Industrial Management: Volume 73 Issue 5
Table of contents
Heads we win, tails you lose
First Distillers Co and now Roche. It is an almost perverse element that links these seemingly‐unrelated controversies. Indeed, if the Swiss‐owned drugs company is looking for…
Which way to jump on escape clauses
Exclusion clauses will come in for a great deal of scrutiny under the Supply of Goods (Implied Terms) Act. Here, Ewan Mitchell advises when to leave them out and when to retain…
Maurice BarnfatherWith planning consent for the redevelopment of its Southwark dock site virtually assured, Hay's Wharf has a property potential that is awesome even by today's standards.
Mrs Castle accuses Macmillan of ‘back‐pedalling’ on equal pay
Paul NovakBARBARA CASTLE, ARCHITECT of the Equal Pay Act, is firing warning shots at employers who drag their feet or try to evade this issue.
The seven year switch
Leslie Kenton examines three companies which have taken such theories as ‘job enrichment’ and ‘employee participation’ and fashioned them into workable ‐ and profitable �…
West Germany's duty‐free trading link with East Germany rankles with other EEC countries who seek a bigger stake in the lucrative Comecon market. But, as John Lawless reports…
Davy stays its own master
From a state of near‐collapse, Davy International underwent ‘surgery without anaesthetic’ to become one of the biggest process engineering and contracting concerns in the world…
Rising wool prices and technical advances in artificial fibres have provided Europe's man‐made textile producer's with booming business. But with prices yet to regain a healthy…
While more regulations governing the transport of dangerous chemicals are due to come into force later this year, some critics claim there is still too much reliance on voluntary…
Japan seeks UK help in Market trade talks
Colin O'DwyerTHE PRESENT VISIT to Europe—and more particularly Brussels—by Masayoshi Ohira, the Japanese Foreign Minister, is noteworthy if only for its timing.
Cushioning the load
Michael WrightSuppose that you have a piece of workshop equipment—an oven, say—weigh‐ing several tons, that needs to be moved across a rough concrete floor. Just to make things more difficult…
Corporate enterprise comes to the ghetto
‘Five years after Richard Nixon tried to steal black capitalism to enhance his ideological wardrobe—shortly thereafter to forget it because it fitted him badly—the black community…
The thorns on Scanlon's olive branch
Hugh Scanlon's apparent climb‐down over the IR Act and the counter‐inflation measures form a deliberate part of the impending engineering workers' pay claim strategy, reports Ian…