Planning Review: Volume 13 Issue 4

Table of contents

T. Boone Pickens Wildcats on Wall Street

Robert J. Allio, Robert M. Randall

Planning Review interviewed T. Boone Pickens in Westchester shortly before he spoke at Business Week's “Conference on the Future” in April. Mr. Pickens is a charming propagandist…


R.J. Reynolds' growth plan: Where there's smoke there's opportunity

J. Tylee Wilson

Planning was not always a major consideration at R. J. Reynolds. Ten years ago RJR, like most companies, had very little formal planning. However, since we first opened our doors…


Putting a new face on Avon

Hicks Waldron

“Planning a Turnaround at Avon” was the case study in the January issue of Planning Review. John Thackray's article analyzed Avon's new plan for Beauty Products, its largest…


IC Industries likes to keep planning simple

J. Robert Copper

IC Industries is a Chicago holding company made up of seven wholly owned subsidiaries:


Market segmentation: A classic solution for an industrial products company

Prakash S. Kharabe, V.M. Sardessai

ECOM, Inc., is our fictitious name for the industrial products division of a real Fortune 500 corporation. Over the past ten years the company, and indeed the whole industry, has…


Super Tech

Bohdan O. Szuprowicz

Bohdan O. Szuprowicz directs an international investment and market research organization specializing in high technology industries and strategic trade. Founded in 1971, the…


The Elephant King

Leo Tolstoy

The jackals were hungry and had nothing to eat. One old jackal conceived a plan for getting food. He went to the elephant and said: “We once had a king, but he became spoiled and…




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1975 – 1996

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