Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era
ISBN: 978-1-80382-296-9, eISBN: 978-1-80382-295-2
ISSN: 1877-6361
Publication date: 30 September 2022
(2022), "Index", Chemma, N., El Amine Abdelli, M., Awasthi, A. and Mogaji, E. (Ed.) Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era (Advanced Series in Management, Vol. 29), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 239-244.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Nawal Chemma, Mohammed El Amine Abdelli, Anjali Awasthi and Emmanuel Mogaji. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Accessibility, 29–30, 90
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs), 87
Affective trust, 211
Africa, 28
IT solutions for sustainable transportation in, 85–88
status of digital transportation in, 83–85
transportation in, 83
Algerian economy
digital technology in Algerian economic activities, 128–129
digitalisation, 133–136
effects of digital technology on economic activity of countries, 129–133
Algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
Applicability, 32, 55
Artificial Intelligence (AI), 2, 9–10, 28, 48, 113, 142, 175–176, 234
AI-based collaborative learning platforms, 38–39
AI-enabled technology enablers, 10
artefact creation methodology, 37–38
company attributes, 11–14
company strategy, 14–15
conceptual framework, 40–41
consumer attributes, 17–19
curricula, 36–37
dimensions, 235
dynamics, 3
economic challenge, 33–34
in education, 29–30
effectiveness in SME’S growth and enhancement, 179–180
human facility concerns, 31–33
implications for theory and practice, 41
institutional capacity, 34–35
policy for education, 35–36
practical contributions, 22
problem, 30–35
proposed model for, 11–21
rule-based systems, 16–17
technology acceptance and user gratification, 20–21
theoretical contributions, 22
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
Artisanal cluster
conceptual model, 211–212
diffusion of innovation in, 209–212
notions, 209–210
technological change, 210–211
Automated traffic control, 82
Automated Transport Systems (ATSs), 85
Automatically, 14, 166–167
Automation, 84–85, 87, 114, 129, 131, 133, 182
Autonomous cars, 82
Availability, Location, Accessibility, Relatability and Actionability model (ALARA model), 106
Bankruptcy, 113
Batna jewellery cluster, 208
Big data, 142
Blockchain, 28
technologies, 113
Blue-green, 152, 157–158, 176–177, 182, 194
Brand experience, 66–68
Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT system), 84
Business, 2–3, 194
analytics, 181
ecosystem, 49
Business intelligence (BI), 181
and to affect SME’S enhancement in digital world, 181–194
in today’s business, 181
Business-to-business, 91, 209, 217
Business-to-consumer, 132–133
Capabilities, 29–30, 33, 35, 87, 158, 161, 210–211, 234
Central banks, 96
Chromic materials, 50
Clothing order size, 55–56
Cloud Computing, 28
Co-creation, 37–38, 40–41
Cognitive confidence, 211
Cognitive perception of AI, 33
Collaborative learning, 38
Collectivism, 208, 212, 215–216
Commercialisation, 197
Company attributes, 11–14
Company strategy, 14–15
Competitiveness, 52–53, 112–113, 127–128, 207–208, 212, 224
Computer vision, 175–176
Connection quality, 119
Connectivity, 81–85, 87–88, 115
Constant Upgrade, 18
Consumer analytics and role of technology, 14
Conversational interfaces, 15
Cooperative adaptive cruise control (C-ACC), 84–85
Cooperative automated transport (CCAM), 84–85
Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), 84–85
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 151
COVID-19, 111–112, 222
consequences caused by covid-19/post-covid-19 era, 194–195
crisis, 128
pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
Craft cluster, 208, 210
analysis and results, 215–217
research methodology, 213–214
Credit-risk, 174
Cultural challenge, 31–32
Culture, 31–32
Cyber-physical systems, 142
Data curation policy issue, 34
Data privacy and security, 36
Data-centric technology, 34
Data-driven technology, 34, 84–85
Decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation revolutions (D3 revolutions), 177
Decentralisation, 177
Decision-makers, 156–157, 178, 181, 235
Deep, 30, 35
Deep learning through artificial intelligence and gamification, 14–15
Deepening, 35, 41
Design science, 38
Developing countries, 82
Diaplex®, 50
Digital business, common elements of, 162
Digital culture, 227
Digital era, 1–3, 81–82, 233–234
Digital innovations, 91
Digital policy strategies issue, 34
Digital security, 234
Digital skills, 227
Digital strategy, 227
Digital technologies, 112–113, 221–222
in Algerian economic activities, 128–129
data processing and analysis, 115
descriptive statistics, 119
interdependences between variables, 119
literature review and hypotheses, 113–115
methodology, 115–119
model specification, 117–119
policy implications, 119–121
questionnaire development, 115
research method and sample, 115
risks, 133
variables, 115–117
Digital transformation, 221–222, 233–234
benefits, 224
challenges, 225
literature review, 222–225
methodology, 225–226
results, 226–229
types, 224–225
Digital transportation status in Africa, 83–85
Digital-Savvy, 17–18
of Algerian economy, 128, 133, 136
common elements of, 162
index, 177
in small and medium-sized enterprises, 163
Digitally-driven, 104
Digitisation, 154, 222–223, 235
of road freight transport, 87–88
Doost Cultural Theory (DCT), 142, 195, 197, 199
E-commerce, 12, 15, 49, 134, 208
E-commerce Index, 135
E-counselling, 39
E-payment, 134
Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), 48
Easy-to-use, 178
Economic development, 127
Economic sustainability, 143
Ecosystems, 48–49, 151, 195, 202–203
business, 49
perspective, 49
Edited book, 4, 234
Education, 28
artificial intelligence in, 29–30
Education 5.0, 175–176
Educational technologies, 175–176
Electronic toll collection (ETC), 86
Emerging markets, 9–10
proposed model for artificial intelligence and gamification, 11–21
theoretical underpinning, 10–11
Empathy marketing, 20
Engagement, 21
Enterprises, 2, 51, 58, 112, 116, 175–176
Entrepreneurship, 48, 166, 174
European banks, 96
Experience, 21
Face-to-face learning, 28
Fifth wave theory, 142, 157, 169, 175, 179, 182, 194
Financial innovation, 174
Financial services, 96–97
Fintech futures, 88–89
First Wave, 181
Fourth industrial revolution (4IR), 28
Fourth Wave, 182
Future concerns, 176–177
Future-oriented questions and objectives, 141–142
Fuzzy logic, 175–176
Gamification, 9–10
company attributes, 11–14
company strategy, 14–15
consumer attributes, 17–19
inclusion of self-aware AI and, 15–16
practical contributions, 22
proposed model for, 11–21
rule-based systems, 16–17
technology acceptance and user gratification, 20–21
theoretical contributions, 22
Gamification-driven interactions, 10–11, 17
Geospatial Information systems (GISs), 87
Global Connectivity Index (GCI), 135
Global Innovation Index (GII), 135
Good Corporate Governance (GCG), 151
Government support, 115
Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory (GLOSA), 84–85
HEI–SME cooperation model, 197–201
Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT), 73
Hevenarian cycle, 38
High street banks, 98
High-capacity buses, 83
Human resources (HR), 142
competencies, 153–157
development, 156
Human-centric services, 11–12
Human-computer interaction (HCI), 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
Human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
Hybrid SMEs/SME 5. 0/Tomorrow’s SMEs, 191–194
Hyper-networking, 142
i-Sustainability Plus theory, 142, 186
ICT Development Index (IDI), 134–135
Impulsive tendencies, 18
Individualism, 208, 212, 215–216
Industry 4.0, 142
Industry 5.0, 142
Industry-business-network, 164
Information and communication technology (ICT), 48, 127
Information management systems, 2
Information technology (IT), 1–3, 19, 29, 81–82, 235
challenges, 2
conceptual framework, 88–90
opportunities and challenges in, 82
solutions for sustainable transportation in Africa, 85–88
strategic use, 1–2
Information-sharing mechanism, 52–53
Infrastructure, 30, 33–34, 52, 82–83, 85, 88–89, 103–104, 194
Innovation, 177, 207–208
Innovation-enabling policy and regulatory framework, 151
Institutional AI agenda, 34–35
Institutional capacity, 34–35
Intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
Intelligent digital transportation systems, 85–86
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs), 82, 85
International index, 134–136
Internet, 131–132
Internet of Energy (IoE), 142
IoE-education, 153–157
Internet of Things (IoT), 3–4, 28, 113, 142, 175–176, 223
Internet-driven banking services, 98
IoT-Business (IoB), 183–186
Klout (website), 234
Knowledge, technology, and business model (KTB model), 154–155, 183, 186
Knowledge deficit, 32
Knowledge-based workers, 33, 48, 134
Labour market, effects of digital technology on, 130–131
Lack of technical skills/competencies, 148
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), 89
Leadership, 38, 163–165, 203–204
Likert scale, 55
Live process, 16
Liveability, 177–179
Location-Based Services (LBS), 87
Logarithms, 72
Luxury purchase behaviour, 66
brand experience and, 67–68
conceptual framework, 71
data analysis, 72
demographics, 72
literature review, 67–71
materialism and, 69–70
measurement model assessment, 72–74
method and data presentation, 72–75
narcissism and, 68–69
structural model, 74–75
TPB model, 71
Machine learning (ML), 142, 175–176
Machines, 37, 48, 54, 179–180
Management, 2, 52, 164–165, 235
Mapping the future, 169
Materialism, 66–67, 69–70
Micro-grid, 170
Mobility as a service (MaaS), 84–85
Multi-dimensional concept, 188
Narcissism, 66–69
Narcissistic economy, 67
National Health Service (NHS), 100
Natural language processing (NLP), 39
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
NatWest, 100
Neobanks, 96–98
Netnography, 98–99
Networked Readiness Index (NRI), 133–134
Neural networks, 175–176
Nine pillars of sustainable governance model (9PSG model), 142, 153
Online buying intentions, 66
mediating role, 70–71
Optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Optimised standard genetic algorithm effectiveness for solving order size, 56
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34, 163
Oricalco®, 50
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Capabilities, 29–30, 33, 35, 87, 158, 161, 210–211, 234
Central banks, 96
Chromic materials, 50
Clothing order size, 55–56
Cloud Computing, 28
Co-creation, 37–38, 40–41
Cognitive confidence, 211
Cognitive perception of AI, 33
Collaborative learning, 38
Collectivism, 208, 212, 215–216
Commercialisation, 197
Company attributes, 11–14
Company strategy, 14–15
Competitiveness, 52–53, 112–113, 127–128, 207–208, 212, 224
Computer vision, 175–176
Connection quality, 119
Connectivity, 81–85, 87–88, 115
Constant Upgrade, 18
Consumer analytics and role of technology, 14
Conversational interfaces, 15
Cooperative adaptive cruise control (C-ACC), 84–85
Cooperative automated transport (CCAM), 84–85
Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), 84–85
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 151
COVID-19, 111–112, 222
consequences caused by covid-19/post-covid-19 era, 194–195
crisis, 128
pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
Craft cluster, 208, 210
analysis and results, 215–217
research methodology, 213–214
Credit-risk, 174
Cultural challenge, 31–32
Culture, 31–32
Cyber-physical systems, 142
Data curation policy issue, 34
Data privacy and security, 36
Data-centric technology, 34
Data-driven technology, 34, 84–85
Decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation revolutions (D3 revolutions), 177
Decentralisation, 177
Decision-makers, 156–157, 178, 181, 235
Deep, 30, 35
Deep learning through artificial intelligence and gamification, 14–15
Deepening, 35, 41
Design science, 38
Developing countries, 82
Diaplex®, 50
Digital business, common elements of, 162
Digital culture, 227
Digital era, 1–3, 81–82, 233–234
Digital innovations, 91
Digital policy strategies issue, 34
Digital security, 234
Digital skills, 227
Digital strategy, 227
Digital technologies, 112–113, 221–222
in Algerian economic activities, 128–129
data processing and analysis, 115
descriptive statistics, 119
interdependences between variables, 119
literature review and hypotheses, 113–115
methodology, 115–119
model specification, 117–119
policy implications, 119–121
questionnaire development, 115
research method and sample, 115
risks, 133
variables, 115–117
Digital transformation, 221–222, 233–234
benefits, 224
challenges, 225
literature review, 222–225
methodology, 225–226
results, 226–229
types, 224–225
Digital transportation status in Africa, 83–85
Digital-Savvy, 17–18
of Algerian economy, 128, 133, 136
common elements of, 162
index, 177
in small and medium-sized enterprises, 163
Digitally-driven, 104
Digitisation, 154, 222–223, 235
of road freight transport, 87–88
Doost Cultural Theory (DCT), 142, 195, 197, 199
E-commerce, 12, 15, 49, 134, 208
E-commerce Index, 135
E-counselling, 39
E-payment, 134
Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), 48
Easy-to-use, 178
Economic development, 127
Economic sustainability, 143
Ecosystems, 48–49, 151, 195, 202–203
business, 49
perspective, 49
Edited book, 4, 234
Education, 28
artificial intelligence in, 29–30
Education 5.0, 175–176
Educational technologies, 175–176
Electronic toll collection (ETC), 86
Emerging markets, 9–10
proposed model for artificial intelligence and gamification, 11–21
theoretical underpinning, 10–11
Empathy marketing, 20
Engagement, 21
Enterprises, 2, 51, 58, 112, 116, 175–176
Entrepreneurship, 48, 166, 174
European banks, 96
Experience, 21
Face-to-face learning, 28
Fifth wave theory, 142, 157, 169, 175, 179, 182, 194
Financial innovation, 174
Financial services, 96–97
Fintech futures, 88–89
First Wave, 181
Fourth industrial revolution (4IR), 28
Fourth Wave, 182
Future concerns, 176–177
Future-oriented questions and objectives, 141–142
Fuzzy logic, 175–176
Gamification, 9–10
company attributes, 11–14
company strategy, 14–15
consumer attributes, 17–19
inclusion of self-aware AI and, 15–16
practical contributions, 22
proposed model for, 11–21
rule-based systems, 16–17
technology acceptance and user gratification, 20–21
theoretical contributions, 22
Gamification-driven interactions, 10–11, 17
Geospatial Information systems (GISs), 87
Global Connectivity Index (GCI), 135
Global Innovation Index (GII), 135
Good Corporate Governance (GCG), 151
Government support, 115
Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory (GLOSA), 84–85
HEI–SME cooperation model, 197–201
Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT), 73
Hevenarian cycle, 38
High street banks, 98
High-capacity buses, 83
Human resources (HR), 142
competencies, 153–157
development, 156
Human-centric services, 11–12
Human-computer interaction (HCI), 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
Human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
Hybrid SMEs/SME 5. 0/Tomorrow’s SMEs, 191–194
Hyper-networking, 142
i-Sustainability Plus theory, 142, 186
ICT Development Index (IDI), 134–135
Impulsive tendencies, 18
Individualism, 208, 212, 215–216
Industry 4.0, 142
Industry 5.0, 142
Industry-business-network, 164
Information and communication technology (ICT), 48, 127
Information management systems, 2
Information technology (IT), 1–3, 19, 29, 81–82, 235
challenges, 2
conceptual framework, 88–90
opportunities and challenges in, 82
solutions for sustainable transportation in Africa, 85–88
strategic use, 1–2
Information-sharing mechanism, 52–53
Infrastructure, 30, 33–34, 52, 82–83, 85, 88–89, 103–104, 194
Innovation, 177, 207–208
Innovation-enabling policy and regulatory framework, 151
Institutional AI agenda, 34–35
Institutional capacity, 34–35
Intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
Intelligent digital transportation systems, 85–86
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs), 82, 85
International index, 134–136
Internet, 131–132
Internet of Energy (IoE), 142
IoE-education, 153–157
Internet of Things (IoT), 3–4, 28, 113, 142, 175–176, 223
Internet-driven banking services, 98
IoT-Business (IoB), 183–186
Klout (website), 234
Knowledge, technology, and business model (KTB model), 154–155, 183, 186
Knowledge deficit, 32
Knowledge-based workers, 33, 48, 134
Labour market, effects of digital technology on, 130–131
Lack of technical skills/competencies, 148
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), 89
Leadership, 38, 163–165, 203–204
Likert scale, 55
Live process, 16
Liveability, 177–179
Location-Based Services (LBS), 87
Logarithms, 72
Luxury purchase behaviour, 66
brand experience and, 67–68
conceptual framework, 71
data analysis, 72
demographics, 72
literature review, 67–71
materialism and, 69–70
measurement model assessment, 72–74
method and data presentation, 72–75
narcissism and, 68–69
structural model, 74–75
TPB model, 71
Machine learning (ML), 142, 175–176
Machines, 37, 48, 54, 179–180
Management, 2, 52, 164–165, 235
Mapping the future, 169
Materialism, 66–67, 69–70
Micro-grid, 170
Mobility as a service (MaaS), 84–85
Multi-dimensional concept, 188
Narcissism, 66–69
Narcissistic economy, 67
National Health Service (NHS), 100
Natural language processing (NLP), 39
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
NatWest, 100
Neobanks, 96–98
Netnography, 98–99
Networked Readiness Index (NRI), 133–134
Neural networks, 175–176
Nine pillars of sustainable governance model (9PSG model), 142, 153
Online buying intentions, 66
mediating role, 70–71
Optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Optimised standard genetic algorithm effectiveness for solving order size, 56
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34, 163
Oricalco®, 50
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
E-commerce, 12, 15, 49, 134, 208
E-commerce Index, 135
E-counselling, 39
E-payment, 134
Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), 48
Easy-to-use, 178
Economic development, 127
Economic sustainability, 143
Ecosystems, 48–49, 151, 195, 202–203
business, 49
perspective, 49
Edited book, 4, 234
Education, 28
artificial intelligence in, 29–30
Education 5.0, 175–176
Educational technologies, 175–176
Electronic toll collection (ETC), 86
Emerging markets, 9–10
proposed model for artificial intelligence and gamification, 11–21
theoretical underpinning, 10–11
Empathy marketing, 20
Engagement, 21
Enterprises, 2, 51, 58, 112, 116, 175–176
Entrepreneurship, 48, 166, 174
European banks, 96
Experience, 21
Face-to-face learning, 28
Fifth wave theory, 142, 157, 169, 175, 179, 182, 194
Financial innovation, 174
Financial services, 96–97
Fintech futures, 88–89
First Wave, 181
Fourth industrial revolution (4IR), 28
Fourth Wave, 182
Future concerns, 176–177
Future-oriented questions and objectives, 141–142
Fuzzy logic, 175–176
Gamification, 9–10
company attributes, 11–14
company strategy, 14–15
consumer attributes, 17–19
inclusion of self-aware AI and, 15–16
practical contributions, 22
proposed model for, 11–21
rule-based systems, 16–17
technology acceptance and user gratification, 20–21
theoretical contributions, 22
Gamification-driven interactions, 10–11, 17
Geospatial Information systems (GISs), 87
Global Connectivity Index (GCI), 135
Global Innovation Index (GII), 135
Good Corporate Governance (GCG), 151
Government support, 115
Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory (GLOSA), 84–85
HEI–SME cooperation model, 197–201
Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT), 73
Hevenarian cycle, 38
High street banks, 98
High-capacity buses, 83
Human resources (HR), 142
competencies, 153–157
development, 156
Human-centric services, 11–12
Human-computer interaction (HCI), 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
Human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
Hybrid SMEs/SME 5. 0/Tomorrow’s SMEs, 191–194
Hyper-networking, 142
i-Sustainability Plus theory, 142, 186
ICT Development Index (IDI), 134–135
Impulsive tendencies, 18
Individualism, 208, 212, 215–216
Industry 4.0, 142
Industry 5.0, 142
Industry-business-network, 164
Information and communication technology (ICT), 48, 127
Information management systems, 2
Information technology (IT), 1–3, 19, 29, 81–82, 235
challenges, 2
conceptual framework, 88–90
opportunities and challenges in, 82
solutions for sustainable transportation in Africa, 85–88
strategic use, 1–2
Information-sharing mechanism, 52–53
Infrastructure, 30, 33–34, 52, 82–83, 85, 88–89, 103–104, 194
Innovation, 177, 207–208
Innovation-enabling policy and regulatory framework, 151
Institutional AI agenda, 34–35
Institutional capacity, 34–35
Intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
Intelligent digital transportation systems, 85–86
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs), 82, 85
International index, 134–136
Internet, 131–132
Internet of Energy (IoE), 142
IoE-education, 153–157
Internet of Things (IoT), 3–4, 28, 113, 142, 175–176, 223
Internet-driven banking services, 98
IoT-Business (IoB), 183–186
Klout (website), 234
Knowledge, technology, and business model (KTB model), 154–155, 183, 186
Knowledge deficit, 32
Knowledge-based workers, 33, 48, 134
Labour market, effects of digital technology on, 130–131
Lack of technical skills/competencies, 148
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), 89
Leadership, 38, 163–165, 203–204
Likert scale, 55
Live process, 16
Liveability, 177–179
Location-Based Services (LBS), 87
Logarithms, 72
Luxury purchase behaviour, 66
brand experience and, 67–68
conceptual framework, 71
data analysis, 72
demographics, 72
literature review, 67–71
materialism and, 69–70
measurement model assessment, 72–74
method and data presentation, 72–75
narcissism and, 68–69
structural model, 74–75
TPB model, 71
Machine learning (ML), 142, 175–176
Machines, 37, 48, 54, 179–180
Management, 2, 52, 164–165, 235
Mapping the future, 169
Materialism, 66–67, 69–70
Micro-grid, 170
Mobility as a service (MaaS), 84–85
Multi-dimensional concept, 188
Narcissism, 66–69
Narcissistic economy, 67
National Health Service (NHS), 100
Natural language processing (NLP), 39
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
NatWest, 100
Neobanks, 96–98
Netnography, 98–99
Networked Readiness Index (NRI), 133–134
Neural networks, 175–176
Nine pillars of sustainable governance model (9PSG model), 142, 153
Online buying intentions, 66
mediating role, 70–71
Optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Optimised standard genetic algorithm effectiveness for solving order size, 56
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34, 163
Oricalco®, 50
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Gamification, 9–10
company attributes, 11–14
company strategy, 14–15
consumer attributes, 17–19
inclusion of self-aware AI and, 15–16
practical contributions, 22
proposed model for, 11–21
rule-based systems, 16–17
technology acceptance and user gratification, 20–21
theoretical contributions, 22
Gamification-driven interactions, 10–11, 17
Geospatial Information systems (GISs), 87
Global Connectivity Index (GCI), 135
Global Innovation Index (GII), 135
Good Corporate Governance (GCG), 151
Government support, 115
Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory (GLOSA), 84–85
HEI–SME cooperation model, 197–201
Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT), 73
Hevenarian cycle, 38
High street banks, 98
High-capacity buses, 83
Human resources (HR), 142
competencies, 153–157
development, 156
Human-centric services, 11–12
Human-computer interaction (HCI), 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
Human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
Hybrid SMEs/SME 5. 0/Tomorrow’s SMEs, 191–194
Hyper-networking, 142
i-Sustainability Plus theory, 142, 186
ICT Development Index (IDI), 134–135
Impulsive tendencies, 18
Individualism, 208, 212, 215–216
Industry 4.0, 142
Industry 5.0, 142
Industry-business-network, 164
Information and communication technology (ICT), 48, 127
Information management systems, 2
Information technology (IT), 1–3, 19, 29, 81–82, 235
challenges, 2
conceptual framework, 88–90
opportunities and challenges in, 82
solutions for sustainable transportation in Africa, 85–88
strategic use, 1–2
Information-sharing mechanism, 52–53
Infrastructure, 30, 33–34, 52, 82–83, 85, 88–89, 103–104, 194
Innovation, 177, 207–208
Innovation-enabling policy and regulatory framework, 151
Institutional AI agenda, 34–35
Institutional capacity, 34–35
Intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
Intelligent digital transportation systems, 85–86
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs), 82, 85
International index, 134–136
Internet, 131–132
Internet of Energy (IoE), 142
IoE-education, 153–157
Internet of Things (IoT), 3–4, 28, 113, 142, 175–176, 223
Internet-driven banking services, 98
IoT-Business (IoB), 183–186
Klout (website), 234
Knowledge, technology, and business model (KTB model), 154–155, 183, 186
Knowledge deficit, 32
Knowledge-based workers, 33, 48, 134
Labour market, effects of digital technology on, 130–131
Lack of technical skills/competencies, 148
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), 89
Leadership, 38, 163–165, 203–204
Likert scale, 55
Live process, 16
Liveability, 177–179
Location-Based Services (LBS), 87
Logarithms, 72
Luxury purchase behaviour, 66
brand experience and, 67–68
conceptual framework, 71
data analysis, 72
demographics, 72
literature review, 67–71
materialism and, 69–70
measurement model assessment, 72–74
method and data presentation, 72–75
narcissism and, 68–69
structural model, 74–75
TPB model, 71
Machine learning (ML), 142, 175–176
Machines, 37, 48, 54, 179–180
Management, 2, 52, 164–165, 235
Mapping the future, 169
Materialism, 66–67, 69–70
Micro-grid, 170
Mobility as a service (MaaS), 84–85
Multi-dimensional concept, 188
Narcissism, 66–69
Narcissistic economy, 67
National Health Service (NHS), 100
Natural language processing (NLP), 39
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
NatWest, 100
Neobanks, 96–98
Netnography, 98–99
Networked Readiness Index (NRI), 133–134
Neural networks, 175–176
Nine pillars of sustainable governance model (9PSG model), 142, 153
Online buying intentions, 66
mediating role, 70–71
Optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Optimised standard genetic algorithm effectiveness for solving order size, 56
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34, 163
Oricalco®, 50
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
i-Sustainability Plus theory, 142, 186
ICT Development Index (IDI), 134–135
Impulsive tendencies, 18
Individualism, 208, 212, 215–216
Industry 4.0, 142
Industry 5.0, 142
Industry-business-network, 164
Information and communication technology (ICT), 48, 127
Information management systems, 2
Information technology (IT), 1–3, 19, 29, 81–82, 235
challenges, 2
conceptual framework, 88–90
opportunities and challenges in, 82
solutions for sustainable transportation in Africa, 85–88
strategic use, 1–2
Information-sharing mechanism, 52–53
Infrastructure, 30, 33–34, 52, 82–83, 85, 88–89, 103–104, 194
Innovation, 177, 207–208
Innovation-enabling policy and regulatory framework, 151
Institutional AI agenda, 34–35
Institutional capacity, 34–35
Intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
Intelligent digital transportation systems, 85–86
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs), 82, 85
International index, 134–136
Internet, 131–132
Internet of Energy (IoE), 142
IoE-education, 153–157
Internet of Things (IoT), 3–4, 28, 113, 142, 175–176, 223
Internet-driven banking services, 98
IoT-Business (IoB), 183–186
Klout (website), 234
Knowledge, technology, and business model (KTB model), 154–155, 183, 186
Knowledge deficit, 32
Knowledge-based workers, 33, 48, 134
Labour market, effects of digital technology on, 130–131
Lack of technical skills/competencies, 148
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), 89
Leadership, 38, 163–165, 203–204
Likert scale, 55
Live process, 16
Liveability, 177–179
Location-Based Services (LBS), 87
Logarithms, 72
Luxury purchase behaviour, 66
brand experience and, 67–68
conceptual framework, 71
data analysis, 72
demographics, 72
literature review, 67–71
materialism and, 69–70
measurement model assessment, 72–74
method and data presentation, 72–75
narcissism and, 68–69
structural model, 74–75
TPB model, 71
Machine learning (ML), 142, 175–176
Machines, 37, 48, 54, 179–180
Management, 2, 52, 164–165, 235
Mapping the future, 169
Materialism, 66–67, 69–70
Micro-grid, 170
Mobility as a service (MaaS), 84–85
Multi-dimensional concept, 188
Narcissism, 66–69
Narcissistic economy, 67
National Health Service (NHS), 100
Natural language processing (NLP), 39
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
NatWest, 100
Neobanks, 96–98
Netnography, 98–99
Networked Readiness Index (NRI), 133–134
Neural networks, 175–176
Nine pillars of sustainable governance model (9PSG model), 142, 153
Online buying intentions, 66
mediating role, 70–71
Optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Optimised standard genetic algorithm effectiveness for solving order size, 56
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34, 163
Oricalco®, 50
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Labour market, effects of digital technology on, 130–131
Lack of technical skills/competencies, 148
Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), 89
Leadership, 38, 163–165, 203–204
Likert scale, 55
Live process, 16
Liveability, 177–179
Location-Based Services (LBS), 87
Logarithms, 72
Luxury purchase behaviour, 66
brand experience and, 67–68
conceptual framework, 71
data analysis, 72
demographics, 72
literature review, 67–71
materialism and, 69–70
measurement model assessment, 72–74
method and data presentation, 72–75
narcissism and, 68–69
structural model, 74–75
TPB model, 71
Machine learning (ML), 142, 175–176
Machines, 37, 48, 54, 179–180
Management, 2, 52, 164–165, 235
Mapping the future, 169
Materialism, 66–67, 69–70
Micro-grid, 170
Mobility as a service (MaaS), 84–85
Multi-dimensional concept, 188
Narcissism, 66–69
Narcissistic economy, 67
National Health Service (NHS), 100
Natural language processing (NLP), 39
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
NatWest, 100
Neobanks, 96–98
Netnography, 98–99
Networked Readiness Index (NRI), 133–134
Neural networks, 175–176
Nine pillars of sustainable governance model (9PSG model), 142, 153
Online buying intentions, 66
mediating role, 70–71
Optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Optimised standard genetic algorithm effectiveness for solving order size, 56
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34, 163
Oricalco®, 50
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Narcissism, 66–69
Narcissistic economy, 67
National Health Service (NHS), 100
Natural language processing (NLP), 39
tracking learners’ opinions with NLP techniques, 39
NatWest, 100
Neobanks, 96–98
Netnography, 98–99
Networked Readiness Index (NRI), 133–134
Neural networks, 175–176
Nine pillars of sustainable governance model (9PSG model), 142, 153
Online buying intentions, 66
mediating role, 70–71
Optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Optimised standard genetic algorithm effectiveness for solving order size, 56
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34, 163
Oricalco®, 50
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Pandemic, 28, 95–97, 113
PathPartner, 19
Pattern mapping, 17
Personified marketing, 13
Personified recommendations, 16–17
Phase-changing materials (PCM), 50
Platform business ecosystem, 51
clothing order size and algorithm parameter setting, 55–56
human-computer interactive customer trust model, 55
intelligent clothing ecosystem, 51–53
production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Pokemon Go, 20
Probability techniques, 113
Production scheduling model of clothing ecosystem based on AI algorithm, 53–55
Profitability, 112–113, 132, 134, 151, 163, 202–203
Quality of life, 177–179
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Relationship Management (RM), 96
Relationship marketing, 97
Resilience, 113
Responsibility, 104, 178–179, 224
Risks, 174
Rule-based systems, 16–17
Science, 49
Second Wave, 182
Self-expansion, 66
Self-organising logistics (SoL), 84–85
Service delivery, 102–103
Service preparation, 101–102
Service quality, 83
Service update, 99–101
Seven pillars of sustainability model (7PS model), 142–143, 169, 176
cultural, 145–146
economic, 147–148
educational, 148–151
environmental, 146
political, 151–153
social, 147
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 111–112
Shape memory materials (SMMs), 50
Skill set capacity, 32
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), 3, 112, 114, 141–142, 163, 169, 174–175
energy sector, 143
global, smart, innovative and sustainable, 163–164
7PS model, 143–169
SME 4.0 to SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 164–169
SME 5.0/hybrid SMEs/tomorrow’s SMEs, 165–166
SMEs’ HR competencies, 168–169
tomorrow’s SME challenges and shocks, 166–167
Smart city solutions for Africa, 86–87
Smart energy management, 153–157
Smart mobility, 82
Smart technologies for public transport planning, 88
Smart textiles, 50–51
SmartSkin™, 50
Social capital, 208, 210
Social Judgement Theory (SJT), 96
Social media, 96–98
Software solution companies, 19
Solution-driven, 19
Spanish Influenza pandemic, 112
Spontaneous decision, 18–19
Stimulus, organism and response framework (SOR framework), 10
Strategic management of platform business ecosystem, 49
assignment results of human-computer interactive customer trust model, 58–59
effectiveness of optimised standard genetic algorithm for solving order size, 56
literature, 49–51
method, 51–56
optimal order scheduling scheme, 56–58
Strategic service differentiation, 13
Structure equation modelling (SEM), 72
Sub-Saharan African countries (SSA countries), 29
Sustainability, 143, 151–152, 157–158, 177–178
Sustainability compass, 178–179
Sustainable, 35, 143, 166, 175–176, 189
Sustainable education, 28, 41
Sustainable transportation, 83
Sustainably, 178–179
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Technical-technological level, 142
Technological, 36, 91, 153, 210–211
Technological innovates, 81–82
Technological services, 33–34
Technologically advanced consumer demographics, 16
Technology, 30, 49, 81–82, 176, 233–234
Technology acceptance model, 10–11, 20–21
Thailand, 67, 69, 75
Thematic analysis methodology, 98–99
Theory of comprehensive everything, 175, 179, 182, 194
Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB model), 71
Third Wave, 182
3D SociEcoEnvironment SME model, 142
Tomorrow age theory, 175, 179, 182, 194
Total Relationship Marketing (TRM), 98
Transport tech start-ups, 88–89
Transportation, 82
in Africa, 83
Tweets, 99
Twitter, 96
UK banks, 96
literature review, 97–98
methodology, 98–99
results, 99–103
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 135
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 208
Unsustainability, 152
User gratification, 20–21
User-generated content (UGC), 97
Uses and gratification theory (UGT), 10–11
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
Value-oriented offerings, 13–14
Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I communication), 85–86
Vehicle-to-vehicle safety (V2V safety), 85–86
Virtual reality technology, 114
Voice assistants, 15
Vulnerable road user protection (VRU protection), 84–85
Waves/ages, 181–182
Web-based business, 70–71
Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic societies (WEIRD societies), 82
World Economic Forum (WEF), 133
World Health Organization (WHO), 111–112
- Prelims
- Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era: Introduction to Edited Collection on Challenges and Perspectives
- Theme 1 Artificial Intelligence
- Role of Artificial Intelligence in Gamification for the Emerging Markets
- Rethinking the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Education in Africa: Challenges and Solutions
- Strategic Management of Platform Business Ecosystem Using Artificial Intelligence Supported Human-Computer Interaction Technology
- Theme 2 Information Technology
- Impact of Brand Experience, Narcissism and Materialism on Luxury Purchase Behaviour Mediated by Online Buying Intentions
- Information Technology for Enhancing Transportation in Developing Countries
- Redefining Banking Service Delivery: Information Technology Adoption by UK Banks Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Impact of Digital Technologies on SMEs' Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Analysis of the Effects of Digital Technology on the Algerian Economy
- Theme 3 Technology-Driven Business Operations
- Mapping the Future SMEs' HR Competencies via IoE Technologies and 7PS Model Through the Fifth Wave Theory
- Mapping the Future Global SMEs Growth via Hybrid SMEs/SME 5.0/Tomorrow's SMEs Concept through the 5th Wave, i-Sustainability Plus and DCT Theories
- The Impact of Individualism and Collectivism on the Diffusion of ICT in a Craft Cluster: The Case of the Brassware Cluster of Constantine and the Jewellery Cluster of Batna
- The Biggest Digital Transformation Challenges for Companies: An Analysis Framework
- Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era: Conclusion and Research Agenda
- Index