Training materials. Key Skills Online: Intranet Support for Students (CD-ROM)

Education + Training

ISSN: 0040-0912

Article publication date: 1 February 2001




(2001), "Training materials. Key Skills Online: Intranet Support for Students (CD-ROM)", Education + Training, Vol. 43 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

Training materials. Key Skills Online: Intranet Support for Students (CD-ROM)

Training materials

Key Skills Online: Intranet Support for Students (CD-ROM)

Sue Drew and Louise Thorpe (Eds)Gower

Keywords: Skills, Students

This CD-ROM provides a comprehensive range of key skills material, developed by the Learning and Teaching Institute of Sheffield Hallam University in association with Leeds Metropolitan University and the University of Plymouth. Key skills are increasingly important in higher education across all disciplines. The materials are designed to be placed on an institution's intranet, thus enabling all staff to integrate key skills into the curriculum. Students can access help on key skills as and when they need it, making effective use of information and communication technology. It begins with "Key Skills Check", a questionnaire used by the student to assess his/her level. Skills are then broken down into a range of areas, for example, writing skills, oral communications skills, information gathering and solving problems, improving learning and career management.

The system developed is flexible in the sense that it allows HE institutions to insert their own contents and tailor the materials to their own requirements. In order to place the materials on the intranet an institution will need to purchase a licence. The price of this ranges from £400 for a very small institution to £750 for a large institution. The materials can be viewed through the projects' Web site at

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