Table of contents
In what it innocuously describes as an industrial appraisal of the technical colleges and their government, the Federation of British Industries draws attention to the wide gap…
Crowther, Industry and the County Colleges … 2
A. MacLennanAt least it can be said that the Minister of Education has made definite decisions. Whether the reasoning behind them can be considered valid is another matter, largely dependent…
A Laboratory for Advanced Electrical Teaching
M.E. PillowFor some years now, courses have been carried out in this college with a strong emphasis on experimental electronics and wave‐guide physics, as well as on general circuit…
‘Residence and Technical Education’ ‐a comment on the report prepared by Mrs D. Silberston (Max Parrish, 16s)
T.E.A.K. JacksonUNQUESTIONABLY this Report, prepared by Mrs. Silberston on behalf of a Joint Committee representing the National Institute of Adult Education, the Association of Principals of…
The Training of Technical Teachers in France
K.F. SmartWHEN BAFFLED by their inability to grasp the intricacies of the English educational system, the French are apt to fall back on the dictum that the French are logical (i.e.…
Progress Report Number 6: Pre‐Apprentice Courses
John WellensTHE MOST powerful formative influence in the English educational system is its own flexibility. Let other countries have their rigid codes and systems: give us a system which…
The Further Education of Girls — from a correspondent
IN RECENT weeks the press has presented a good cross‐section of opinion about education for girls, its aims and purposes, curricula and techniques and the quality of staffing. If…
County College — 1960
John WellensTHE HISTORY of the County College is largely the history of the stillborn: sixteen years after the Butler Act, the Order in Council, which would make the County College part of…
Three Nuclear Reactors for Research and Training: 1 — JASON
Construction work is due to start next month on Hanker Siddeley's first export Jason, ordered by the Dutch Reactor Centre near Amsterdam
The Use of Films in Work Study Training
A. RaeFILMS AND THE cine‐camera are not essential to the application of work study in its broader aspects, and, in fact there are many firms practising work study today in which the use…
TEACHING TOPICS: Teaching the Basic Principles of Impulse‐Voltage Testing
W.G. HawleyTHERE ARE probably few technical colleges where space and finance will permit the installation of large impulse generator equipment such as that described by Mr Briggs in the…
Bending and Twisting — new developments and their place in ONC courses
G. Pallett“STRESS, STRAIN, elasticity and plasticity.” This impressive heading, or one very like it, can be seen in many introductory syllabuses in the subject of mechanical engineering…
Report on a conference held at Belle Vue, Manchester, on 14th March, and organised under the auspices of the North‐Western Regional Advisory Council for Further Education
Visual aids
A regular feature giving news and comment on events and productions in the field of visual aids for technical and scientific teaching and training
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Martin McCracken