British Food Journal: Volume 125 Issue 11


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research
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Table of contents

Implementation of the SDGs by social economy enterprises in the agrifood sector

Juan Lafont-Torio, Esther Calderon-Monge, Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a global initiative that is becoming increasingly important in the industrial and service sectors. This paper analyses how…


Predicting on restaurant's hygiene rating: Does customer review emotion and content matter?

Jiyeon Jeon, Eojina Kim, Xi Wang, Liang(Rebecca) Tang

The hygiene factor is always imperative when customers consider a certain restaurant, and the information contained in customer reviews can be an efficient approach to gauge a…


The role of brand and market orientation on competitive advantage in the food sector: business strategy’s moderator role

It Nguyen Van, Thanh Tiep Le, Anna Kotaskova

This study aims to show how market orientation (MO), brand (BR) and business strategy (cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy), which play mediating and moderating…


The identification of expected functional food quality: female consumers' perspective

Sik Sumaedi, I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti, Tri Rakhmawati, Nidya Astrini

This study aimed to identify the quality consumers expect from functional food. This study investigated the quality dimensions and indicators female consumers expect in functional…


Exploring consumer perceptions and familiarity on apple production and processing under different conditions: conventional, organic, home-made, artisanal and industrial

Lucia Espinosa-Brisset, Caroline Pénicaud, Isabelle Souchon, Anne Saint-Eve

The purpose of this paper is to better understand consumer's familiarity with fruit processing as well as how fruit production conditions (organic and conventional farming)…


Leveraging collaborations to increase the impact of food sharing platforms

Laura Michelini, Cecilia Grieco, Nikolay Dentchev

The purpose of the paper is to explore how collaborations can increase the impact of food sharing platforms, which offer the potential to reduce food waste by facilitating contact…


Exploring consumers' attitude and intent to purchase organic food in an emerging market context: a pre-/post COVID-19 pandemic analysis

Youssef Chetioui, Irfan Butt, Hind Lebdaoui, Mary Grace Neville, Laila El Bouzidi

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the upward trend of organic food (OF) consumption is no longer restrained to western markets but has also extended to emerging markets in…


Childhood experience of being forced to eat: focussing on its association with vegetable consumption among young adults

So-young Kim

This study aimed to explore the association of childhood experience of being forced to eat – where a particular person forced a child to eat a specific food item against one's…


Understanding organic food consumption in the European Union: the interaction between health and environmental consumer's goals

Jesus Valero-Gil, José-Julián Escario, Daniel Belanche, Luis V. Casaló

Based on goal-directed behavior, this study explores the direct effects and the interaction between health and environmental concerns as the main drivers of organic food…


Hospitality SME innovation: responses to multifaceted crises

David Dowell, Robert Bowen, Wyn Morris

This research investigates the multifaceted effects of Covid-19, Brexit and climate change on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the hospitality sector. Specifically…


Resilience in the face of crisis: investigating COVID-19 impacts on urban community gardens in Greater Toronto Area, Canada

Paige Robillard, Fatih Sekercioglu, Sara Edge, Ian Young

Urban community gardens (UCGs) are important sources of community, food and greenspaces in urban environments. Though UCGs in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) of Ontario, Canada…


Effects of misleading online advertisements on the purchase intention of mature Chinese consumers for dietary supplements

Yuting Sun, Yixuan Li

Advertisements for dietary supplements (DS) often include misleading claims regarding their health benefits. In this study, the authors designed an online advertisement for…


Determinants of organic food purchase intention: the moderating role of health consciousness

Kritika Devi, Gurmeet Singh, Sanjit K. Roy, Juraj Cúg

The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of self-risk perception and health consciousness on the intention to purchase organic food. The study also explored external…


Pasture shooting and mobile slaughterhouses from a consumer's point of view: alternative slaughter methods and the meat paradox

Elisa Bayer, Gesa Busch, Achim Spiller, Sarah Kühl

The purpose of this study is to investigate consumers' attitudes towards alternative slaughter methods (ASMs). ASMs present more animal-friendly and stress-free slaughter…


From brick and mortar to click and order: consumers' online food delivery service perceptions post-pandemic

Shavneet Sharma, Kritika Devi, Samantha Naidu, Tuma Greig, Gurmeet Singh, Neale Slack

This study explores consumers' intentions to utilize online food delivery services (OFDS) in a shared economy beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, employing the protection motivation…


Effect of cognitive bias on the consumption of broiler products in China; the role of information acquisition channels

Huiqi Lin, Xi Li, Siyu Xu, Jun He, Noshaba Aziz

Broiler meat is the most commonly used meat product worldwide. Although China is regarded as one of the three largest broiler producers, the per capita chicken consumption remains…


Packaging of ready-to-eat products: a mix research approach for exploring aesthetic element influence on brand preference

Anupama Chirag Dave

Packaging design has the power to convey persuasive and functional benefits, thereby inducing the brand preference as per empirical studies, but not much has been studied in…


Is Chinese consumers' attitude toward genetically modified foods bouncing back?

Minrong Wu, Fangbin Qiao

The purpose of this paper is to examine the dynamic of consumers' perceptions of GM food and explore whether their knowledge of GM technology is associated with a significant…


An analysis of British Michelin-starred restaurants: guests' online reviews

Mehmet Bahri Saydam, Özlem Altun

This study aims to explore the perspectives of patrons and the underlying factors influencing luxury consumption in British Michelin-starred restaurants. While numerous studies…


How country image of an exporting country buffers against the impact of food safety incidents on consumer trust and purchase intention: an experimental study

Ningning Feng, Airong Zhang, Rieks Dekker van Klinken, Lijuan Cui

The present experimental study aims to investigate when a food safety incident occurs, how country image influences consumers' trust and purchase intention, as well as the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris