ISBN: 978-1-83982-423-4, eISBN: 978-1-83982-422-7
Publication date: 25 November 2021
(2021), "Prelims", Breen, J.M., van der Steege, M., Martin, S.S. and Glick-Smith, J.L. (Ed.) Women Courageous, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xv.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Women Courageous
More acclaim for Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth.
Courageous leadership and heroism often come with an unconscious bias as “masculine” traits. Women Courageous: Leading Through the Labyrinth is a major contribution toward the recognition of the extraordinary courage, leadership, and heroism of women every day. Many of the chapter authors did not realize their roles as courageous leaders, but this very fact speaks to their often-overlooked contributions, and helps other women recognize the depth of their own courage.
Allan Combs, PhD, Author of Thomas Berry, Dreamer of the Earth; Changing Visions, etc.Professor of Transformative StudiesCalifornia Institute for Integral Studies
The authors challenge the reader to deepen and expand the definition of courage as they present compelling stories of crisis and opportunity across personal, interpersonal, social group, and organizational contexts. Women Courageous is emergent reading for women and men.
Kevin Kane, EdD,Creighton University
Women Courageous invites practitioners and scholars to into their stories of courage, vulnerability, and in some cases triumph. This is not a “how to” book but instead, a welcome companion for women who journey through the labyrinth. These stories remind us that sometimes courage roars, but more frequently courage is that steady heartbeat to try again tomorrow.
Leah Georges, PhD,Creighton University
In a world where so much of leadership seems driven by the cowardice of excessive self-interest, Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth proves that courage is the element that can change the world. In a packed field of women's leadership books that argue for the mere equality of women leaders, this book breaks through that ceiling by revealing the innate courage of women leaders—and not by arguing the point, but through compelling stories of some of the most courageous women in the world. The authors that share their stories in Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth help us see the world through the eyes of courageous women—a rare blessing for all readers. The global character of the authors of Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth handily reveals how the important elements of leadership are broadly cross cultural.
Thomas A. Kolditz, PhD,Brigadier General, USA (ret)Author of Leadership Reckoning: Can Higher Education Develop the Leaders We Need?Founding Director, Ann & John Doerr Institute for New LeadersDirector, Doerr Institute for New LeadersRice University
This is a major contribution to our understanding of real women leading across the globe and the role courage can play in a VUCA world where there are many challenges that at times go unforeseen. The “real” stories provide a true picture of the amazing capacity and perseverance at the core of each woman. For practitioners, scholars and leaders everywhere, this book expands our current paradigms about leadership, while deepening our understanding about the cultural context from to lead. Leading in a volatile world does require courage, and with this, courageous women!
Almarie E. Donaldson, PhD,Associate Professor of LeadershipIndiana Wesleyan University
The authors of Women Courageous use powerful stories to convey and contextualize leadership by women through the labyrinth of life. Each chapter guides the reader through applicable leadership concepts and theories that come alive in every engaging personal story. This book is a must read for those who study and practice leadership.
Gill Robinson Hickman, PhD,Professor Emerita, Jepson School of Leadership StudiesUniversity of Richmond
Women Courageous has its foundation fascinating and powerful women's stories from around the globe. It doesn't stop there. The authors analyze the stories using research theories and in doing so bring deeper learning from the stories. Each chapter is structured just like good teaching. It begins with key takeaways and an introduction, tells the story, introduces relevant theories, and helps the reader internalize the learning. Consequently, lessons from these courageous women will stay with readers for a very long time.
Susan M. Fritz,Executive Vice President and Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska
This is a great read, particularly for those who feel that the glass ceiling is virtually impenetrable. The stories of women who have overcome significant challenges in forging their own path of influence and purpose are captivating. Their demonstrable courage and leadership are an inspiration for the many women—young and old—who find themselves needing to draw on their own reservoirs of strength in the pursuit of personal and professional goals, and in service to others.
Pauline van der Meer Mohr,Supervisory Board Chair and Deputy Chair of EY Netherlands and DSM N.V. respectively, Independent non-executive director, HSBC
This book is a treasure! Its tales of courage are original and inspiring. It is, however, not only a book about overcoming adversity. It's about the courage to be fully alive—to say yes to life!
Grant Ashfield,CEO LeadershipWorksSouth Africa
This very timely and uplifting collection of stories inspires people and women worldwide to lead through their careers and their lives with passion, conviction, courage and purpose—a must-read for anyone navigating the complexity of managing oneself, others and organisations.
Eric Cornuel, PhD,Professor, General Director, and CEO of European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
When you read this book you accept an invitation to witness beautifully told journeys of remarkable, yet deeply human women. As much as this book is about them, it is a book for all of us. Their accounts inspire not only reflection, but the mindset and heartset that we need to encourage us to take our next steps forward.
Professor Nicola Kleyn, DBA,Dean of Executive EducationExecutive Director RSM B.V.Rotterdam School of ManagementErasmus University
Title Page
Women Courageous
Leading through the Labyrinth
Edited by
Jennifer Moss Breen
Creighton University, USA
Madeleine van der Steege
Webster University, The Netherlands
Suzanne Stigler Martin
Transform, USA
Judith L. Glick-Smith
Mentor Factor inc, USA
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2022
Copyright © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Reprints and permissions service
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying issued in the UK by The Copyright Licensing Agency and in the USA by The Copyright Clearance Center. Any opinions expressed in the chapters are those of the authors. Whilst Emerald makes every effort to ensure the quality and accuracy of its content, Emerald makes no representation implied or otherwise, as to the chapters' suitability and application and disclaims any warranties, express or implied, to their use.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83982-423-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-422-7 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-424-1 (Epub)
In memory of Professor Dianne Bevelander, a lioness of women’s empowerment and fierce advocate of gender equity, even while fighting a battle for her own life. She will be missed.
For my beautiful daughters PK and JAX and my very courageous mom Barbara.
Peace and Love always.
Jennifer Moss Breen, PhD
Creighton University
I would like to dedicate this book to all the women in my life – each being amazing, unique, and deeply cherished by me. Specifically, my sister Wilma – a beacon of light in a dark tunnel. My wonderful daughters Arianne and Mariq! My timeless girlfriends – you know who you are. And to my female colleagues – may we tower in mutual connection and strength.
Madeleine van der Steege
Webster Leiden Campus
The Netherlands
To all women who believe they are “just doing what is necessary” and don't know that we see you and your courage making this world more bearable and beautiful.
Suzanne Stigler Martin, PhD
To all the brave women in Fire & EMS. You inspire me with your dedication, your strength, your beauty, your ability to get the job done despite the obstacles often deliberately put in your way, and your commitment to flow-based leadership.
Judith L. Glick-Smith, PhD
MentorFactor, Inc.
The Center for Flow-Based Leadership®
List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1.1. | Labyrinth. |
Figure 2.1. | Terra Nova Academy. |
Figure 2.2. | Terra Nova Students in Garden with Abdul. |
Figure 2.3. | Alisha and Student. |
Figure 2.4. | Students Holding Hands. |
Figure 5.1. | Prof Dianne Bevelander. |
Figure 5.2. | Passion and Resilience Matrix. |
Figure 5.3. | Amplification and Sisterhood Matrix. |
Figure 7.1. | Double Helix Leadership Model. |
Figure 7.2. | Power Tensions Model. |
Figure 7.3. | Empowering Transformer Power Model. |
Figure 7.4. | Honorable Marie Rex Sukers. |
Figure 8.1. | Epps and Crew, December 17, 2017, Launch of Soyuz. |
Figure 8.2. | Flight Crew. |
Figure 8.3. | Luberta and Jeanette Epps. |
Figure 8.4. | Press Conference in December 2017. |
Figure 8.5. | Epps and Crew Undertaking Final Exams. |
Figure 8.6. | International Space Station. |
Figure 9.1. | Georgia Smoke Diver Rocker. |
Figure 11.1. | Pena's Buckets of Courage. |
Figure 13.1. | Still Best Friends Later in Masks during COVID-19 Quarantine April 2020. |
Figure 15.1. | Wedding 7-4-2001. |
Figure 16.1. | Carly Speranza and Her Daughter During Carly's Military Retirement Ceremony in June 2018. |
Figure 17.1. | Peaks, Valleys, and Plateaus in Shaping One's Core Identity. |
Figure 18.1. | Christian and Dr Scharff in San Diego, October 2018. |
Figure 19.1. | Hedgehog Concept. |
Figure 19.2. | Hedgehog. |
Table 2.1. | The Expatriate Transformation Process. |
Table 2.2. | Alisha's Transformation. |
Table 17.1. | Strategies for Shaping Identity. |
We wish to first thank our authors and the women who shared their courageous stories. Knowing that vulnerability and courage work hand in hand, we are grateful that you caringly offered hope and strength to women across the world who also face wonderful opportunities and difficult challenges. We are also inspired by the collaborative work we shared in crafting, contributing to, and editing this book. As an editorial team, we hoped at the onset that our work together would not only yield an important book but also that we would have grown as colleagues and friends. This proved to be true. We thank Dr Rob Elkington for his invitation to foster this book through to completion. He opened doors to us and empowered us to create a book that builds both community and knowledge. We are forever changed through Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth. We acknowledge the hard work of our Emerald partners who create the structure and outlets for our collective words. And, finally, we are most grateful for you, our reader, who found this book, had the courage to invest in it, and who will see themselves or someone they love somewhere in its pages. We honor you and your courageous walk through the labyrinth.
- Prelims
- 1 Introduction
- The Color of Courage
- 2 An American in Uganda: Sharing Power and Living to Learn
- 3 Leadership That Liberates: Cultivating Courage, Humility, and Identity
- 4 The Effects of Collective Trauma and Redefining My Relationship with Russia
- The Depths of Courage
- 5 Dianne Bevelander: A Courageous Woman of Passion and Resilience
- 6 Leadership as Courageous Practice
- 7 Courageous Dreams and the Leadership Power to Build a Better World
- The Boundarylessness of Courage
- 8 Not Enough Space for Everyone: The True Courage of NASA Astronaut Jeanette Epps
- 9 Battalion Chief Jodi Gabelmann's Journey to Peace and Pride
- 10 Seven Courageous Keys to Navigate the Labyrinth
- The Mandate of Courage
- 11 Courage: A Seven-letter Word That Saved a Nonprofit
- 12 The Courage to Roar: Leadership without Remorse
- 13 Lessons in Courageous Leadership
- The Choice of Courage
- 14 Harnessing the Courage to Survive
- 15 A Labyrinth of Pain and Peace
- 16 The Courage to Navigate a Man's World
- The Shaping of Courage
- 17 Transitions and Identity
- 18 Rock to Recovery: Resiliency in Loss
- 19 Choosing Authenticity: A Daily Practice for Leaders
- Appendix: About the Contributors
- Index