‘Residence and Technical Education’ ‐a comment on the report prepared by Mrs D. Silberston (Max Parrish, 16s )
UNQUESTIONABLY this Report, prepared by Mrs. Silberston on behalf of a Joint Committee representing the National Institute of Adult Education, the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions, and the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions, is valuable and should be read by everyone interested in technical education. For those who have made any attempts to develop a full and corporate life in a technical college it will provide some yardstick against which their efforts can be measured. For those who are considering such development, but who are uncertain, it will provide a degree of encouragement to go forward. While for those to whom the difficulties in the way have seemed insuperable it should provide evidence sufficient to persuade them that with time and perseverance the obstacles can be overcome.
Jackson, T.E.A.K. (1960), "‘Residence and Technical Education’ ‐a comment on the report prepared by Mrs D. Silberston (Max Parrish, 16
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