Education + Training: Volume 19 Issue 1


Table of contents

Viewpoint: From CSE to dole queue — Wither the flower of our youth?

The high level of youth unemployment is not a transient problem. It is not something which will disappear with the next up‐swing of the trade cycle. A mix of factors is…

Improving the quality of working life

D.L. Landen

GM has throughout its history consistently sought better ways to implement the philosophy that people are the Corporation's most important asset — and not merely expense items to…

Stop penalising the “distance” student

Lyndon H. Jones

There are numerous reasons why people study by correspondence, including:

Towards a comprehensive manpower policy

This article is a summary of a report published by the Manpower Services Commission in pursuance of its top priority to help the economic recovery of the UK.

Hot line to the DES

Gordon Oakes

A number of Authorities have established sixth‐form colleges in order to economise on provision at sixth‐form level, but these are still run under secondary regulations. This…


Catherine Avent

Career Change is a rare book: a do‐it‐yourself kit for people obliged to look for a new job and contemplating a possible change of career. This is quite distinct from the several…


Bill Allen OBE

The following are the recognised senior bodies of accountants in the British Isles, all of which have been incorporated by Royal Charter:

Careers:: TRAINING

The Hertfordshire Association of Leisure Officers (HALO), the Eastern Arts Association, and the Hertfordshire College of Building at St Albans have got together to arrange what is…

Careers:: TOPICS

The new Careers Service Advisory Council, which will advise the Secretary of State for Employment about the running of the local education authority Careers Service, is now in…

English as she is written — 4. Prepositions

Edgar Baker

Any examiner knows that prepositions can be a source of mistakes in English. Their use is governed by idiom, so that it is not possible to give simple rules to guide the learner;…

Education and the needs of the economy

Gerry Fowler

The Prime Minister called recently for “a great debate” upon the curriculum and standards in schools, and on how education could best meet the needs of the economy.

In place of performance appraisal

Lyndon Jones

An effective organisation is likely to be one in which employees:

Pity the poor college administrator

Ken Harman

Where in Colleges of Further and Higher Education is there a member of staff who

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  • Dr Martin McCracken