Netd@ys Europe: Germany

Education + Training

ISSN: 0040-0912

Article publication date: 1 February 2001



(2001), "Netd@ys Europe: Germany", Education + Training, Vol. 43 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

Netd@ys Europe: Germany


Youth channel for online Europe

The European Net Radio for Young People, mainly in the 14-25 age group, will broadcast news, information and music from all EU member states. European regional music, linked to the use of the Internet, will be one of the main themes.

European cultural diversity and identityInformation about European developments, international news and music played by young people. Various European regions will provide a new communications platform, which will enable more people to have a better understanding of cultural diversity.

Education and training for improving digital literacyInnovative education initiatives will be undertaken, using new technologies.

Rosenheim 2000

Setting up of Internet network profiles and encouraging a sensible approach to using the Net. There will be a workshop on the dangers of using the Net and on how to cope with them through the use of positive profiles.

Education and training for improving digital literacySetting up of Internet profiles to avoid negative issues such as racism, pornography, xenophobia.

Network training

The development of a teaching module for intercultural training of computer and Internet literacy. The approach allows learners to get immersed in the virtual world by basing the project on trains and train stations. In Europe, the train network has been historically the medium of transport, and consequently the medium of cultural diffusion and the way to access distant resources. This project uses the context of trains and train stations as a metaphor for promoting the creative use of the Internet and interactive media for networked applications and communications.

European cultural diversity and identityThe train metaphor will be used to facilitate access to and understanding of the new media. It will also provide the educational context of the project which consists of European cultural heritage, including history, architecture, literature, movies, music, art and computer simulation games. All of this will be in the context of train and train stations in Europe. The different groups work on the similarities of train and digital networks.

Education and training for improving digital literacyOne of the results of the project will be the production of an educational module for teachers and trainers in adult and higher education. It will provide a way to facilitate mutual awareness of cultural awareness among learners and a way of providing creative training on the use of the Internet and digital media in intercultural networks.


This Web site will aim to develop new ways of learning in schools in Europe and beyond. Best practice will be identified in a range of subject areas, different ideas on teaching and learning practices will be exchanged and partnerships between schools will be encouraged. A Helpdesk will be made available on the use of the Internet, especially for socially neglected groups of people.

CitizenshipThe commitment of as many citizens as possible to the project will be encouraged, especially when the environment is being dealt with.

European cultural diversityExamples will be given of successful links between different European cultures, especially those which involve young people.

Equal opportunitiesThe project will be open to people of both sexes, of all ages, and particular attention will be paid to those living in rural areas and who have not easy access to all the facilities which are available in larger towns or cities. There will be some co-operation with Internet-café projects, especially those which have been established for young female migrants.

New media changes our life

Many disadvantaged young people, especially immigrants who have language difficulties, leave school without qualifications and have difficulty in finding work. The project will offer courses in the use of the new media to groups of these people and inform them of the advantages in achieving computer literacy. Public and private organisations will be informed of the dangers of the digital divide, with disadvantaged people not having access to the Internet and other new media.

Education and training for improving digital literacyEducation and training for socially disadvantaged young people in the area of digital literacy with the aim of helping them to find appropriate work or vocational training places.


Organisations will participate in an eLearning festival, which will be aimed at people of all ages. It will raise awareness of the educational value of using online technology, emphasising the cultural value of the information age and encouraging partnerships. The themes range from exploring art to social issues, combining new technologies and the organisation of a multimedia exhibition.

Equality of opportunitiesEverybody who is interested, including disadvantaged groups, will be given the opportunity to discover and learn about new technologies.

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