Industrial Management: Volume 76 Issue 4
Table of contents
In Brief
Shortly after the BBC Panorama report on that monumental example of State overspending — the new vehicle licensing centre at Swansea — one prominent union leader was heard to…
Business sponsorship is moving from sport to the arts, as companies recognise that there are equal publicity benefits at less cost. Dave Grayston looks at the growth of this…
Systematic job changes give the potential manager the necessary breadth of experience for his future role, says Hawdon Hague. It's a policy which is practised in the Armed…
With wage restraint playing a key part in Britain's fight against inflation, the outcome of tripartite pay talks — due to take place in the summer — is attracting mounting…
Workers' planning — the key to more profit?
Hambleden Press — a division of WH Smith — is using a planning and policy‐making technique which relies on the full participation of staff, without the necessity for worker…
All good friends and…jolly good company
“A company song”, says management author Antony Jay in a recently published book, “can draw out collective emotion and express solidarity in a way that nothing else can…” John…
From Patternmaker…to Cab driver
We reveal some of the findings of a national survey — to be published soon by NEDO — into skilled job losses in the engineering industry. They make disturbing reading at a time…
Dear Chancellor…
…We appreciate that in the run‐up to the Budget you've been inundated with “representations” from the nation's business pressure groups. But we nevertheless hope that before you…
What you need to know about ‘Job Courts’
The speedy settlement of work grievances by an Industrial Tribunal can save the employer money. But for the dismissed worker, it's wise to delay an application, says Greville…