Education for Library and Information Studies at Manchester Polytechnic 1979‐1990
Developments in education for library and information studies at Manchester Polytechnic over the last eleven years are reviewed. Outside influences have included the impact of information technology, a growing awareness of the need to provide wider access to courses and the need to prepare new graduates for both the traditional library and information profession and posts in information management. Resources have been enhanced to support these developments. The Learning Resources Unit and Information Technology Unit came into being about ten years ago and have been developed so that they now represent an unrivalled facility. Developments in the department′s main courses are also reviewed.
Rowley, J.E., Kaye, D., Farrow, J.F. and Whittaker, K.A. (1990), "Education for Library and Information Studies at Manchester Polytechnic 1979‐1990", Library Review, Vol. 39 No. 6.
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