Central Bureau to administer Europass in Britain

Education + Training

ISSN: 0040-0912

Article publication date: 1 February 2001




(2001), "Central Bureau to administer Europass in Britain", Education + Training, Vol. 43 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/et.2001.00443aab.009



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

Central Bureau to administer Europass in Britain

Central Bureau to administer Europass in Britain

Keywords: Vocational training, Europe

The Department for Education and Employment has appointed the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges to administer the European Commission's Europass initiative in Britain. Europass aims to promote mobility within vocational training by providing a voluntary Europe-wide means of recording periods of training outside the "home" member state in the form of a document which outlines key skills and activities completed by the trainees undertaking work experience and periods of training in Europe.

Further information is available by calling the Central Bureau on +44 20 7389 4389, or by visiting the Web site at http://www.europass-uk.co.uk

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