(2005), "New low sugar guide for obese and diabetic patients", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 35 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
New low sugar guide for obese and diabetic patients
New low sugar guide for obese and diabetic patients
The latest edition of the Essential Low Sugar Guide has been compiled using feedback from the thousands of healthcare professionals who use it everyday. It is now even easier to read and contains additional information on glycaemic index and the dangers of obesity, as well as handy charts comparing high and low sugar foods.
The UK is now the fattest nation in Europe - by current estimates 20 per cent of adults and 15-20 per cent of adolescents in the UK are obese. The consequences of this epidemic are far-reaching - obesity is associated with a number of comorbidities, including diabetes, and costs the NHS at least £0.5 billion a year.
Excessive sugar intake is as much a cause of obesity as the overconsumption of fats: the government has recognised this and has unveiled plans to get tough on sugar in 2005 as part of its campaign to improve the health of the nation by changing the way people eat.
Primary care is the first port of call for many people wanting to make dietary improvements. It plays a key role in the management of overweight and diabetic patients, and is a vital source of guidance on good nutrition. GPs, practice nurses and dietitians share responsibility for educating patients about the risks associated with obesity and for helping patients set realistic goals for weight loss.
The Essential Low Sugar Guide is an invaluable resource that aids communication between the healthcare practitioner and the patient, and helps the patients better understand the role of sugar in a healthy balanced diet.
If you would like a free copy of the Essential Low Sugar Guide please e-mail: or call 020 7861 3117.
For further information contact Isabel Ward, Good Relations Healthcare: 020 7861 3117, Good Relations Healthcare Ltd, Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1PQ. DDI: 020 7861 3118, Fax: 020 7861 3913, website: