35 years of research on business intelligence process: a synthesis of a fragmented literature

Yassine Talaoui, Marko Kohtamäki

Management Research Review

ISSN: 2040-8269

Open Access. Article publication date: 7 December 2020

Issue publication date: 7 May 2021




The business intelligence (BI) research witnessed a proliferation of contributions during the past three decades, yet the knowledge about the interdependencies between the BI process and organizational context is scant. This has resulted in a proliferation of fragmented literature duplicating identical endeavors. Although such pluralism expands the understanding of the idiosyncrasies of BI conceptualizations, attributes and characteristics, it cannot cumulate existing contributions to better advance the BI body of knowledge. In response, this study aims to provide an integrative framework that integrates the interrelationships across the BI process and its organizational context and outlines the covered research areas and the underexplored ones.


This paper reviews 120 articles spanning the course of 35 years of research on BI process, antecedents and outcomes published in top tier ABS ranked journals.


Building on a process framework, this review identifies major patterns and contradictions across eight dimensions, namely, environmental antecedents; organizational antecedents; managerial and individual antecedents; BI process; strategic outcomes; firm performance outcomes; decision-making; and organizational intelligence. Finally, the review pinpoints to gaps in linkages across the BI process, its antecedents and outcomes for future researchers to build upon.

Practical implications

This review carries some implications for practitioners and particularly the role they ought to play should they seek actionable intelligence as an outcome of the BI process. Across the studies this review examined, managerial reluctance to open their intelligence practices to close examination was omnipresent. Although their apathy is understandable, due to their frustration regarding the lack of measurability of intelligence constructs, managers manifestly share a significant amount of responsibility in turning out explorative and descriptive studies partly due to their defensive managerial participation. Interestingly, managers would rather keep an ineffective BI unit confidential than open it for assessment in fear of competition or bad publicity. Therefore, this review highlights the value open participation of managers in longitudinal studies could bring to the BI research and by extent the new open intelligence culture across their organizations where knowledge is overt, intelligence is participative, not selective and where double loop learning alongside scholars is continuous. Their commitment to open participation and longitudinal studies will help generate new research that better integrates the BI process within its context and fosters new measures for intelligence performance.


This study provides an integrative framework that integrates the interrelationships across the BI process and its organizational context and outlines the covered research areas and the underexplored ones. By so doing, the developed framework sets the ground for scholars to further develop insights within each dimension and across their interrelationships.



Talaoui, Y. and Kohtamäki, M. (2021), "35 years of research on business intelligence process: a synthesis of a fragmented literature", Management Research Review, Vol. 44 No. 5, pp. 677-717. https://doi.org/10.1108/MRR-07-2020-0386



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020, Yassine Talaoui and Marko Kohtamaki.


Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode


The business intelligence (BI) process research has grown exponentially during the past three decades into a fragmented state drawing from a diverse set of studies with widely different contributions (). Although this pluralism is necessary for the BI process research to generate momentum from insightful findings, it can yield a disjointed theoretical progress if it lacks proper literature reviews that uncover what is already known and set a direction for the way ahead ; Rowe, 2014). Unfortunately, extant reviews of the BI process research still focus on the scheme that BI follows to provide actionable intelligence for organizations to act upon ) rather than the context where this process occurs and guide organizations ; ). For instance, the stock of previous reviews on BI research focused on its attributes and conceptualization ), its methodologies and research strategies ), its application to operations models ), its contribution to business value ) or decision-making ), its dimensions and taxonomy ), its usage ), its field development , ; ), its attitudes ), its characteristics and applications ; ; ), its technologies and challenges ; ) and its trends ).

To this date, no literature review has examined the BI process and its interrelationships with the organizational context. To address this gap, our paper synthesizes the body of knowledge of the BI process to discern patterns of the interrelated relationships of its characteristics, and its context, i.e. antecedents and outcomes ; ; ). We follow other scholars’ conceptualization of BI process as an integrative sequence that encompasses the collection, transformation and usage ; ; ) that occurs in an organizational context, exerts an influence upon it and is shaped by its antecedents ; ).

To capture the BI process within its context, we follow the process framework of , and for it allows to position the BI process within its organizational context and explore their interrelated linkages. In this vein, we purposefully follow and ’s “effective methodology” of conducting systematic reviews in cross-disciplinary research such as the BI process body of knowledge and adheres to its processual scheme to select 120 articles published in top tier ABS ranked journals that we synthesize and integrate drawing from the process view framework that emphasizes the role of organizational context ; ; ; ). By so doing, we seek to synthesize the contributions of prior studies on the BI process and its organizational context and pinpoint to gaps in linkages across the BI process, its antecedents and outcomes for future researchers to build upon. The paper begins with a detailed explanation of our systematic method, then presents our synthetic review and concludes with research gaps for further studies.


We follow the systematic review scheme of to offer the BI research in particular and IS field what , p. 14) refer to as “effective methodological review”. According to , an effective review should justify its contribution to a body of knowledge being reviewed, synthesize quality research and present a sound research framework and systematic papers’ selection method. Our choice of ’s systematic review scheme is twofold:

  • It addresses the peculiar and cross-disciplinary nature of the IS research in general and the BI body of knowledge in particular.

  • It follows a process protocol of literature reviews that fits our process perspective of integrating the BI body of knowledge.

Following , a high-quality input yields a high-quality output if it adheres to comprehensiveness, quality and relevance inclusion criteria. To ensure comprehensiveness, we go beyond the IT contributions on BI and extend our search scope beyond one database to capture all fruitful work regardless of its inherent discipline ). We, therefore, use four scientific databases, reputable among scholars of management, marketing and information management fields, namely, ABI/Inform, EBSCO academic search elite, EBSCO business premier, Emerald journals ; ). We conducted a pilot search of keywords in the aforementioned databases with two keywords, namely, BI and competitive intelligence. The intention of this trial was to gather all keywords related to both concepts. In total, 26 keywords were deemed appropriate for this review. Boolean operators (“AND” and “OR”) and the asterisk “*” wildcard were used to concatenate the keywords set to generate multiple query strings that returned 11,745 hits across the four databases from 1985 through 2020 as depicts. We selected 1990 as a starting year of our search as it represents the inception of BI ; ). A first scrutiny of the hits sought the elimination of duplicates shrinking the set of papers to 780 including conference papers, which we excluded because their research rigor is inferior to top journals and are not subjected to a rigorous peer review process ; ; ). Besides, the high quality input criterion and impose limits our sample to articles published in high quality peer reviewed journals of a reputable ranking because they are likely to contain the major contributions we ought to deal with to ensure rigor and leading theoretical discussions on BI ; ; ). Therefore, we chose the ABS journal ranking because it offers an extensive cross-disciplinary list that is corroborated by a documented hybrid and iterative ranking process based upon peer reviews, peers’ consensus and citations ; ), which, in turn, offers us a credible guide that we can gauge papers against with confidence ; ; ). This high-quality criterion reduced our sample to 290 articles whose abstracts we read and evaluated against our relevance criterion that, based on the research gap and motivation, deems only articles addressing BI process, antecedents or outcomes relevant to the review at hand. This step reduced the sample to 113 articles that contain one or several linkages to the BI process, antecedents or outcomes. To verify the comprehensiveness of our sample and prevent the exclusion of any older and relevant contribution, we conducted a backward search that consists of reviewing the reference lists in our final set of papers to identify any work that our time frame criterion might have excluded and/or that our databases search might not have revealed ; ; ; ; ). Our backward search analyzed each title in the reference lists of the 113 articles and identified 7 seminal works published prior to 1990 such as and , which, in turn, extended our final sample to 120 articles. We gauged the census of this review complete when no new concepts or relationships were identified in the literature set ; ).

A synthetic framework of the business intelligence process

According to and , a good literature review offers a complete census of its synthesis and follows an analytical framework to structure the body of knowledge it deals with. As a corollary, we followed the process linkage exploring framework of and because it emphasizes the role of organizational context ) and the mediating mechanisms that reveal the causality between antecedents and outcomes ). We coded all articles using a two-digit key (01–120) that we plotted in to provide summaries of the studies. Our thorough review of the 120 articles revealed shared patterns along which three streams were discernable, namely, antecedents, BI process and outcomes. In addition, our analysis revealed that each article focused on different interrelationships across the organizational context of the BI process. For the sake of comprehensiveness and in-depth analysis, we marked each article with a linkage code composed of a letter designating the contextual domain [(1) antecedents; (2) BI process; and (3) outcome] and a number that refers to the factor responsible of the relationship between contextual domains:

  1. Antecedents. Similar to biological organisms, firms’ actions are often constrained by their external environments ). This implies that organizations should constantly monitor their respective environments to ensure the detection of plausible alterations susceptible of jeopardizing their competitive advantage. Their BI processes are, hence, influenced by environmental factors (A-I) such as uncertainty (), complexity (), rate of change (), importance (; ), culture ) and competitive pressures (). Further influence on the BI process can be attributed to the organizational context (A-II). This may include organizational factors such as size ), institutional isomorphism (), core technologies (Thompson, 1967), structural flux ), market orientation () and IT sophistication (). Finally, managerial and individual attitudes (A-III) affects the BI process through managerial heterogeneity ), experience (), managerial attitude ; ), absorptive capacity ) and decision roles ().

  2. BI process. While alterations in the aforementioned antecedents are believed to impact the BI process, characteristics of this latter are also crucial for understanding the different patterns of the BI process literature. At the outset, the intelligence collection phase (B-I) is pictured as the first link between a firm and its environment, whereby it can comprehend the happenings and remain vigilant to changes (; ; ). Traditionally, the collection phase was fed through open and human sources. However, with the advent of the internet, it faced the challenge of information overload ). The abundance of data created a lack of executives’ attention, and called for a more tailored intelligence transformation phase (B-II) to support managerial action (; ). In response, the BI analysts used computerized decision support systems to prepare the requested intelligence for executives ). Such decision aids stimulated, eventually, the design of the executive information system with the purpose of retrieving the information related to internal operations and the business environment (; ). A further scrutiny of the transformation phase (B-II) reveals that both structured and unstructured data are extracted from operational and external sources, then prepared and loaded into the data warehouse, for a later clustering into Data Marts. This process is usually performed through the extract-transform-load (ETL) application. On the one hand, the data warehouse usually deploys a relational database management system (RDBMS) to store data and rapidly execute queries across a wide range of data. On the other hand, the data warehouse is corroborated by an online analytic processing (OLAP) server in charge of filtering, and drawing thorough analysis (slicing and dicing, drill down…) of the data, which, in turn, is communicated to the user interface (dashboards, spreadsheets…) that yields the way to the Usage phase (B-III) ; ; ). This last phase of the BI process offers the required capability to conduct predictive analysis, streamline intelligence content and ensure an effective practice of the BI process and its alignment across organizational culture, analytical capabilities and the human capital propensity for BI ; ; ; ; ).

  3. Outcomes. The BI process was found related to certain outcomes (C): of a strategic order (C-I) such as strategic management process ) and managerial representations of competitive advantage (); at a firm performance level (C-II) such as share of wallet (), customer perceived value ), product development (Lynn, 1998) and superior sales growth ); related to decision-making (C-III) including decision-making speed ), problem identification speed ) and extent of analysis (); and under the umbrella of organizational intelligence (C-IV) encompassing perceived intelligence quality ), perceived information availability ), intelligence use ), receiver’s trust () and insight generation speed ).

After plotting the linkages of each study in , we sought to allow for a visual display of the linkages explored, and the ones overlooked, therefore we juxtaposed the elements of the BI process (BI-II-III), antecedents (AI-II-III) and outcomes (CI-II-III) in a review matrix, exhibited in , where rows represent the independent variables, and columns represent the dependent variables, and each coded study (01–120) is allocated into its appropriate linkage cell. Finally, we synthesized and depicted the aforementioned interrelationships in the form of an integrative framework we present in . The framework displays three clusters of antecedents (A), namely, environmental factors (A-I), organizational factors (A-II) and managerial and individual attitudes (A-III); three characteristics of the BI process (B), namely, collection (B-I), transformation (B-II), usage (B-III); and four sets of outcomes (C), namely, strategic (C-I), firm performance (C-II), decision-making (C-III) and organizational intelligence (C-IV). Research within the framework falls into four categories, namely, the first one explores the influence of the antecedents on the BI process (A-I-II-III – B-I-II-III); the second explores the BI phases separately, describing the state of affairs and prescribing optimal processes (B-I-II-III); the third set of studies examines the linkages between the BI process and its ensuing outcomes (B-I-II-III – C-I-II-III-IV); and the fourth set of studies examines the moderating role of antecedents on the relationship between the BI process and outcomes (A-I-II-III – B-I-II-III – C-I-II-III-IV).

Literature synthesis

Stream 1: the influence of antecedents on the BI process (links A-I-II-III – B-I-II-III)

The environmental influence on the BI process motivated multiple studies that shaped the first cluster of this stream, although the nature of this linkage is still equivocal. This is due to inconsistent views of environmental heterogeneity and uncertainty, and the partial accounts of the BI process. These treatments, rooted in management, bifurcate into two strands. First, a constellation of studies that focus on the frequency and scope of BI collection ; ; ; ; ; ; ). Their findings are at best exploratory and piecemeal as they adopt a “one rule fits all” approach to different environmental layers (e.g. political, customer, direct and remote) let alone country-level contexts (e.g. developed vs developing). By so doing, they overlook the peculiarities of developing economies where other informal pressures and singularities (cultural, institutional and cognitive) moderate the relationship between the environment and BI collection. The second thread of studies examine executives’ goal orientations ), strategic priorities ) quality of information source ; ; ), experience and educational background ), entrepreneurial attitude ), intuitive judgments ) and boundary spanners’ intelligence effort ; ), customer orientation ). Unfortunately, these studies overlook to consider the collection activity as a formal unit within the organization, and explore the informal BI collection and source selection of boundary spanners and executives despite previous evidence of their bounded rationality ). Besides, we still know little about the upper management’s cognitive and managerial characteristics, which implicitly determine their BI collection, not to mention the need to verify, which leadership approach serves best this activity. Credit is given to , being the only scholars of this stream who examined the influence of the absorptive capacity of managers on BI assimilation. Similar studies must follow this line to explore the influence of absorptive capacity on the entirety of the BI process. To this date, all we know, in this context, is the positive influence of the absorptive capacity of managers on organizations’ BI assimilation ). Further, studies examining boundary spanners collecting and gathering of intelligence like their engagement to their desire for upward mobility and recognition. Therefore, boundary spanners’ involvement in BI collection is a variable of managerial stimulation, and hence, more studies are needed to examine the moderating effect of management appraisal on the linkage between BI collection and boundary spanners’ scope and frequency of BI collection.

The significant focus of management scholars on the environment and the managerial and individual factors as the primary antecedents of the BI process came at the expense of overlooking the organizational factors susceptible of influencing the BI process. Conversely, studies, rooted in marketing and decision support, shed light on the ability of the organizational context to alter the BI process, particularly the collection phase and its linkage to decentralized organizational culture (Babbar and Rai, 1993), size and core technologies (Yasai-Ardekani and Nystrom, 1996), inter-functional distance and structural flux ), organizational market orientation ), resource scarcity ), institutional isomorphism ), analytical culture ; ); IT infrastructure ), organizational culture (, ) and organizational beliefs ). Although harmonious in its uniformity, this line of research was limited to the BI collection phase except for two studies that extended their focus to BI support and its linkage to organizational orientation and culture ) and organizational tensions ).

Stream 2: the business intelligence process (links B-I-II-III)

The review of the literature illustrates a shared conceptual meaning, across marketing and management scholars, regarding the nature of BI collection as an activity that seeks to proactively monitor a dynamic environment and that ends once data has been collected ; ; ; ). Unfortunately, the literature within this stream was considerably explorative of the BI collection activities and practices (; ; ; ). While some marketing scholars emphasized the use of Bayes’ theorem to determine when more collection becomes cost ), other explored information sources companies use ; ; ) or developed indices to evaluate the adaptability of firm capabilities to BI collection of boundary spanners ) or to collect BI from disaggregated data ). While a stream of scholars examined trust in BI collection quality ), others investigated the type and source of the collected intelligence ) or the capabilities to decode each type of intelligence be it soft ) or web-based ; ). On the other hand, an apparent discussion within this stream involves the collection approach, i.e. the comprehensive vs the project-based model. A priori, the comprehensive mode seems a better fit to broad strategic decisions, while the ad-hoc approach is more project-oriented. The narrowed focus of the project-based approach is believed to generate more accurate intelligence compared to the holistic model ). Nonetheless, this paradox shifts the debate to the culture and the core business of organizations. For some scholars, organizations might choose to participate in the environment rather than passively observing it ). By so doing, the underpinning motive of such an activity swings from BI collection to sense giving ), from informing to influencing, from a mere passive to proactive BI collection ). Other scholars suggest that ambidexterity arises as a reasonable option whereby the firm can develop two cultures, namely, one for sensing peripheral patterns; the other is core business-oriented ; ; ; ).

Conversely, literature with scaffolding in information systems and decision support, fueled by the desire of bridging the gap between the business user and BI transformation and usage, criticized the firms’ focus on collection over analysis despite the challenge of information overload and gave significant attention to testing in-house acquisition techniques of BI collection to curb the exorbitant price of third-party sources by proposing Limited Information NBD/Dirichlet (LIND) models to infer key competitive measures based on site-centric data ) or two level conditional random fields (CRF) models to extract comparative relation features from entities and words ) or event detection (NEED) applications that perform events detection based on properties extracted from news stories ) or proposed 80/20 rule-based models for reduction of cycle time ; ) or suggested data slicing and dicing technologies, which index and analyze documents collected from websites matching users’ interest ) or grant rapid access displays of data (). One commonality within this research stream is the evaluation of the proposed tool against the commercial engines ; ; ).

The coming of the WEB 2.0, digitization, the internet of things and Big Data further challenged the BI process by technical issues in regard to (a) the time consuming process of transforming and storing structured and unstructured data into the data warehouse, (b) the lack of techniques capable of, simultaneously, alleviating data heterogeneity and integrating slice, dice, roll-up and drill-down dimensions for data evaluation, (c) the multidimensional view of data through OLAP, which needs continuous performance improvement; (d) the rising volume of data, which challenges the capacity of the RDBMSs to query and store data, (e) the pressure on ETL to filter, cluster and integrate current operational data, for real time decision-making support and (d) detect hidden patterns in terabytes of data ). This ushered most empirical studies in this stream to shift their attention to what refer to as BI 3.0 or mobile BI and accordingly update BI technologies and develop new applications that can detect patterns in terabytes of data, diminish further information overload, and merge structured with unstructured data ; ; ; ; ; ) or decipher frameworks for evaluation BI process based on users’ feedback () or modeling its best practice approach for less challenges (; ; ). However, this might not be enough to ensure an effective usage of BI as this latter hinges on the alignment across organizational culture, analytical capabilities and the human capital propensity for BI ; ). No empirical studies have yet to investigate this triadic relationship and its moderating variables for better BI usage.

Stream 3: the influence of the business intelligence process on outcomes (links B-I-II-III – C-I-II-III-IV)

Drawing from marketing research, scholars explored the influence of BI collection and managerial representation of competitive advantage ), managerial belief in formulating and implementing strategies ) improvement of marketing strategies ). Other scholars suggested that BI collection translates to share of wallet and profit margin ) and sales performance ), product innovation and competitive pricing strategies ), price optimization, expanding product lines and service improvements ), superior sales growth, customer satisfaction ), innovation ) and profitability and revenues increase ). Although these studies might pinpoint to the relationship between BI collection and strategic outcomes, the question of whether or not this step of the BI process contributes to strategy formulation or implementation remains ambiguous.

Furthermore, the available evidence, drawing from management, demonstrates two stocks of research: one that indicates a clear relation between BI support and productivity enhancement, and information distribution cost savings ), price competition ), firm performance ; ), business value ; ; ; ), innovation ); another that suggests BI support adds value to the organizational intelligence in at least two interrelated ways, namely, workforce learning ), information access quality ), data security ; ; ; ) and intelligence use ) and organizational knowledge management ; ).

The research strand, rooted in information systems, was limited to providing benchmarks of their BI support technologies to which they ascribe a linkage to the decision-making process. Scholars presented their prototypes and evaluated their success for mergers and acquisitions ), and banking and financial decisions ). Besides, information systems scholars had a penchant for solving tactical issues because of their straightforward evaluation or to scholars’ approach to BI, as a set of separate technologies rather than a holistic decisional paradigm. Therefore, their contributions integrate BI technologies such as data warehouse and data mining into BI support and address its ability to improve firm performance indicators. Studies examined and demonstrated the positive impact of BI support on crafting personalized customer strategies ), decision-making ), strengthen innovation capability ), business value ), identify sales ordering patterns ), business model insight ). Research, herein, seems obsessed with solving tactical issues because of their straightforward evaluation or to scholars’ approach to BI as a set of separate technologies rather than a holistic decisional paradigm.

Studies rooted in decision support empirically examined the linkage between BI support and the speed of problem identification, decision-making speed and the extent of analysis ; ; ; ; ). Still little is known about how BI collection influences decision-making. While it is true that explorative studies reveal the utility of BI collection for organizational decision-making ; ), no empirical evidence has yet examined this belief. The outcome of BI collection on decision-making might be, as well negative than positive, at least for competitor analysis blind spots in the case of capacity expansion, new business entry and acquisition ). One might keep wonder about the contexts and the extent to which BI can bring value to the decision-making if scholars’ attention does not shift from explorative, inductive studies to more cross functional longitudinal ones to further delve into the relation between BI and the decision-making process.

Stream 4: the moderating effects of antecedents on the relationship between the business intelligence process and outcomes (links A-I-II-III – B-I-II-III–C-I-II-III-IV)

This stream of research is threefold, namely, research at the individual level, organizational level and environment level. At the individual level, scholars, with scaffolding in marketing research, investigated the moderating role of boundary spanners adaptive skills on BI collection sales performance outcomes ; ; ), the moderating role of the relationship between intelligence officers and strategists on boosting product innovation and generating competitive pricing strategies ), the moderating effect of the relationship between district managers centrality and district BI quality diversity on salespersons’ performance ). Unfortunately, studies rooted in management and information systems or decision support overlooked the moderating role of antecedents at the individual level on the relationship between BI process and outcomes.

At the organizational level, management scholars explored the moderating role of the alignment between business strategy and IT on the relationship between BI usage and business value ; ), the moderating role of the relationship between the alignment of business strategy and BI analytics on BI usage and firm performance ), the moderating role of deep organizational structure on the relationship between BI usage and strategy outcomes ), the moderating role of organizational learning and ambidextrous organizational culture on the relationship between BI usage and business value ) and BI usage and organizational learning ) and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities on the relationship of BI usage and firm performance ). In like fashion, marketing scholars investigated the moderating effects of the relationships between organizational antecedents such as structural flux and perceived intelligence quality on BI usage ), the curvilinear relationship between organizational size and BI use, as well as between marketing departments size and BI usage ). On the other hand, decision support scholars shed light on the moderating role of decision-making culture on the relation between the BI content quality and the BI usage ), the moderating role of the relationship between organizational readiness and design factors on the relationship between BI usage and business value ) and the moderating role of the information system BI infrastructure investment on the relationship between BI usage and value targets ).

At the environmental level, marketing scholars showcased the moderating role of the relationship between perceived competitiveness of the environment and the perceived value of BI quality on BI usage and organizational outcomes ; ). On the other hand, one study, rooted in information systems, explored the moderating role of the environment dynamism on the influence of the BI usage on value creation ).

Future research

35 years of BI process research seemed fragmented and scattered around similar areas, with scant initiatives to weave strands of lookalike contributions into one unifying paradigm. Research spawned a considerable number of articles partly prescriptive, partly explorative, revealing discrepancies between theory and practice across the BI process, antecedents and outcomes. displays the covered and underexplored areas in each of the aforementioned streams. Antecedents exploring studies focused on the supply side of the market to formulate viable strategies for an existing industry. These contributions unanimously adopted an outside in perspective, examining the external environmental influence on the frequency and mode of BI collection. They adopted the same structuralist approach to different business environments and neglected the influence of cultural factors and institutional pressures on the BI process. Another limitation of this stream is the exclusiveness of collection activity to executives, rather than the organization as a whole, following a top-down approach in an apparent discontinuity from the literature on bounded rationality that grant executives limited capacity to fathom the dynamism of the environment.

The significant focus on the environment as the primary antecedent of BI collection marginalized discussions on organizational factors susceptible of influencing the BI process. For instance, the ramifications of one single event on the BI use of multinational corporations in different settings. In this vein, managerial heterogeneity seems a potential frontier for research through which scholars shall compare heterogeneous teams to homogeneous groups of executives’ vis-a-vis their uncertainty perception and use of the BI process. Additionally, researchers still need to investigate, which structure represents an environment ripe for effective BI use: organic or mechanistic structure. Similarly, the causation link between strategic orientation and BI process is still vague, despite some studies suggest a one-way association from strategic orientation to BI collection. Moreover, contrary to the trend line of recommendation positing the BI process at the outset of the decision-making or the strategic management process, the authors of the article at hand personally encountered situations, in monopolistic economies, where the BI process was regarded more as legitimacy tools that solidify an already taken decisional or strategic choice. As a corollary, it might be crucial to incorporate the singularity of the decision-making process in developing countries, when hypothesizing coming empirical studies. Another trend line across studies examining BI use is the focus on the receiver’s trust in regard to the intelligence sender. Nonetheless, this latter’s willingness to share intelligence was treated as a given, while it is far from being the case. Particularly, in developing countries where information is shared among individuals pertaining to the same interest groups. It becomes, hence, evident to account for the sender’s trust and influence on the BI dissemination and use, in future research.

In addition, cognitive factors of managers and boundary spanners were rarely on the scholars’ agenda. After all, the environmental uncertainty is a matter of interpretation, which, in turn, is framed by intrinsic factors rooted in the person’s background. More studies, in this respect, should incorporate elements such as age, gender and personality traits. Moreover, the rationale behind decision-makers’ BI collection behavior still appears ambiguous, for there seems to be no evidence regarding the value it adds to their mental models. Another overlooked matter by scholars, caught in an everlasting development of new ways of codifying structured and unstructured data, is the ability of the BI process to acquire and communicate tacit knowledge. Another gap worth mentioning is the scarcity of studies comparing BI practices of multinational corporations in the western world to emerging countries, in a world where anything might happen any second, where new technologies disrupt the status quo of businesses, economies and political regimes. The Covid-19 epidemic, political upheavals or data privacy issues present an opportunity for researchers to examine the linkage between the BI process and strategic agility let alone employees’ and organizations’ privacy and readiness for disruption.

Finally, a myriad of research methods was adopted by scholars, to delve into issues related to the BI process phases ranging from bibliometric studies, surveys and case studies. Some were conceptual papers, whereas others field tested their hypotheses or settled for laboratory experiments. Except for qualitative exploration examining linkage between BI transformation to decision-making success, benchmarking data mining or data warehousing applications against commercial products marked most BI transformation studies, let alone the quantitative exploratory and conceptual articles representing a common trend across studies tackling BI collection. The absence of comparative studies urges researchers to invest time and money probing differences across industries, not in an exploratory superficial manner, but more as a longitudinal thorough analysis depicting whether or not the industry type is a contributing factor to the BI process. Longitudinal studies were, surprisingly, absent, notwithstanding their presence in multiple scholars’ future directions. Another advantage longitudinal studies shall have is related to the evaluation of prototypes and technologies in an accurate manner, encompassing the residual value of such applications on the organizational learning. Longitudinal studies might also enable scholars to tap into cognitive changes prior and after BI collection and usage and track front line managers intelligence use as they assume high level positions. With that said, studies shall alter to a more dynamic view of the environment capable of capturing all the various interactions among its constantly shifting elements.

Practical implications

Nowadays, confidential strategies and tactics are swiftly replicated; the sustainability of the competitive advantage is no longer a result of a secret recipe. Managers shall recognize that room for intuition is shrinking as the need for a rational predictability is rising. Therefore, it seems wiser and beneficial for managers to tear down their walls, and engage in double loop learning with scholars, should they want a better real time decision-making and strategic agility. This review carries some implications for practitioners and particularly the role they ought to play should they seek actionable intelligence as an outcome of the BI process. Across the studies this review examined, managerial reluctance to open their intelligence practices to close examination was omnipresent. Although their apathy is understandable, due to their frustration regarding the lack of measurability of intelligence constructs, managers manifestly share a significant amount of responsibility in turning out explorative and descriptive studies partly due to their defensive managerial participation. Interestingly, managers would rather keep an ineffective BI unit confidential than open it for assessment in fear of competition or bad publicity. Therefore, this review highlights the value open participation of managers in longitudinal studies could bring to the BI research and by extent the new open intelligence culture across their organizations where knowledge is overt, intelligence is participative, not selective and where double loop learning alongside scholars is continuous. Their commitment to open participation and longitudinal studies will help generate new research that better integrates the BI process within its context and fosters new measures for intelligence performance.


Although far from completeness, this systematic review strived to synthesize the BI process body of knowledge via an integrative process framework that pinpoints to areas of redundancies and research gaps where scholars’ attention should be directed. It is hoped that this article will encourage researchers to change perspective and adopt a more comprehensive view of the BI process aimed at contributing to its organizational context and focus its attention on the interrelationships across the BI process, antecedents and outcomes. Drawing from and , we sought comprehensiveness from four databases and quality from the ABS ranking list. Therefore, this paper excludes conference papers and book chapters. A caveat regarding the 26 keywords of this study is worth mentioning, as there might surely be some articles that the query strings failed to retrieve; let alone in-press- publications, not yet available when the database search took place. Notwithstanding, a backward search of references allowed the verification of this review’s comprehensiveness, gauged near completion when no new concepts were identified in the literature set ). However, the material upon which this scrutiny is based epitomizes an open invitation for other researchers, to compare and test whether or not the results herein stand up to close examination. After all, this is the ultimate way to expand and enrich the body of knowledge probing BI process research.


Linkage-exploring review matrix

Figure 1.

Linkage-exploring review matrix

BI process: an integrative framework

Figure 2.

BI process: an integrative framework

Synthesis of the covered and remaining areas of the literature

Figure 3.

Synthesis of the covered and remaining areas of the literature

Systematic selection process of the articles

Search strings
TITLE-ABS-KEY (“business intelligence” OR “business intelligence model*” OR “competitive intelligence” OR “market intelligence” OR “executive information system*” OR “decision support system*” OR “business analytic*” OR “data mining” OR “data*warehous*” OR “online*analytic*processing” OR “extract*transform*load” OR “environment* scanning” OR “customer intelligence” OR “environment* analy*i*” OR “finance* intelligence” OR “structured query language” OR “relational database management system*” OR “data mart” OR “data discovery” OR “dashboard” OR “process mining” OR “complex event processing” OR “prescriptive analytics” OR “predictive analytic*” OR “big data” OR “big data analytic*”)
Total hits 11,745
Minus duplicates 780
ABS top tier journals 290
Articles addressing BI process, antecedents or outcomes 113
Backward referencing plus 7
Final sample 120

Linkage-exploring review matrix

No. Author(s) Discipline Industry firm characteristic region Sample size method Linkage(s) Key findings
1 Marketing
International business
Bibliometric assessment B-I–B-I Intelligence collection draws from the environmental scanning and strategic management fields
2 Wright and Calof (2006) Marketing
International business
Canada: technology
UK: manufacturing
Europe: industrial chemical
Existing studies comparison B-I–B-I Three studies measured intelligence collection activity with different measures and different foci, different sample frames and different questions, yet they all attempted to measure the same thing. The result is a set of differences and similarities difficult to generalize
3 Management
Previous empirical findings B-I–C-III New business entry failures and acquisition premiums are often the result of biases or blind spots in BI acquisition
4 Business
Information systems
Large firms US
BI professionals
Survey A-I–B-II
Institutional pressures lead organizations to implement BI analytics for consistency. Organizational transformation requires BI analytics to adopt a comprehensive data collection strategy
5 Management
Decision support
Information systems
North America Questionnaires B-III–C-I BI fulfillment supports operational objectives and the strategy implementation phase
6 Management
Literature review B-I–C-IV
Intelligence acquisition ought to be incorporated into the strategic intelligence effort through a resilience framework
7 Management
50 US manufacturers 50 personal interviews with executives A-I–B-I
Executives increase the frequency and scope of scanning in an environment with high uncertainty. CEOs in high performing firms scan more frequently and more broadly than low performing ones
8 Management A-I–B-I
New contextual approach:environment: heterogenuous/organizational: prospector. New scanning characteristics:purpose/intent: strategic/orientation: proactive
9 Management Commercial bank Literature review B-I–B-I A mathematical model, for services business, that uses modules for forecasting performance ratios. Its accuracy depends on the quality of collected data
10 Management strategy Three MNC's: general motors/Eastman Kodak/British Petroleum 40–70 semi-structured interviews B-I–B-I
A significant gap between information needed and collected. Intelligence collection can benefit the organization in decision-making, sensitization, legitimation and inspiration
11 Gilad and Gilad (1986) Management B-II–B-II Formal BI support unit at the corporate level- rather than the centralized or the decentralized one- to support BI function at the BU level
12 Management Europe/USA:
pharmaceuticals/ cleaning
Case examples B-I–B-I The collection phase is the first phase of the BI process that feeds planning and direction
13 Management strategy South Korea
A trading company
Case study
B-II–B-II A formal unit does not guarantee the effectiveness of the business BI system. BI should be a comprehensive system for usable intelligence during decision-making
14 Business strategy Sheller-Globe, INC Field research involving B-I–B-I Comprehensive intelligence collection approach is valuable for broad strategic decisions only. A project-based intelligence acquisition is tailored to a specific project, which increases its potential for usable intelligence
15 Business management Academia Experiments with MBA's. B-III–C-II Access to actionable intelligence disseminated affects primarily prices and profits
16 Fleischer (2008) Business marketing Literature-based B-I–B-I Open sources provide important data but challenges analysts with indexing, internet volatility, languages, sources, volume, Web 2.0 developments
17 Business marketing B-I–C-IV The integration of intelligence collected and security, deception and psychological operations, permit firms to create an operation gap called commercial information operations (IO) between the firm and its competitor
18 Business marketing UK banks Interviews with 23 executives B-I–B-I
UK banks describe intelligence collection as the understanding of the competitive environment and differed in their gathering and the evaluation of intelligence collection
19 Information systems computing petrochemical transportation, retail, insurance Survey B-I–B-I
No formal intelligence collection unit in the majority of companies. Intelligence collection was valued most by executives reporting activity. Most believed intelligence to support decision-making. CEOs reporting intelligence activity claimed its usefulness in developing and implementing strategies
20 Information management
Cement and electronics Archival data B-II–B-II The integration of decision support and knowledge management for business intelligence generation
21 Popovic et al. (2012) Decision support
Slovenia. various industries Survey A-II–B-II
The greater the BI system maturity, the more positive the impact on information content quality. The greater the BI System maturity, the more positive the impact on information access quality
22 Management marketing Canada. Tech-related industries Survey B-I–B-I Disparity between intelligence needs and the one reported. Collection involved Internal and external sources
23 Information science Business decision support Academia Survey B-II–C-III The web-based data mining provides speed of insight generation, the business models assist the knowledge worker with the structure and focus for sense making
24 Management B-I–B-I Sensing the periphery involves: knowing earlier, managing by wire, dispatching capabilities from the event back
25 Business
Decision support
Published views of scholars A-II–B-III
Two paths for firms for BI analytics: specialized (firms use BI at the BU level to improve operations) or collaborative (firms use BA broadly to bring the whole organization at the same level of BI sophistication). BI analytics as a decisional paradigm depends on the firm awareness and commitment, and its analytics culture
26 Business Maryland and Pennsylvania
Industrial wholesalers
Survey A-I–C-IV
The perceived competitiveness of the environment was positively related to intelligence use. A curvilinear relationship between organizational size and intelligence use. Managerial perceptions of intelligence is positively associated with greater intelligence use. Greater effort devoted to obtaining intelligence is associated with greater intelligence use. Intelligence was used mainly for tactical ends
27 Management
Nigerian SME manufacturing Questionnaires to 47 executives A-I–B-I The perceived environment uncertainty (PEU) of the task environment is greater than the PEU of the remote environment. The higher PEU, the higher the level of interest in both the remote and task environment sectors. The PEU for both sectors was not a predictor of the frequency of use of internal and personal sources of information
28 Management
International business
US-based medical devices company Online survey A-III–CII
Salesperson product knowledge has a positive impact on salesperson B-IVgence behaviors. The effect of salesperson product knowledge on salesperson performance is mediated by SCIB, such that the indirect relationship between product knowledge and performance is positive
29 Business Fortune 1,000 and 500 Mail survey B-I–B-I Increased recognition of intelligence importance and lack of know-how of US intelligence users compared to European and Japanese ones
30 Marketing
Tyrell, Inc vs Alpha, Inc Case study B-I–B-I The use of Bayes’ theorem to calculate conditional probability, determines when more information collection is needed and evaluate the validity of warnings
31 Information systems
Major search engines Meta Search B-II–B-II BI explorer (BIE) diminishes information overload through its genetic algorithm to cluster websites and its multidimensional scaling algorithm for graphical display of websites
32 Management
B-I–B-I A better assessment of the environment would involve the use of a broader set of models appropriate for the environment layer. For general environment (industrial and organizational). For task environment (ecological and era model)
33 Fleischer et al. (2008) Business
EAG medium-sized, not-for-profit association Longitudinal case study B-I–C-I The integration of intelligence collection with CRM, DM, MR and the use of a cross-functional team enabled a not-for profit firm to improve its marketing strategies
34 Marketing B2B logistics customer and salesperson survey A-III–B-I
The greater the salesperson’s customer orientation, the greater the amount of intelligence shared by the customer with the salesperson. The greater the information use, the greater the customer perceived value, the greater the share-of-wallet (quantity of sales)
35 Information management Taiwan, a major ISP Questionnaire B-II–C-II Decision support with BI technologies help companies identify the degree of usage, time of usage and day of usage of all customers’ clusters
36 Business
online retail Academic data B-I–B-I LIND model, which uses site centric data performed and the full NBD/Dirichlet model for inferring key competitive measures, with far less data
37 Elofson and Konsynski (1991) Information systems
Poland Archival case study B-I–B-I The knowledge cash approach guarantees the continuity of the distributed problem-solving process, in the absence of the area specialist
38 Decision support
B-II–B-II The challenges of data warehouses are: the nature of data (structure vs unstructured), data quality and ad hoc queries
39 Information management
Diversified firms Evaluation study B-II–B-II Redips is effective and precise in extracting in backlink search, content analysis, results visualization
40 Information systems
Quebec small firms Questionnaire B-I–C-II A clear relationship between the collected intelligence firms used and their innovation performance
41 Management
Silicon Valley
SME High Tech
Interviews with 37 CEOs A-III–B-I CEOs scan systematically, their information sources (personal and external). CEOs do not delegate their scanning. Their information system is very personal and decoupled from the organizational information system
42 Business
Diversified firms Case studies B-I–B-I The evaluation of intelligence collection identifies competitive blind spots
43 Marketing SCIPs and the American Marketing Association Online survey A-III–B-I
Managers’ entrepreneurial attitude orientation has a positive relationship with their frequency and scope of intelligence scanning. Market orientation has a positive relationship with the scope and frequency of managerial scanning for competitive intelligence
44 Information systems
B-II–B-II Data warehouse is challenged with the storing and extraction of unstructured data. The OLAP is challenged by multidimensional reporting. The RDBMS is challenged with the increase amount of data. ETL techs are challenged with real time decision-making
45 Marketing Fortune 500 media firm Interviews A-II–C-IV
A positive relationship between salesperson intelligence quality and salesperson performance. A positive relationship between district intelligence quality and salesperson performance. District managers' peer-network centrality buffers the negative cross-level moderating effect of district intelligence quality diversity
46 Information management B-I–C-IV Intelligence collection defense plan has two parts, the intelligence database with highly confidential information, and another destined for public
47 Marketing High Tech Survey A-I–B-I
The greater the organizational commitment of a receiver, the greater the dissemination frequency. The greater the inter-functional distance, the lower the dissemination frequency and the greater the dissemination formality. The greater the market dynamism, the greater the dissemination frequency. The greater the dissemination formality the greater the intelligence use by a receiver
48 Management
Asia pacific Survey B-I–B-I The task of information gathering is performed at two levels: regional where special unit collects information related to the economic and political climate/ national: subsidiaries where marketing/product managers collect data
49 Management
Information systems
Bibliometric study B-II–B-II BI 1.0 and BI 2.0 provided organizations with insights from structured and unstructured data. While these maturing technologies have their challenges, new ones also prevail with the emerging of BI 3.0
50 Information systems
China, Forbes 2000 list Evaluation experiments B-II–C-III The prototype BI 2.0 system for Web 2.0 intelligence proved helpful in assisting decision-makers with adaptive recommendations related to changing business context of mergers and acquisitions
51 Knowledge management
Information systems
Angus Electronics Case study B-II–C-II The BI prototype built in house, for sales associations discovery outperformed the commercial BI system WEKA. It provided benefits for both the operational and management level
52 Business
North American firms listed in the planning forum membership directory Questionnaires A-I–B-I
General environment changes may be less salient than task environment changes. Size does not differentially affect scanning frequency for organizations with effective systems vs those with ineffective systems. Organizations with effective scanning systems, operating in inflexible technologies, use a wider scope of scanning
53 Business
Information systems
Literature review B-II–C-III BI in banking is used mainly for risk prediction to better support decision-making
54 Information science
Decision support
Experiment comparison B-I–B-I Intelligence spiders diminishes information overload by indexing and analyzing the documents collected from websites that match the interest of the user. Intelligence spiders outperformed Lycos and within-site browsing, in precision, recall and ease of use
55 Lim et al. (1996) Business
Ohio Diversified industries Survey B-I–C-I Competitive environmental scanning is an important factor for determining a firm’s position at various stages of the internationalization process
56 Business
USA Industrial Wholesalers Survey B-I–B-I Field employees were the primary sources of information about customers, suppliers and competitors
57 Information systems
B-II–B-II The business value is the driving force for ongoing improvement of technologies challenges. BI technologies must reduce cycle time from data collection, analyzes, to impartment
58 Management
USA, Canada
Diversified industries
Interviews B-I–C-II It is still time for experimentation before the viability of specialized scanning units for introducing environmental information into strategic decision processes can be confirmed
59 Management Russia Surveys with 96 executives A-I–B-I A mixed pattern of task and general environment sector effects. Russian executives PEU is related to unfamiliar sectors. Source accessibility and sector importance influence the frequency of the scanning of both internal and external sources
60 Information science
Decision support
Empirical evaluation B-I–B-I The NEED technique performs event detection based on event properties extracted from news stories rather than features appearing in news stories, which hinders events categorization
61 Jennings and Lumpkin (1992) Management The Texas savings and loan (S&L) Questionnaires and phone interviews C-I–B-I Organizations with a differentiation strategy tend to scan for opportunities for growth and customer needs, and organizations with a cost leadership strategy tend to scan for threats and monitor competitors and regulators
62 Management
Information systems
Diversified industries
Survey A-I–B-III
When fulfilled BI is used by CEOs to reinforce the decision-making behaviors valued in their culture. Swedish managers reported enhanced mental models from frequent and long-term use of BI
63 Information science
Decision support
Evaluation experiment B-I–B-I The two-level CRF provided better extraction of comparative relations by using the complicated dependencies between relations, entities and words, and the unfixed interdependencies among relations
64 Information management
B-I–B-I A generic guiding framework for online information retrieval: signals are collected through undirected and conditioned viewing and facts are gathered via informal and formal search
65 Management
It is the limited managerial capacity to analyze data and integrate insights into a decision that leads to imperfect information. The trade-off between a focused and a broad intelligence collection strategy depends to a large extent on the firm’s data processing capacity
66 Information systems
B-I–C-IV The firm gathered intelligence defensive use would be oriented toward a routine analysis of the system logs activities, elimination of unnecessary conveniences on the firm’s URls, shrink the online information lifetime, make competitors’ IAs work longer; Put false information in a firm’s own databases; Publish more soft and less hard data; Backup data more frequently
67 Marketing B-I–B-I Environmental scanning should have a broader role where it actively participates in the environment, rather than merely collect data about it in a passive fashion
68 Management Hong Kong. service/manufacturing A survey to 55 executives A-I–B-I The PSU of the task environment is greater than the remote environment. Executives are pragmatic and focus on the factors important to daily operations
69 Industrial engineering
Case study B-II–B-II Meeting enterprises requirements’ (MER) is the most concerned criteria that senior experts evaluate in the BI system, followed by ‘meeting user’s needs’ (MUN)
70 Management
International Business
30 airline companies Archival sources A-III–B-I After the environmental shift the majority of TMT widened their focus and heightened the depth of environmental scanning. The more the TMT experienced turnover, the more the changes in its environmental scanning. The heterogeneity has a moderating role on TMT turnover and scanning. The output orientation had a positive effect on environmental scanning frequency and scope
71 Management
Bulgaria/single business manufacturing/sales 141 interviews with executives A-I–B-I The strength of the relationship between perceptions of strategic uncertainty and environmental scanning behaviors depends on the combined effect of the environmental constraints and decision-making approach
72 Operations Management
France Interviews and focus group B-I–B-I Scanning activities encompassed the societal level, the firm level, the functional level, the people level. No scanning involved consumers
73 Management
Consumer goods, industrial and services Questionnaires A-II–B-I
Desire for upward mobility, the effective role of recognition and motivation positively influence salespeople's willingness to share marketing intelligence from the field
74 Management Diversified industries Interviews and questionnaire B-II–B-II BI project managers tackle their assigned projects in a sequential order encompassing room for change and trial and error, continuous learning and partnerships
75 Business
Information systems
Literature review B-II–C-II The path from the use of business analytics to organizational performance is complex. It involves three phases, namely, data to insight, insight to decision and decision to value
76 Computer science
Case study B-II–B-II The mining of the web for actionable knowledge involves BI technologies for web-based content acquisition (information retrieval and information extraction) and knowledge creation (discovered knowledge filtering and the retaining of the actionable one)
77 Computer science
B-I–B-I Organizations should be ambidextrous in intelligence collection, capable of building two cultures, namely, one for sensing the periphery and one core business-oriented
78 Management
Information systems
Questionnaires A-I–B-I Operational efficiency (internal environment) and market (external environment) were crucial for all executives in the study. Intelligence collection should provide a comprehensive view of the internal and external environment, not only focus on the external environment
79 Information systems
Diversified industries
Survey B-III–C-III The more frequent and longer BI support use, the faster the problem identification speed, the decision-making speed and the extent of analysis
80 Volonino et al. (1995) Information systems
B-III–B-III BI support improves information flow down to subordinates and up to executives. BI support be implemented for all business users, with a customized interface and system capabilities to support the executives’ specific needs
81 Ahituv et al. (1998) Information systems
Diversified industries
Interviews with 40 CEOs C-II–B-I Firms succeeding better with new products will show a greater correlation between strategic uncertainty and frequency of scanning of the technological, economic and socio-cultural sectors. Successful firms will exhibit more frequent formal scanning in the task environment than do less successful films
82 Information systems
Statistical analysis and interviews B-III–B-III
There is no single way to evaluate BI support system. BI support improved productivity, and its benefits were found to exceed the system’s costs
83 Watson et al. (1991) Information systems
Diversified industries
Questionnaire B-III–B-III BI support is executive-oriented, developed with a minor cost benefit analysis in an iterative process
84 Business
Decision support
Diversified industries
Interview and questionnaire A-III–B-I When engaged in improvement projects, the executives preferred inputs from internal sources and verbal messages. When allocating resources, the executives preferred to use internal information regardless of the form
85 Business
Australia 612 clients of BI software vendor Survey A-II–B-III
The increased levels of operational-level absorptive capacity enhance the levels of BI assimilation. The increased levels of TMT absorptive capacity enhance the operational-level absorptive capacity. The increased levels of TMT’s absorptive capacity enhance the organizations’ BI assimilation
86 Business
Electronics Questionnaires/ literature review/interviews B-I–C-II The market focused intelligence generation is positively related to superior sales growth. Intelligence Generated from repetitive experience was positively related to customer satisfaction. Intelligence generated through collaboration was positively related to superior quality. Intelligence generated through experimentation was positively related to new product development success
87 Management USA: diversified industries Survey A-I–B-I Strategic importance was the primary determinant of scanning. Scanning declined as the environment was perceived to be more complex. Perceived variability interacted with importance to positively affect scanning
88 Information systems
USA: companies developing EIS Survey
26 phone interviews
six on-site interviews
The more frequent and the longer the manager's use of BI support, the faster the speed of problem identification, the greater the enhancement to his/her mental model the greater the extent of analysis and the speed of the decision-making process. The more frequent the manager's use of BI support, the greater the perceived information availability
89 Management
Operations management
US: business analytics Two Delphi studies with 61 analytics practitioners, consultants and academics B-III–C-II The BI analytics capability model enhances firm performance. Analytics capability–business strategy alignment has a significant moderating impact on the BI analytics–firm performance
90 Arnott et al. (2017) Information technology
Australia: Government, Insurance
China: Insurance and online retailer
Secondary case analysis of 8 BI systems
142 Semi-structured interviewed across 4 company cases
B-III–C-II Enterprise BI systems are effective support for Type 2 decisions (operational and management control)
91 Audzeyeva and Hudson (2016) Information systems
UK: retail bank Semi-structured interviews B-III–C-I
An organization’s ability to extract strategic BI benefits is influenced by its deep structure (core beliefs, organizational structures, control systems and distribution of power)
92 Information systems
UAE: formula 1 Semi-structured interviews
52 media documents
Three interrelated sources of strategic failure for decision-makers using BI support, namely, the situated nature and affordances of decision-making; the distributed nature of cognition in decision-making; and the performativity of the BI support
93 Information systems
Operations management
Canada: Telecommunications,
Electronic components
Multiple case study
Interviews four cases
Enterprises resources and BI capabilities are not sufficient to predict business value. They need to be combined with organizational learning and ambidextrous organizational culture
94 Software engineering
Design science
France: STMicroelectronics Interview/questionnaire
BI/Business experts and users
B-III–B-III BI4BI system is based on BI systems’ data and BI users’ feedbacks. This system provides better BI evaluation criteria, level of automation and continuous processing by relying on two complementary solutions (a system-based solution and a user-based solution)
95 Information systems
Operations management
US: product-centric firms Survey of 161 managers B-III–C-I
Organizational-level BI analytics usage affects organizational value creation. Environmental dynamism moderates the BDA usage influence on value creation. Technological factors directly influence organizational BDA usage while organizational and environmental factors indirectly influence it
96 Decision support
Information systems
Northern Europe: large bank 43 semi-structured interviews IT and business units B-III–C-III
Decision-makers use four techniques to communicate and share intuitive judgments during organizational decision-making that build on the BI output. Senior managers are prone to use intuitive judgments when these are at odds with quantitative information from the BI system
97 Business
Europe: 500 firms
Dun and Bradstreet database
Survey, 175 IT/business executives B-III–C-IV BI analytics applications can allow an effective internal and external knowledge management, which can help firms to create organizational agility. BI analytics can support organizational knowledge management, allowing the creation/enhancement of dynamic capabilities
98 Business
Europe: Industry, Academic, Consultant software vendor Delphi study, semi-structured interviews, 22 participants, 175 respondents A-I–B-III
Dynamic capabilities and strategic business/IT alignment positively contribute to the BI analytics value. The strategic role of BI analytics has no significant influence on the BI analytics sustained value. Environmental volatility negatively influences BI analytics value creation
99 Business
US and Europe: manufacturing, retail trade Survey of 618 firms B-III–C-II BI analytics can create significant value in business processes if supported by a good level of data quality
100 Fink et al. (2017) Industrial engineering
Israel: manufacturing, services Interviews
three cases
Business value is generated from BI assets via two parallel mechanisms, operational and strategic. Organizations may become ambidextrous in their BI capabilities in the same way they can become ambidextrous in their approach to organizational learning
101 Business US: services, utilities, financial Survey of 239 managers B-III–C-II Data variety and velocity positively enhance firm innovation performance, and finds no impact of data volume on firm performance
102 Information systems
Ebay, CancerLinQ, Walmart, DeutscheBank, UPS Application to use cases A-II–B-III
Increasing BI analytics infrastructure investments in the quality and quantity of data and analytical skills enhances BI capabilities, which, in turn, enables organizations to determine value targets mediated by value creation mechanisms. Contextual factors moderates the relationships between BI capabilities, value targets and mechanisms
103 Information systems
Operations management
Computers, financial services, internet, communications Survey of 232 big data Analytics managers and 108 CIOs B-III–C-II BI analytics capability that is measured and tested to showcase a linkage to superior firm performance
104 Industrial economics
Decision support
Scandinavia: hotels Survey of 626 front-line personnel
3 cases
An index formed through the systematic collection of frontline sensing evaluates firm capabilities and their adaptation to environmental change and offers reliable predictive information for strategic decisions
105 Operations management
US: Multimedia industry 1 case (internal firm data, commercial market data and secondary data) B-I–B-I
An intelligence collection system for firms to generate competitive intelligence over time from restricted data and finds that timely recovery of disaggregated information at product-firm-market level assists the firm in superior resource allocation
106 Manufacturing management
Information management
Manufacturing, operations, IT industry Survey of 251 managers A-II–B-III Three strategic orientations (customer, entrepreneurial, technology) and one aspect of organizational culture (developmental) are important contributors to the development of BI capability
107 Merendino et al. (2018) Marketing
UK: manufacturing, services Semi-structured interviews with 20 directors B-III–C-III BI disrupts the process of board level decision-making across three areas (cognitive capabilities, board cohesion, responsibility/control within senior teams)
108 Information systems
Computer science
Greece: Bank and Financials, consumer Goods … Survey data from 175 CIOs and IT managers A-I–B-III
BI analytics capability enables firms to generate insight that can help strengthen their dynamic capabilities, which, in turn, positively impact incremental and radical innovation capabilities. In high environmental heterogeneity, the impact of BI analytics capability on dynamic capabilities and, in sequence, incremental innovation capability is enhanced
109 Popovič et al. (2018) Information systems
Construction, pharmaceuticals, home appliances Multi-case design, 3 cases semi-structured interviews B-III–C-II
BI analytics capability along with organizational readiness and design factors facilitate better utilization of BI analytics in manufacturing decision-making, and thus, enhance high value business performance
110 Management
US: financial services, agriculture, energy production, health care, property management, software development, transportation Surveys of 358 executives, 17 firms A-III–B-I
Top executives’ goal orientations affect their firms’ environmental scanning. Top executives who exhibit higher learning goal orientations or higher performance prove goal orientations might engage in more environmental scanning than top executives who avoid goal orientations. Firm environmental scanning is positively related to firm performance
111 Management
Global: oil and gas, offshore services, financial services, defense 7 cases
Semi-structured interviews corporate or business unit strategy
The quality of the information source is less important in explaining information source use. Organizations rely on internal reporting on the environment, compiled using multiple channels
112 Seddon et al. (2017) Information systems
BA vendors Assessment method
100 customer success stories
B-III–C-II A two parts success model of BI analytics to create business value (a process and a variance model)
113 Industrial engineering
Italy: big data industry Multi-case study analysis: nine cases A-II–B-III
Provider companies create and capture value from BI by two main BI innovation service strategies (use case-driven, process-driven), which differ from each other because of three reasons (the management of data, the use of the technology, the characteristics of the analytic solution)
114 Information systems
UK: mobile telecoms, broadcasting transportion Mixed methods approach (Delphi study/interviews)
3 cases
31 key challenges in building BI analytics capabilities and 21 corresponding recommendations to create BI into business value
115 Business
Information technology
China: IT and analytics Online survey to 297 IT managers and analytics specialists A-III–B-III
The value of the entanglement conceptualization of the hierarchical BI analytics capability model, and the mediating role of dynamics capabilities process on enhancing firm performance
116 Information management
US, Canada, Australia, China, India, the Netherlands: Health care Analysis of 33 cases descriptions A-III–B-III
BI analytics capabilities are linked to IT-enabled transformation practices and to benefits and business values. Four BI analytics capabilities (analytical capability, decision support capability, traceability and predictive capability) and three path-to-value chains (from analytical capability to IT infrastructure benefits, from decision support capability to operational benefits, from traceability to IT infrastructure benefits)
117 Management
US: 41 industries Archival data, semi-structured interviews A-II–B-I
Three factors contribute to the persistence of the use of intelligence collection practice (keeping it opaque to avoid the negative effects of stigmatization, constructing’ usefulness to justify its ongoing use by leveraging accepted beliefs and invoking fear of unilateral abandonment and adapting it by developing multiple versions to increase its zone of acceptability)
118 Operations management
Information management
Scandinavia: Finance Illustrative case study
16 interviews
B-III–C-IV BI systems trigger a performative outcome in relation to organizational knowing through two practices (the ability to initiate problem articulation and dialogue and data selection)
119 Management
Romania: IT solutions 1 case, statistical analysis of CI budgeting A-I–B-I
Changes in strategic priorities through financial reconfiguration following environment instability. Intelligence collection budgeting in a period of instability favors reinforcing the vigilant learner position
120 Information systems
Decision support
Telecom, media, finance, logistics Multiple case study (11 cases)
Semi-structured interviews
Tensions that arise from the conflicting task requirements and that pose a challenge for effective BI analytics support and provide insights into tactics for managing these tensions and achieving ambidexterity


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Corresponding author

Yassine Talaoui can be contacted at: yassine.talaoui@uva.fi

About the authors

Yassine Talaoui is a researcher at the School of Management at the University of Vasa, where he teaches business models and strategic management theories. His research interests focus on delineating relationships between materiality, digitization and management and organization studies. He is the recipient of the 2018 SAP Interest Group Division Pushing The Boundary Award at the Academy of Management.

Marko Kohtamäki (PhD) is a Professor of Strategy at the University of Vaasa, and a visiting professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, USN Business School and Luleå University of Technology. Kohtamäki takes special interest in strategic practices, strategic agility and business intelligence. Kohtamäki has published in distinguished international journals such as Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Long Range Planning, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, International Journal of Production Economics, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, amongst others.

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