Aslib Proceedings: Volume 32 Issue 2

Table of contents

Co‐operating for economy: international co‐ordination of information services

John Page

Scientific and technical information (STI) systems, in the wider sense of the term, have a long history of internationalism. The communication of research results has, from the…


Statistics: an active force

A.J. Boreham

I am proud to be a statistician. I like to reply to the question ‘What are you, Mr Boreham?’ with ‘I am a statistician’, in ringing tones. Of course at my advanced age I could be…


Quality and quantity of information

M.F. Chaplin

I was delighted to be asked to address this conference, because its theme—the economics of information—and, indeed, the contributions from other speakers, place information in the…


How much good does your library do?

John Blagden

This conference session is to be devoted to the value of information as seen by the customer, but ironically all of the session's speakers are in fact intermediaries in the…


Information and the academic community

Malcolm B. Stevenson

The brief given for this paper is that it should be a personal view about what is good or bad in my experience in information service provision, the quality and value of various…


Information for industry—the role of the information broker

Martin S. White

My purpose is to draw the attention of the information profession to the fact that the majority of British companies have totally inadequate access to information, to outline the…


User valuations and resource management for information services

T. Whitehall

Being able to show a benefit for information services to balance against their cost, and knowing what criteria to use for choice among the options for their provision—these are…


Can we face the information explosion?

G.R. Cliffe

‘Information management will be to the next half century what steam, coal and electricity were to the 19th century.’ This quotation, which admittedly appeared as an inducement to…








Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

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Emerald Publishing Limited