Hot line to the DES
A number of Authorities have established sixth‐form colleges in order to economise on provision at sixth‐form level, but these are still run under secondary regulations. This creates problems in effecting co‐operation and possibly eventual merger with adjacent further education colleges. Is there any reason why all institutions which admit students only when they are over the compulsory school‐leaving age should not be run under further education regulations? Although where would still be differences in treatment between 16–19 year olds in all‐through secondary schools and in post‐16 institutions, the anomalies would be much less than in the present system where sixth‐form colleges operate under secondary regulations.
Oakes, G. (1977), "Hot line to the DES", Education + Training, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 10-12.
Copyright © 1977, MCB UP Limited