Industrial Management: Volume 75 Issue 10
Table of contents
The case for import controls
IF there was one action designed to gratify the emotions of free traders it was British Leyland's “Superdeal” announcement. With other UK‐based car manufacturers swiftly following…
Squeezing past the freeze
With rigorously enforced pay restraint, punitive taxation and inflation, even the shrewdest investment policy can only hope to minimise the erosion of your capital rather than…
Managing the legislative flood
The present wave of new and impending labour laws poses major problems for ill‐prepared managers. Here, David Wainwright — a management consultant with Binder Hamlyn Fry �…
Improving efficiency one way …
Peter SmithThe manager's brief is invariably the same: find a way of cutting costs without impairing performance. But how does he go about it? Two methods described here are designed to meet…
INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: It's a buyer's market
Nowhere is the country's investment slump more starkly reflected than in the industrial property market where millions of square feet are virtually going begging. Prospects hinge…
The middle‐aged recruitment drive
Grey hair is no longer an obstacle when applying for another job, for companies are now placing more faith in mature experience than youthful dynamism. And it's the older…
Telford personifies an area that has gone through the traumas of birth, decay and rejuvenation. Now, with a growing population and an influx of new industry that has so far…
Coping with stress
As the problems of living under stress grow, so methods for dealing with them proliferate. How effective are they? Leslie Kenton examines the claims of Transcendental Meditation…
Energy conservation doesn't necessarily entail a “switch off” policy or the expense of plant replacement. Tangible savings can be achieved with the methods explained here by Henry…