

Dennis Yablonsky

A big telephone company needs innovative software to increase productivity; a little high‐tech firm needs entree to top corporate markets. Their alliance has hot prospects.


A venture capitalist's advice for successful strategic alliances

Jay E. Paap

Do's and Don'ts for managing strategic alliances—cooperative agreements that don't create a new corporate entity.


The coyote and the bear form a strategic alliance

Robert M. Randall

A very long time ago, a naive young coyote and a sardonic old bear shared the same river valley. The bear proposed that they farm the land together instead of battling over whose…


Flaws in Porter's competitive diamond?

The Competitive Advantage of Nations is an impressive piece of historical research. Michael Porter meticulously documents a series of studies intended to answer the question, “Why…


More highlights of the planning forum's international conference

Bernard C. Reimann

The 1990 International Conference of The Planning Forum held in Washington, D. C. set a new attendance record. Some 1300 senior executives exchanged war stories, business…


Baldrige criteria become national quality standard

Eberhard E. Scheuing

As world competition becomes both the U.S.'s best hope and worst fear in this new decade, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award process has suddenly rallied battered U.S…




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1975 – 1996

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