New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society
ISBN: 978-1-83909-557-3, eISBN: 978-1-83909-554-2
Publication date: 1 March 2021
(2021), "Prelims", Ritch, E.L. and McColl, J. (Ed.) New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title
New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society
Title Page
New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society
Edited by
Elaine L. Ritch
Glasgow Caledonian University, UK and Julie McColl
United Kingdom – North America Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2021
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-83909-557-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83909-554-2 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83909-556-6 (Epub)
We would like to acknowledge our colleagues who contributed to this edited book with their insightful reflections and critical thinking around their topics of expertise.
We would also like to acknowledge the many interesting conversations that we have with our colleagues and students that enhanced and stimulated our own insight and reflection.
List of Tables | xi |
List of Figures | xii |
List of Images | xiii |
Abbreviations | xv |
Biographies | xvii |
CHAPTER 1: Introduction | |
Julie McColl and Elaine L. Ritch | 1 |
THEME 1: Disruption and the Digital Landscape | 7 |
CHAPTER 2: Disruptive Innovation | |
Elaine L. Ritch and Julie McColl | 9 |
CHAPTER 3: The Changing Landscape of Consumerism – Advancing the SOR Framework of Stimuli that Encourages Impulsive Online Consumption | |
Fiona Keegan, Elaine L. Ritch and Noreen Siddiqui | 23 |
CHAPTER 4: Customer–Company Relationships: The Key Dimensions and Leveraging Social Media to Build Relationships | |
Nilay Balkan | 39 |
CHAPTER 5: The Evolution of Big Data in Marketing: Trust, Security and Data Ownership | |
Julie McColl and Elaine L. Ritch | 53 |
CHAPTER 6: Social Media, Social Comment and the Moralising Media-scape | |
Lindsey Drylie Carey, Mary Irwin and Jennifer Anne Yule | 63 |
THEME 2: Pseudo Modernity and Co-creation of Experiences | 73 |
CHAPTER 7: Pseudo Modernity | |
Elaine L. Ritch and Julie McColl | 75 |
CHAPTER 8: The Customer Engagement Journey: Establishing Propositions | |
Cara Connell, Ruth Marciniak and Lindsey Drylie Carey | 89 |
CHAPTER 9: The Use of Retail Spaces as Examples of Disruption Innovation | |
Ruth Marciniak | 101 |
CHAPTER 10: Social Shopping: Implications for Store Retailing | |
Noreen Siddiqui | 113 |
CHAPTER 11: Experiencing the Experience Economy | |
Jenny Flinn | 129 |
THEME 3: Evolutionary Societies and ‘Woke’ Branding | 143 |
CHAPTER 12: Brand Purpose and ‘Woke’ Branding Campaigns | |
Julie McColl, Elaine L. Ritch and Jennifer Hamilton | 145 |
CHAPTER 13: Woke Awareness for Sustainability | |
Elaine L. Ritch and Julie McColl | 155 |
CHAPTER 14: The ‘Race to the Bottom’: Moving Closer to Home? | |
Elaine L. Ritch and Julie McColl | 171 |
CHAPTER 15: Inclusive Identities: Challenging Socially Constructed Perceptions of Femininity, Masculinity and Sexuality in Marketing | |
Elaine L. Ritch and Christopher A. Dodd | 183 |
CHAPTER 16: A Platform for Empowerment: Social Media and the Social Diffusion of the #MeToo Movement | |
Stephanie Nicholson, Julie McColl and Elaine L. Ritch | 199 |
CHAPTER 17: Concluding Comments and Future Directions Post Covid-19 | |
Elaine L. Ritch and Julie McColl | 209 |
Index | 221 |
List of Tables
Table 3.1 | Impulse Buying Frequencies | 29 |
Table 3.2 | Fashion Involvement | 29 |
Table 3.3 | Emotions Experienced When Purchasing Fashion Online | 30 |
Table 3.4 | Online Environmental Stimulus | 31 |
Table 3.5 | Online Marketing Stimulus and Impulse Purchasing of Fashion | 32 |
Table 4.1 | Definition of the Customer Variables Relationship Marketing | 41 |
Table 4.2 | Social Media Characteristics Supported by Relationship Dimension and Relationship Marketing | 47 |
Table 8.1 | Tenets of Ce From a Consumer Behaviour and Relationship Marketing Theoretical Perspective | 95 |
Table 9.1 | Lefebvre’s Spatial Triad | 104 |
Table 9.2 | Lefebvre’s (1991) Spatial Triad Applied to Retail Space | 105 |
Table 13.1 | The Two Cognitive Choice Systems | 161 |
List of Figures
Fig. 3.1 | Stimulus–Organism–Response Framework | 26 |
Fig. 3.2 | Revised Stimulus–Organism–Response Framework | 33 |
Fig. 7.1 | The key characteristics of postmodernity | 80 |
Fig. 7.2 | The key characteristics of pseudo-modernity | 85 |
Fig. 8.1 | The CE Journey | 95 |
Fig. 9.1 | The Misguided Sofa: Capitalising on Shoppers Reappropriation of Lived Retail Space | 107 |
Fig. 9.2 | Misguided Designing Retail Space to Respond to Shoppers’ Needs | 108 |
Fig. 9.3 | Misguided Purposely Designed Retail Space to Encourage Selfie Taking | 108 |
Fig. 10.1 | Use of Social Media by Generational Cohorts | 117 |
Fig. 10.2 | Fashion consumer segments | 119 |
Fig. 10.3 | Social shopping for fashion consumers within retail stores | 121 |
Fig. 11.1 | The progression of economic value | 130 |
Fig. 11.2 | The Four Realms of Experience | 135 |
Fig. 13.1 | Sustainability framework | 156 |
Fig. 13.2 | Planetary Resources are finite | 157 |
Fig. 13.3 | China’s Middle Class as per cent of urban households | 158 |
Fig. 13.4 | Sustainability discourse | 159 |
Fig. 13.5 | Nudge theory | 160 |
Fig. 14.1 | Cognitive dissonance | 174 |
Fig. 14.2 | The self-perpetrating cycle Capturing the Race to the Bottom | 178 |
Fig. 16.1 | The Diffusion of Innovations | 201 |
List of Images
Image 2.1 | The Berlin Campaign that did not welcome Google to the city | 15 |
Image 2.2 | Lena library in Amsterdam, where you can borrow clothes | 17 |
Image 2.3 | Designer creating clothes that grow with the kid from 9 months to 4 years | 18 |
Image 5.1 | The four Vs of big data | 57 |
Image 7.1 | Postmodern example of art – Tracey Emin ‘My bed’ 1998 | 77 |
Image 7.2 | Postmodern example of art – ‘Fountain’ by Marcel Duchamp | 78 |
Image 7.3 | Examples of postmodern business models Innocent drinks and fruit towers | 79 |
Image 11.1 | Cereal Killer Café, Camden | 132 |
Image 11. 2 | House of Vans Presents A day to remember | 137 |
Image 11. 3 | Paper to print An exhibition by Sean Cliver and Todd Bratrud – House of Vans | 138 |
Image 13.1 | Fly urinal | 163 |
Image 13.2 | Encouraging disposing litter and recycling | 164 |
Image 13.3 | Encouraging using the stairs: Tokyu Hands Shibuya | 164 |
Image 13.4 | Glasgow Caledonian University ‘nudge’ to encourage students to use the hand dryer rather than toilet paper to dry their hands | 165 |
Image 13.5 | ECOALF – Turning ocean waste into clothing | 166 |
Image 15.1 | A Kick Right in the Stereotypes | 190 |
Image 15.2 | I kick balls. Deal with it. | 190 |
Image 15.3 | Pharrell Williams Adidas campaign | 191 |
Image 17.1 | ‘You Can Still Dunk in the Dark’ | 214 |
Image 17.2 | Isolation life | 215 |
CE – Customer Engagement
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
DSP – Dominant Social Paradigm
MNO – Multi-national Organisation
NEP – New Environmental Paradigm
NGO – Non-government Organisation
SOR – Stimulus–Organism–Response Framework
USP – Unique Selling Proposition
Nilay Balkan was awarded her PhD in 2020, in which she investigated the social media usage of micro businesses in building relationships and communities and the impact of this on social media engagement. She is currently a Lecturer in Marketing and Course Leader for ‘Marketing Campaign Development and Research Tactics’ and ‘Marketing Management’. Her research interests include branding, strategic marketing, entrepreneurship and marketing in SMEs.
Cara Connell is a Lecturer in Fashion Marketing Communication and a Programme Leader for BA (Hons) International Fashion Branding at Glasgow Caledonian University. Her current research interests include customer engagement and marketing communication specifically within the fashion and luxury sectors.
Christopher A. Dodd, PhD CPsychol AFBPsS, is a Consumer Psychologist with a particular interest in the social, psychological and experiential aspects of consumption, whose research and teaching are informed by a focus upon people and their relationships within social and physical environments. He is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Lindsey Drylie Carey is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Research Methods from Glasgow Caledonian University. Her research interests cover the area of sustainability in the context of creative industries. She has published in the areas of communication, educational development and intercultural competence, and commented on consumer issues within the national and international press. She most recently contributed to the book Understanding Luxury Fashion, published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2020.
Jenny Flinn is a Lecturer in Events Marketing at the University of the West of Scotland. She is an experienced academic having worked in events management education for over 15 years leading programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her research interests lie in the experiential aspect of events and festivals.
Jennifer Hamilton completed a BA (Hons) in Criminology while contributing to the ‘Woke Branding’ research in 2019. She is now working with primary care networks to promote the use of business analytics within healthcare settings to improve the provision of care.
Mary Irwin was most recently Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication at Northumbria University Newcastle and is currently Honorary Research Fellow in Media and Communication at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. She has published extensively in the fields of TV Studies and Cultural Studies. She is currently writing a monograph on TV Romantic Comedy Love Wars: TV Romantic Comedy (Bloomsbury, 2022) and is co-editing a collection on British TV comedy This Country: British Screen Comedy Cultures (Palgrave, 2021).
Fiona Keegan is an experienced marketer and two times graduate of Glasgow Caledonian University. She has a passion for understanding consumer behaviour, which has been demonstrated in both her private and public sector works. She resides in Glasgow with her husband, four children and their dog, and her main hobby is interior design.
Ruth Marciniak is a Senior Lecturer and Senior Teaching Fellow in the British School of Fashion at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), with expertise in the field of fashion, branding, digital marketing and retailing. Based at GCU London, she is the Programme Leader for MSc Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing.
Julie McColl is an academic working across a number of universities in the UK. She has worked in the higher education sector for over twenty years and has held positions as Deputy Dean at York Business School and Assistant Head of Department at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Stephanie Nicholson graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2019 with a BA(Hons) in International Marketing. Her dissertation investigated the impact of modern social movements, focussing on #MeToo – a topic she is passionate about. After graduating, she completed a marketing internship with a global organisation, she currently works as a Marketing Executive for a marketing agency in Glasgow.
Elaine L. Ritch is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Programme Leader for the International Marketing UG programme at Glasgow Caledonian University. Her research focuses on fashion, retailing, consumer behaviours, consumer culture, and sustainability practices, from industry perspectives to consumer practice. Elaine leads on two modules: New Perspectives in Critical Marketing and Consumer Society (level 4) and Marketing, Design and Creativity (level 1) and has a Higher Education Fellowship.
Noreen Siddiqui is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Fashion, Marketing Tourism and Events located within the Glasgow School for Business and Society at Glasgow Caledonian University, with expertise within digital marketing and retailing. Her PhD was in the development of Internet retailing by High Street fashion retailers. She is currently the Programme Leader for MSc Marketing and supervises PhD students in the area of digital marketing communications.
Jennifer Anne Yule is a Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to this position, she was a Faculty in the Marketing Department at Northeastern University in Boston and the University of Stirling. She has published widely in the field of social marketing with specific interests in health and wellbeing and food.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Theme 1: Disruption and the Digital Landscape
- Chapter 2: Disruptive Innovation
- Chapter 3: The Changing Landscape of Consumerism – Advancing the SOR Framework of Stimuli that Encourages Impulsive Online Consumption
- Chapter 4: Customer–Company Relationships: The Key Dimensions and Leveraging Social Media to Build Relationships
- Chapter 5: The Evolution of Big Data in Marketing: Trust, Security and Data Ownership
- Chapter 6: Social Media, Social Comment and the Moralising Media-Scape
- Theme 2: Pseudo Modernity and Co-creation of Experiences
- Chapter 7: Pseudo Modernity
- Chapter 8: The Customer Engagement Journey: Establishing Propositions
- Chapter 9: The Use of Retail Spaces as Examples of Disruption Innovation
- Chapter 10: Social Shopping: Implications for Store Retailing
- Chapter 11: Experiencing the Experience Economy
- Theme 3: Evolutionary Societies and ‘Woke’ Branding
- Chapter 12: Brand Purpose and ‘Woke’ Branding Campaigns
- Chapter 13: Woke Awareness for Sustainability
- Chapter 14: The ‘Race to the Bottom’: Moving Closer to Home?
- Chapter 15: Inclusive Identities: Challenging Socially Constructed Perceptions of Femininity, Masculinity and Sexuality in Marketing
- Chapter 16: A Platform for Empowerment: Social Media and the Social Diffusion of the #MeToo Movement
- Chapter 17: Concluding Comments and Future Directions Post Covid-19
- Index