
The Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Management: Challenges and Opportunities

ISBN: 978-1-83867-250-8, eISBN: 978-1-83867-249-2

Publication date: 29 November 2019


(2019), "Prelims", Weber, Y., Vrontis, D., Tsoukatos, E. and Shams, S.M.R. (Ed.) The Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Management: Challenges and Opportunities (Cross-Disciplinary Management Perspectives), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiv.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

The Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Management

Series Page

Cross-Disciplinary Management Perspectives: Applications, challenges and opportunities

Edited by Yaakov Weber, Demetris Vrontis, Evangelos Tsoukatos and S. M. Riad Shams

Cross-Disciplinary Management Perspectives presents a diverse range of cross-disciplinary insights from different business and management disciplines to offer new theoretical and practical perspectives and advances on key conceptual themes and issues in the management subject area. By extending scholarly understanding on how different business disciplines explore opportunities and minimize potential risks, the contributions to each title in the series will collectively offer diverse contemporary insights from an interdisciplinary business knowledge base. Each volume in the series is based on selected papers from the EuroMed Academy of Business Annual Conference Proceedings.

Title Page

The Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Management: Challenges and Opportunities

Edited by

Yaakov Weber

College of Management, Israel

Demetris Vrontis

University of Nicosia, Cyprus

Evangelos Tsoukatos

Technological Education Institute of Crete, Greece

S. M. Riad Shams

Northumbria University, UK

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

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First edition 2020

Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited

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ISBN: 978-1-83867-250-8 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83867-249-2 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83867-251-5 (Epub)


About the Editors vii
About the Contributors ix
List of Contributors xiii
IntroductionYaakov Weber, Demetris Vrontis, Evangelos Tsoukatos and S. M. Riad Shams 1
Chapter 1 “Are We There Yet?” Mind-Genomics and Data-Driven Personalized Health PlansGillie Gabay and Howard R. Moskowitz 7
Chapter 2 Mergers and Acquisitions: Exploitation and ExplorationYaakov Weber 29
Chapter 3 Intellectual Capital and Enabling Factors for Startups in a Business EcosystemDaniela Rupo, Patrizia Accordino, Elvira Tiziana La Rocca and Tindara Abbate 39
Chapter 4 SMEs and GlobalizationIlan Bijaoui 55
Chapter 5 Can a High Women Quota in Supervisory Boards Influence Enterprise Success?Bettina C.K. Binder 71
Chapter 6 Implementation of Female Mentoring Programs in German Companies: Still Some Way To GoVéronique Goehlich, Briony Gilbertson and Kerstin Bremser 83
Chapter 7 Impact of Corporate R&D on Efficiency in OECD IndustriesMaria José Palma Lampreia Dos-Santos and Henrique Diz 97
Chapter 8 A Study of the Olive Oil Consumption and Economic Sector in the Iberian PeninsulaCarla Lousas, Humberto Ribeiro, Sandra Alves and Cláudia Veloso 111
Chapter 9 E-marketing and Strategy by Energy CompaniesFelicetta Iovino and Guido Migliaccio 135
Chapter 10 The Effects of Pay Dispersion Between Executives and Employees of an Organization on Firm Performance: Evidence from TurkeyAylin Ataay 153
Chapter 11 Genuine Emotions When Facing Aggressive Customers in the Hospitality Industry: A Conceptual FrameworkAspasia Simillidou, Demetris Vrontis and Michael Christofi 165
Chapter 12 A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis in the Health Management through Applied InnovationLarisa Mihoreanu 181
Index 203

About the Editors

Yaakov Weber is full Professor in the School of Business Administration at the College of Management Academic Studies, Israel. His publications in various journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Human Relations, Journal of Management, California Management Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Human Resource Management Review, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, and more, received about 6,000 citations. He got prestige academic awards on his work. His recent book was invited and published by the leading international financial newspaper, Financial Times. He serves in various editorial positions for leading journals. Yaakov is consultant to international and very large organizations. He also the Founder and President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute and the EuroMed Academy of Business.

Demetris Vrontis is a Professor and Executive Dean at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the EuroMed Journal of Business and the President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute. He has widely published in over 200 refereed journal articles, 25 chapters and cases in books/edited books, and presented papers to over 70 conferences at a global basis. Professor Vrontis is also the author of 30 books in the areas of business management, marketing, human resource management, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He is a fellow member and certified Chartered Marketer of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Chartered Business and Chartered Marketing Consultant. He also serves as a consultant and member of board of directors to a number of international companies. Further details about Professor Vrontis can be found at

Evangelos Tsoukatos is Associate Professor of Management at the University of Applied Sciences, Crete, Greece, and Adjunct Faculty at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, and the Hellenic Open University. He earned a BSc in Mathematics from the “Aristotelion” University of Thessaloniki, Greece, a Postgraduate Diploma, and MSc in Operational Research from Lancaster University Management School, UK, where from he also earned his PhD in Management. He is Associate Editor of the EuroMed Journal of Business and editorial board member in a number of international scholarly journals. His research interests are in Services Management, Quality Management, Cross-cultural Management and Entrepreneurship. He holds the position of Vice President – Operations and Development at the EuroMed Research Business Institute. For his published research, he has gained wide recognition from his peers. Further information is available at

S. M. Riad Shams is a Lecturer in Marketing at the Northumbria University, UK. He has completed his doctoral research from the Central Queensland University, Australia. His MBA and BBA (Honours in Marketing) have been awarded by the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has published and guest edited in various reputed journals, namely, the Journal of International Management, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, and so forth. He is the Lead-editor of the Annals of Business Research and the Founding Editor of the International Journal of Big Data Management, and has been serving as track-chair in the leading international academic conferences.

About the Contributors

Tindara Abbate, PhD, is Associate Professor of Business Economics and Management at the University of Messina (Italy). She has been involved in several research projects, as member and scientific coordinator. She is author of several contributions published in national/international journals.

Patrizia Accordino, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Tax Law at the University of Messina. She was Barrister and Official Receiver. Her academic qualifications are a Master’s degree and a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Tax Law, and recently the national academic qualification as Associated Professor. She is author of three books and many journal articles.

Sandra Alves is Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal. Her academic and professional qualifications are Doctorate in Business Sciences from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto; Master in Accounting and Auditing, Open University; Degree in Business Management, College of Accounting and Administration of Coimbra; and Chartered Accountant (OCC, Portuguese Chartered Accountants Association).

Aylin Ataay is Professor of Management at Galatasaray University, Istanbul. She received her PhD in Management from the IAE – Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne University and Istanbul University. Her recent research interests are in the areas of boards and governance and top management teams, with a specific focus on top managers’ succession and compensation.

Ilan Bijaoui is Senior Lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, teaching courses across marketing, international business, and technology policy. He is also a Trainer and a Consultant for international businesses on project management and monitoring process. He has written numerous articles in business, marketing, and economic journals and is the author of the books, The Economic Reconciliation Process, The Open Incubator Model, SMEs in an Era of Globalization, Multinational Investment & Development in Africa, and Immigrant Innovators.

Bettina C. K. Binder is Professor of Business Administration and Engineering at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences in Pforzheim, Germany. Bettina has been involved in teaching sessions in Managerial Accounting, Strategic and Process Management. Prior to this she worked 10 years in Consultancy and 4 years as CFO in the Automotive Supplier Industry. She published numerous articles in national and international journals about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A special research topic for her is the KPI women quota in management and supervisory boards.

Kerstin Bremser has been Professor of International Business at the Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences since 2008. Prior to this, she worked in different marketing and consulting companies. Kerstin has been involved in teaching and research related to strategic issues in the tourism industry and cross-cultural topics.

Michael Christofi is a Senior Research Fellow in Marketing Strategy and Innovation at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, having previously served from various R&D, sales, and marketing positions within large organizations. He has published his work in premier marketing and management journals such as the Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Journal of Services Marketing, and Marketing Intelligence & Planning, among others.

Henrique Diz is full Emeritus Professor from University of Aveiro. He has experience as a Dean of various faculties and research hubs. He is a very successful researcher with more than 150 referred publications and projects among various countries.

Maria José Palma Lampreia Dos-Santos is Assistant Professor and Researcher at ISCTE-Institute University of Lisbon – DINÂMIA’CET. She is a Portuguese Delegate from two COST Actions from European Commission and Member of Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief of two scientific journals. She also is Coordinating Leader Author of the 1st MedECC Assessment Report (MAR1) from MEDECC.

Gillie Gabay is a Senior Lecturer at the College of Management Academic Studies, and a member of the School of Behavioral Sciences and Psychology. She is the author of three books, scientific articles, and book chapters in the field of health psychology. Dr Gabay serves as a Reviewer at the Advances in Healthcare Management Journal (Emerald), INHP Israel, QMJ, International Journal of Medicine, Qualitative Health Research, and PLOS One.

Briony Gilbertson has been working as a Global Mobility Manager in the mechanical engineering sector since 2015. In 2013, she graduated in International Business (BSc) at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences and continued with a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management (MA) at Regensburg University of Applied Sciences from which she graduated in 2015.

Véronique Goehlich has been Professor of International Business at the Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences since 2010. Prior to this, she worked in international sales and general management in German, US, and French companies. Veronique has been involved in teaching and research related to mobility, gender issues, and cross-cultural topics.

Felicetta Iovino is Fellow of Business Administration and Accounting at the University of Sannio. She has a PhD in Public Sector Management (2008) from the University of Salerno. She has written articles about energy companies, tourism, and SEZs, published in international and peer-reviewed journals.

Elvira Tiziana La Rocca, PhD, is Assistant Professor in Management at the University of Messina (Italy), where she teaches “International Marketing” and “Corporate Governance.” Her research interests concern international management, corporate governance, and firm value. She is author and co-author of many contributions published in international and Italian journals.

Carla Lousas is from Mogadouro, Bragança, Portugal. She has a Master degree in Organizational Management – Business Management, College of Technology and Management (ESTiG), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal. She holds an undergraduate degree in Management and another in Accounting, from ESTiG-IPB. She is a Chartered Accountant (OCC, Portuguese Chartered Accountants Association), a Corporate Advisor and a Consultant.

Guido Migliaccio is Associate Professor of Business Administration and Accounting at the University of Sannio, Italy. He has a PhD in Public Sector Management (2007) and another PhD in Marketing and Communication (2010). He has reported in numerous national and international conferences. He has written many books and articles.

Larisa Mihoreanu, PhD, studied and taught bio-medical and economic sciences in prestigious European universities and co-authors 41 papers cited in outstanding journals. She held the Health Technology Assessment expert position, accredited by the Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU as member of the Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices WG of the EU Council during the first Romanian Presidency of the EU.

Howard R. Moskowitz founded Mind Genomics Associates in 2014 to promote the development and use of the new science of Mind Genomics. The science creates an archival and action-oriented database for knowledge about how people think about the aspects of their daily life. The science is used in business to drive 1:1 sales and marketing, and in social research to understand what is important, and what should be communicated to citizens of a country for socially relevant issues.

Humberto Ribeiro is Professor at University of Aveiro, ESTGA and Researcher at GOVCOPP, Portugal. He has a PhD in Business and Management Research, Leicester Business School, DMU, UK, MPhil in Quantitative Methods Applied to Economy, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Masters’ in Accounting and Corporate Finance, and Graduate in Economics. He is Certified Economist and Chartered Accountant.

Daniela Rupo, PhD, is Associate Professor in Business Administration and Accounting at the University of Messina (Italy). Her research interests include corporate social responsibility disclosure, intellectual capital, business valuation, and public sector accounting. She is author/co-author of several books and articles, published by national and international editors.

Aspasia Simillidou is a Lecturer in Business Management and Hospitality and Tourism and the Course Leader of the MA course in Hospitality and Tourism at UCLan Cyprus. She has previously served as a Trainer and a Business Consultant in various organizations in a number of sectors both in Cyprus and abroad for 10 years. Her research spans across the field of emotional labor, emotional intelligence, organizational psychology, and emotions in the hospitality industry. She has published in a number of books and academic journals.

Cláudia Veloso is Professor at University of Aveiro, ESTGA, and College of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal. She is a Researcher at GOVCOPP. She has a Doctorate in Social Sciences in the areas of Economics and Management from the University of Salamanca, Spain and Graduate in Management, ISEG, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Demetris Vrontis is a Professor of Marketing, Executive Dean, and Director at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, the Editor-in-Chief of the EuroMed Journal of Business, and the President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute. He has published over 120 refereed articles and 21 books, and gave numerous presentations in conferences around the globe.

Yaakov Weber is a Professor in the School of Business Administration at the College of Management Academic Studies, Israel. His publications received more than 5,000 citations. Having served in various editorial positions for leading journals, Yaakov is the Founder and President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute and the EuroMed Academy of Business.

List of Contributors

Tindara Abbate Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy
Patrizia Accordino Department of Political and Juridical Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
Sandra Alves High School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal
Aylin Ataay Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey
Ilan Bijaoui Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Bettina C.K. Binder School of Engineering, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Pforzheim, Germany
Kerstin Bremser International Business, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Michael Christofi University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Henrique Diz Faculty of Economics, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Maria José Palma Lampreia Dos-Santos University of Lisbon, Portugal
Gillie Gabay College of Management Academic Studies, Israel
Briony Gilbertson Alumni International Business, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Véronique Goehlich International Business, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Felicetta Iovino University of Sannio, Italy
Elvira Tiziana La Rocca Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy
Carla Lousas High School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
Guido Migliaccio University of Sannio, Italy
Larisa Mihoreanu Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania
Howard R. Moskowitz Founding Partner & Chief Scientist, Mind Genomics Advisors, LLC and President, Mind Genomics Associates, Inc., Israel
Humberto Ribeiro Águeda School of Technology and Management, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Daniela Rupo Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy
Aspasia Simillidou School of Business and Management, UCLan Cyprus, Cyprus
Cláudia Veloso Águeda School of Technology and Management, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Demetris Vrontis University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Yaakov Weber College of Management, EuroMed Research Business Institute