Name Index

The Creation and Analysis of Employer-Employee Matched Data

ISBN: 978-0-44450-256-8, eISBN: 978-1-84950-851-3

ISSN: 0573-8555

Publication date: 13 September 1999

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(1999), "Name Index", Haltiwanger, J.C., Lane, J.I., Spletzer, J.R., Theeuwes, J.J.M. and Troske, K.R. (Ed.) The Creation and Analysis of Employer-Employee Matched Data (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 241), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 585-588.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1999, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Individual and Firm Heterogeneity in Compensation: An Analysis of Matched Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data for the State of Washington
Determinants of Pay in the Italian Labor Market: Jobs and Workers
Discrimination or Individual Effort? Regional Productivity Differentials in a Large Italian Firm
Compensation Policies and Firm Productivity
Technology and Skill Upgrading: Results from Linked Worker-Plant Data for Finnish Manufacturing
The Impact of a Disabling Workplace Injury on Earnings and Labor Force Participation
Why Are Racial and Ethnic Wage Gaps Larger for Men than for Women? Exploring the Role of Segregation Using the New Worker-Establishment Characteristics Database
Employer Wage Differentials in the United States and Denmark
Do Higher Wages Reflect Higher Productivity? Education, Gender and Experience Premiums in a Matched Plant-Worker Data Set
Sources of Earnings Dispersion in a Linked Employer-Employee Data Set: Evidence from Norway
The Employer's Wage Policy and Worker Turnover
Separations at the Firm Level
On the Incidence of Layoffs
The Effect of Worker Reallocation on the Earnings Distribution: Longitudinal Evidence from Linked Data
Part-Year Employment, Slow Reemployment, and Earnings Losses: The Case of Worker Displacement in France
The Use of Matched Employee-Employer Data as a Means of Assessing Data Reliability with Nonclassical Measurement Error
A Taxonomy of Survey Nonresponse and Its Relation to Labour Market Behaviour
Econometric Issues in the Analysis of Linked Cross-Section Employer-Worker Surveys
Workers' Knowledge of Their Pension Coverage: A Reevaluation
Using Employee-Level Data in a Firm-Level Econometric Study
The Development and Use of a Canadian Linked Employer-Employee Survey
The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey: A Discussion of the Methodology Used to Create Linked Employee and Employer Data
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey: Creation of a Linked Employer-Employee Database
Name Index
Subject Index