Table of contents
Education for Library and Information Studies at Manchester Polytechnic 1979‐1990
J.E. Rowley, D. Kaye, J.F. Farrow, K.A. WhittakerDevelopments in education for library and information studies atManchester Polytechnic over the last eleven years are reviewed. Outsideinfluences have included the impact of…
Information Management: Overview and Beginners Please
Tony OultonThe field of information management is defined for the non‐expert.The origins of information management are outlined, including the Paperwork Reduction Act. The factors which have…
Customer Care: A Brief Overview
Beryl MorrisThis article gives a brief overview of what customer care is andwhy it matters in libraries and information units. There is a discussionof the origins of customer care as well as…
Equal Opportunities
Gillian A Burrington, Margaret Kendall, Christine TalbotThe history and significance of equal opportunities are outlinedand the development of initiatives within the library profession inGreat Britain is examined. Two relevant research…
Thomas Hardy 1840/1990: A Brief Review
Stuart JamesThe 150th anniversary of Thomas Hardy′s birth is briefly noted and anumber of recent publications on the author and his work are noted in thecontext of his corpus of critical…
Team Librarianship: The Case for the Branch Librarian
Shelagh FisherExisting literature on team librarianship is surveyed and found tobe sparse, fragmented and limited in scope. The argument that teamlibrarianship offers many benefits to the…
Subject Searching on British OPACs: Problems and Progress
Frances Slack, Anthony J. WoodThe increase in subject access provision on British OPACs over thelast decade is described: end‐users may carry out subject searches usingsuch facilities as keyword access or…
Unobtrusive Testing of Reference Enquiry Work
Kenneth WhittakerA survey is presented of the use of unobtrusive testing techniquesto measure reference enquiry answering performance, emphasising researchcarried out in Britain. British studies…