Management Decision: Volume 31 Issue 7

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Table of contents

Pricing Decision in Small Firms: Theory and Practice

Dianne Cunningham, Win Hornby

Aims to study the pricing decisions of small firms. Conventionalwisdom argues that small firms tend to use relatively unsophisticatedmethods of pricing; however, indicates that…


Managing Organizational Networks: Defining the Core

Emily Boyle

Organizational networks have become increasingly common in businessin recent years. These networks are managed by a “coreorganization”. However, little is known about the reasons…


Problem Solving in Manufacturing

Samuel K.M. Ho

A problem is usually a result of “changes”. However,not all changes are the cause of problems. The search for the cause of aproblem narrows down to the search for that change…


More Effective Decisions through Synergy of Objective and Subjective Approaches

Harald S. Harung

The chairman of a major Japanese corporation recently visited theNew York Stock Exchange and asked one of the US brokers what histime‐perspective was when making decisions. The…


Managed Outsourcing: A Strategy for a Competitive Company in the 1990s

Dernizo Pagnoncelli

The profile of a competitive company in the 1990s can be defined intwo words: focus and flexibility. Companies should concentrate on whatthey know best, have reduced structures…


Computer Security in Large Corporations: Attitudes and Practices of CEOs

Phillip C. Wright

Reports a study which investigated the attitudes, knowledge andpractices of CEOs in the computer security area. It was found that arelationship exists between CEO review of…


Decision Making in Health Service Managers

John Ormrod

The literature on managerial decision making has typically espousedrationality. It contends that managers follow, or should aspire tofollow, a rational approach to decision…


Productivity Plus

John L. Escover

Blends the teachings of a university faculty member with theoperation of a large company manager into a robust system for increasingproductivity. This 1992 study focuses on a…


Don’t Shoot the Pianist

Dermot O’S. Hoare

Many management experts explain leadership as a function of goodmanagement – an unvalidated theory which, perhaps, accounts forsome recent poor corporate performance. While…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)