(2005), "Water for a healthier life", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 35 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Water for a healthier life
Water for a healthier life
Water on the inside – the start of healthy living. Yes, we all ought to drink the recommended 8 glasses a day – but do we? Since your body is approximately 70 per cent water, it's only natural that regular replacement therapy has to be good for you. And in today's frenetic world, it's more important than ever to take good care of yourself. It's a real challenge – but drinking more water makes life that much easier.
Water is essential for life, keeping your body hydrated, your kidneys working properly, flushing the system of unwanted toxins, but retaining vital minerals and vitamins. It is also a lubricant for muscles and joints, and – would you believe – the key to truly healthy skin (at far less cost than the creams, lotions and potions you can buy).
For more information contact: Severn Trent Water Ltd, 2297 Coventry Road, Birmingham. B26 3PU. Tel: 0121 722 4000,