The Emerald Handbook of Wellbeing in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Students, Faculty, Leaders, and Institutions

Cover of The Emerald Handbook of Wellbeing in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Students, Faculty, Leaders, and Institutions


Table of contents

(26 chapters)

In this introduction chapter, the authors first offer a brief overview of the theoretical underpinnings of the notion of wellbeing and flourishing from the positive organizational scholarship literature. The authors, then, provide an overview of the chapters in this handbook, guiding the readers through key aspects that each chapter contributes to the handbook’s collective perspective of efforts, initiatives, and programs that promote wellbeing in the higher education settings.

Section One: Student Wellbeing Focus


This chapter offers a theoretical framework to explore the relationship between resilience, wellbeing, and authentic leadership through the students’ transition from high school to university. It highlights how student leaders can thrive despite the challenges they face throughout this transition. First, the author presents an overview of resilience research, specifically by defining key characteristics of resilient students, followed by the outline of the four waves of resilience research. Next, the author describes the construct of wellbeing and the common characteristics among the wellbeing models in relation to the general university student population, as well as student leaders. Next, the author reviews the authentic leadership theory, including its key components of authentic leadership, the psychological capabilities for authentic leadership, and how resilience manifests in authentic leaders. The author concludes with an overview of transitional periods, critical life events, and their manifestations in the transition from high school to university.


The attrition rate within post-secondary institutions is unsettling. Due to a number of factors affecting their wellbeing, students are choosing to escape the pressures of higher education, many within their first year. Focusing on literature regarding the student experience, transformational learning, student engagement, and mentorship, this chapter will explore what encourages first-year students to stay and flourish in university. In addition to current literature, primary case study research conducted with a first-year cohort at a small, private university in Atlantic Canada during the 2021–2022 academic year will also be reviewed. While engagement is often treated as a personal issue, it is also a systemic issue, one that institutions would be smart to address through programming and policy development.


This chapter focuses on student wellbeing, particularly supporting graduate students during their internships. The authors will consider the Okanagan Charter, promising practices from undergraduate, and factors impacting graduate student wellbeing to explore how higher education settings can support graduate student wellbeing during internships. The chapter also contemplates practices that graduate schools may implement to support graduate students and offers recommendations in support of graduate student wellbeing.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on higher education institutions globally, together with the wellbeing, social life, and study experiences of students (Goldstone & Zhang, 2022; Hordosy & McLean, 2022; Maslimova et al., 2022), and academic staff (Gilbertson, 2020; LUSA, 2020). This chapter describes a review of the Masters program in Educational Leadership and Management at the Faculty of Education, University of Malta. While acknowledging the need to better understand the impact of the pandemic – personally and professionally – the focus was to develop a program that helped staff and mature students develop, through a different learning and lived experience, by cultivating the values that are central to the program, namely community, agency, sharing, collaboration, collegiality, voice, reflection, and inquiry. Ultimately, the scope of this chapter is to highlight how the pandemic has helped to renew the graduate program in a way that forged the wellbeing of the academic staff, the leaders of the various educational institutions, and students.


This chapter explores the critical relationship between doctoral faculty advisors and their students. It examines the varying interpretations, historical significance, roles and responsibilities, and structural and psychological factors that affect this relationship. Understanding these elements is essential for creating an environment that supports positive outcomes and wellbeing in doctoral faculty advisor–student relationships. The recommendations outlined in the chapter could serve as enablers or guidelines for purposeful advisement or mentoring in doctoral faculty advisor–student dealings.


Supervisors play an important role in the educational life and progress of graduate students. Having a positive and supportive working relationship with one’s supervisor is important to student wellbeing and contributes to graduate students’ ability to thrive within higher education. In this chapter, the authors examine the impact of supervisors on graduate student wellbeing and thriving within the context of higher education. Students with highly autonomy-supportive supervisors tended to report higher thriving. Findings indicate that the quality of interactions, the type of support provided by, and the quality of student–supervisor relationships are important factors and considerations for graduate student thriving. This study advocates for the recognition of the critical role that supervisors play in the thriving and languishing of graduate students and calls for more structured and wide-reaching professional development programs that work to create an environment where autonomy-supportive and compassionate supervision are seen as the standard for graduate faculty.


Studies have shown that doctoral students are at risk of mental health issues that result from the demands and workload in doctoral programs, poor work relationships with supervisors, and delays in graduation. Research also shows that savoring good moments can help individuals maintain and foster their wellbeing. Drawing on data from a larger phenomenological research study (Al Makhamreh, 2019), this chapter presents a discussion of the importance of savoring for wellbeing based on findings from 19 doctoral students in Canadian universities. Findings demonstrate that numerous students were able to face the challenges in their doctoral programs by savoring happy moments that benefited their wellbeing and fueled their energy to keep going to achieve their goals. Recommendations for universities include offering students courses, training, interventions, and workshops on savoring and positive psychology in general. Additionally, providing savoring outlets and opportunities (e.g., gardens and gardening activities) could help students maximize their program experiences and satisfaction.


The term “Pacific” is often used to describe the diverse ethnic makeup of individuals from the Pacific Islands who have migrated to New Zealand (NZ), but this oversimplifies their multifaceted and dynamic identities. Pacific students in NZ often face a variety of challenges when attempting to access and succeed in higher education, such as financial barriers, language barriers, cultural differences, and feelings of isolation. Appreciative mentoring (AM) is an effective method of engagement that equips Pacific students with the knowledge and skills to foster personal and professional growth. Academics in education can become appreciative mentors with mentoring as a long-term, diverse approach that emphasizes relationships and personal growth to ensure that students have the assistance they need to reach their full potential.

Section Two: Faculty and Leader Wellbeing Focus


Investments in faculty development have been shown to lead to robust improvements in research innovation, faculty quality of life, and discussion and dialogue across disciplines. Traditional faculty development usually takes a university-centered approach, focusing on one-size-fits-all and large-group structures such as webinars and workshops. This chapter suggests that attending to faculty wellbeing might be improved through a coaching program for individual faculty that meets the needs of faculty where they are and helps them to make progress in their work, including tailoring supports to specific university cultures as well as creating a space for encouraging cohort coaching in order to provide support across faculty. This chapter introduces processes needed for the development of one’s academic identity – agency, belonging, and competencies (ABC). This ABC framework is derived from empirical research examining the developmental processes of becoming a change agent and serves as the foundation for achieving wellbeing and fulfillment for a faculty member.


The challenges that Saudi female leaders face have a major effect on their wellbeing, because their life’s satisfaction as Gärling et al. (2015) pointed out is related to the balance between mental and physical circumstances that they experience. Additionally, female leaders in Saudi higher education experience considerable job-related stress, and they often lack the strategies and guidance which are necessary to enhance the social and emotional competencies that could help them to cope appropriately with challenges and maintain their wellbeing. Therefore, this chapter presents findings from a qualitative study and unravels Saudi female leaders’ strategies for managing challenges and sustaining their wellbeing in higher education organizations.


It has been long understood that there are expectations that leaders support the wellbeing of their followers but when it comes to followers’ support for the wellbeing of leaders, this is less appreciated. This chapter offers insight from the research into wellbeing practices focused on faculty colleagues in the higher education. Using a sample of 254 faculty members with distinguishing administrative and non-administrative roles, as proxies for leaders and followers, the authors conducted a study on how higher education administrative faculty and non-administrative faculty members supported each other in terms of wellbeing. Based on this study, the authors present a chapter that explores the relational aspects of workplace wellbeing, how people feel at work, what worries them, their perceived marginal value from relationship with colleagues, marginal wellbeing issues and their mood state conditions, the minimization of distress, and the optimization of workplace wellbeing. The premise was that colleagues in these two role sets need to support the wellbeing of each other despite their roles and the authors set out to learn from both what this looked like in the lived experiences.


In Jamaican context, it is imperative to understand both the knowledge and the experiential gaps related to the wellbeing of middle leaders at the college level. Using qualitative, semi-structured interviews, this chapter explores the views of six middle leaders (in various roles) at two teacher training colleges in Jamaica to understand what initiatives, if any, existed in their institution to address faculty wellbeing practices and how they believed that their institution’s leaders could better address their wellbeing at work. The study’s findings pointed out that middle leaders attributed some initiatives as targeted to their wellbeing, but these were mostly linked to professional development endeavors aimed at bolstering their content discipline knowledge and instructional competence, whereas their struggle with unrealistic job expectations, heavy workloads, token remuneration for their senior posts, and lack of validation from the top executive leadership core have largely been unattended.


Research shows that most faculty do not receive training before being promoted into administrative and leadership roles. This lack of training and awareness of what their new role entails can lead to feelings of anxiety and reduced confidence, which can also negatively affect their wellbeing. The chapter details findings from a case study in one Canadian university setting regarding the factors and practices that contribute to success and flourishing of academic leaders in the higher education (HE) contexts. Data analysis demonstrated that having positive perceptions of the academic leadership role and experiencing mentorship and positive role modeling were crucial factors to the effectiveness of leadership development and a sense of academic leaders’ flourishing in their work. Upon describing the pertinent literature on academic leadership development, the authors detail the case study methodology, discuss the findings, and offer implications for further research.


Universities have to work with increasingly performative accountability systems. In England, the whole purpose of higher education (HE) is being contested, with the UK government suggesting graduates look at which degree equates to the best lifetime earnings rather than other, more academic concerns. For those in leadership roles, there is a difficult balancing act required between educational values and pragmatic response, which can take a toll on individual and team wellbeing. In this chapter, drawing on literature from HE management, wellbeing, and the emotions of leadership, the author discusses the personal, affective side of leadership within the complex policy context where the personal and the political intertwine. Four principles for wellbeing in HE will be explored, alongside the three frames – learning leadership, surviving organizations, and performing leadership – in order to understand further the complexities and challenges that a leader faces.


This chapter highlights the close relationship between the wellbeing of faculty and students in higher education and the quality of teaching and learning. Improving teaching and learning is crucial for promoting the wellbeing of both faculty and students. As such, instructional leadership, an approach that focuses on enhancing teaching and learning, should be a priority for higher education leaders. However, the involvement of higher education leaders in instructional leadership is often limited. Therefore, a customized version of instructional leadership that considers the unique priorities, characteristics, and norms of this specific educational context should be implemented in higher education to prioritize the improvement of teaching and learning and, consequently, enhance the wellbeing of faculty and students.

Section Three: Institution and System-level Wellbeing Focus


This chapter describes a qualitative study provides insights into of how a tertiary institution in Jamaica gave focus to faculty wellbeing and the implementations that catered to their welfare. The human resource (HR) manager was interviewed and a document analysis of the institution’s strategic plan was done. The investigation found that the institution sought to satisfy the different dimensions of faculty wellbeing. However, plans and implementations were sometimes unsuccessful because of a lack of participation and communication from faculty. Faculty members struggled to prioritize their wellbeing because of a lack of time consequent to work demands. The challenges warranted an intentional approach to allow staff more flexibility to engage in wellbeing activities, a fusion of wellbeing interventions without causing faculty to experience additional demands, and a strategic method to reinforce the importance of catering to wellbeing. Additionally, wellbeing implementations should be formalized and systemized to effectively address faculty’s wellbeing needs.


Organizational wellbeing is a multidimensional construct that looks at the individual and the totality of the organization. It is a broad and complex concept that has considerable implications on the personal and professional life of the worker and, consequently, on their work performance. This chapter will analyze how these factors influence organizational wellbeing in an organization as large and complex as the University of Bologna (UniBo), with over 3,000 administrative employees and 3,000 researchers and professors. The chapter concludes by arguing that regulatory provisions and consequent actions, although inspired by noble principles, are not enough. On the other hand, cultural and structural factors that lead to new organizational models must also intervene, leading to a rethinking of organizational welfare.


The tertiary environment in Aotearoa New Zealand presents challenges that can affect the wellbeing of Māori students, members of the Indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand. This is because the values and practices that are normative in the tertiary environment do not always sit well with Māori, who also, in tertiary spaces, are in a numeric minority. Māori leadership and wellbeing are holistically intertwined so that changes that address issues of Māori leadership can support Māori wellbeing and consequently lead to valued outcomes. This chapter describes one change-making endeavor in which Māori leadership is normalized and developed as the “Academy Space.” The Academy Space is approached through one of its research and development arms, the video project Telling It Like It Is.


This chapter explores perspectives on the role of leaders in higher education to promote wellbeing that strengthens capabilities and capacities and provides means for sustainable achievement and flourishing. The author discusses perspectives on health and wellness and approaches to wellbeing, flourishing, and thriving to find and create work–life balance and addresses training and development to enhance knowledge on the importance of wellbeing. The chapter is based on a qualitative interview study on practices of wellbeing, flourishing, and thriving in educational organizations with a purposive sample of six higher education leaders in the USA, Canada, and Jamaica. The findings revealed that promoting wellbeing in higher education demands qualities promoted by leaders such as capability, capacity, and sustainability for success. The chapter concludes with a theoretical framework on educational leaders’ wellbeing, flourishing, and sustainability that can create opportunities for leaders’ to understand health and wellness in their institutions effectively.


Leadership as hosting is a leadership practice that shows promise of positively impacting the wellbeing of stakeholders in higher education organizations. This chapter examines this leadership practice and its effect on the wellbeing of stakeholders of higher education. Using the methodological design of grounded theory and an appreciative inquiry (AI) lens, this study involved 54 educators, who occupied a wide array of roles in post-secondary educational organizations, participating in two iterations of an electronic Delphi, a set of semi-structured interviews, and expert interviews. Findings revealed that those educators who hosted well-created, inviting educational environments that improve stakeholders’ wellbeing were competent at building positive relationships, managing vulnerabilities, creating a culture of support and care for constituents, and displaying high levels of emotional, social, and cultural intelligence (CQ) which enhanced the wellbeing of stakeholders.


There has been limited work to solicit feedback and recommendations from international students concerning how their most significant problems might have been solved in a manner that adequately addressed the challenges they have faced. Drawing from research on select African international graduate students’ educational backgrounds, adjustment needs and challenges, and the host institution’s support programs and efforts, the author outlines ways to foster international students’ wellbeing and success using appropriate institutional support programs and strategies. This chapter offers recommendations regarding the institutional support programs and strategies to promote the wellbeing and success of international students.


This chapter describes the Okanagan Charter (2015), a health promotions framework co-constructed by professionals, academics, campus leaders, and organizations focused on health and wellbeing. The Okanagan Charter outlines commitments and calls to action to support the health of people and the planet. Campuses and other organizations can sign on to the Charter; signatories are responsible for articulating their goals and actions that will address the commitments and calls to action. This chapter provides an overview of the development of the Okanagan Charter and its subsequent adoption across North America and Europe at post-secondary campuses and other organizations. The chapter examines the successes and the challenges of adoption and implementation and highlights the very recent exponential uptake of the Charter across the United States. The chapter concludes with implications and potential future directions of this health promotion movement, guided by the framework of the Okanagan Charter.



In this concluding chapter of the handbook, the authors first revisit the conceptual focus of this handbook with a brief overview of research literature on wellbeing, using a common conceptual approach that identifies the dimensions of wellbeing and then provide an overview of literature that both addresses and imagines the wellbeing with students, faculty, staff, leadership, and institutional levels in mind. Finally, the authors will proffer that there is a need for agentic moral imagination to sustain and progress the cause of wellbeing in higher education.

Cover of The Emerald Handbook of Wellbeing in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Students, Faculty, Leaders, and Institutions
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