
Value Proposition to Tourism Coopetition

ISBN: 978-1-83797-828-1, eISBN: 978-1-83797-827-4

Publication date: 4 December 2024


(2024), "Prelims", Chim-Miki, A.F. and Augusto da Costa, R. (Ed.) Value Proposition to Tourism Coopetition (Building the Future of Tourism), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxvi.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki and Rui Augusto da Costa. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

Value Proposition to Tourism Coopetition

Series Title Page

Building the Future of Tourism

Series Editor: Anukrati Sharma

The world is entering the third millennium in which great changes are expected in all areas of human interest, life and activity. These changes have been brought on by past and present man-made events, which have had both positive and negative consequences. The coming millennium will be marked by significant social, political, demographic and technological changes, and will definitely differ from the last century. The future will bring more leisure time, a higher standard of living and a better quality of life for us all. This series examines recent and the most probable changes and gives a wide range of visionary insights, as well as operational takeaways.

Forthcoming Volumes

Meaningful Tourism: Strategies and Futuristic Development

Pankaj Kumar Tyagi, Vipin Nadda, and Ajit Kumar Singh

Title Page

Value Proposition to Tourism Coopetition: Cases and Tools

Edited by

Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki

Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil

University of Aveiro, Portugal


Rui Augusto da Costa

University of Aveiro, Portugal

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL

First edition 2025

Editorial matter and selection © 2025 Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki and Rui Augusto da Costa.

Individual chapters © 2025 The Authors.

Published by Emerald Publishing Limited.

Chapter 16, Social Relationships in Coopetition Among Entrepreneurs on Culinary Tourist Routes copyright © 2025 Katarzyna Czernek-Marszałek and Dagmara Wójcik, is Open Access with copyright assigned to respective chapter authors. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited.

This work is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83797-828-1 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-827-4 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-829-8 (Epub)

List of Figures and Tables

Fig. 1.1. Value Proposition to Tourism Coopetition. 3
Fig. 2.1. Coopetition Value Proposition (CVP). 15
Fig. 2.2. Coopetition Players Mapping (CPM). 17
Fig. 2.3. Coopetition Toolbox (CTB). 19
Fig. 3.1. Dendrogram of Cluster Analysis and Corresponding Cartogram. 30
Fig. 5.1. Framework for Multilevel Governance for Coopetition in Florianópolis Brazil. 63
Fig. 6.1. Coopetitive Behaviours of Small-Scale Accommodation. 78
Fig. 7.1. Three Main Destinations of the City of Rovaniemi. 89
Fig. 9.1. Tourism Coopetition Model. 119
Fig. 9.2. Scales and Results of Co-location Factor of Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. 122
Fig. 9.3. Scales and Results of Competition Factor of Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. 123
Fig. 9.4. Scales and Results of Associationism Factor of Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. 124
Fig. 9.5. Scales and Results of Cooperation Factor of Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. 126
Fig. 9.6. Scales and Results of Strategic Management Factor of Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. 127
Fig. 9.7. Scales and Results of Co-entrepreneurship Factor of Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. 128
Fig. 9.8. Scales and Results of Co-production Factor of Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. 129
Fig. 9.9. Results of the Coopetition Factors (i-COOL) in Foz do Iguaçu and Curitiba. Brazil. 130
Fig. 10.1. Levels of Coopetition. 141
Fig. 11.1. Potential Coopetition in the Wine Business Ecosystem. 166
Fig. 12.1. Roadmap Illustrating the Methodological Design. 175
Fig. 12.2. Timeline of the Recent Development of the Vale dos Vinhedos. 182
Fig. 14.1. T value and Standard Factor Loadings. 211
Fig. 15.1. Location of Janeiro de Cima. 225
Fig. 15.2. Co-creation Experiences and Coopetition in Rural Destinations. 228
Fig. 16.1. Actor's Social Embeddedness and Its Impact on Cooperation and Competition. 258
Fig. 17.1. Visitor's Intensity in Porto. 272
Fig. 18.1. Location of Empirical Studies of Coopetition in Tourism and Hospitality. 281

Table 2.1. Roadmap to Building Tourism Coopetition. 14
Table 3.1. Stopping Rule – Duda-Hart Index. 31
Table 3.2. Belonging the Country to the Cluster. 32
Table 3.3. Cluster Centroids. 32
Table 4.1. Descriptions of Seven Forms of Capitals. 44
Table 4.2. A Generic Coopetition value Matrix. 46
Table 4.3. A Map of Value From Tourism Coopetition. 49
Table 5.1. Characteristics of the Main Analysis Categories. 61
Table 7.1. Features of the Analysed Finnish Media Texts. 90
Table 7.2. Finally Analysed Media Texts. 92
Table 8.1. Data Categorisation. 107
Table 10.1. Cup Schemes Overview. 145
Table 10.2. Activities Provided by the Scheme's Management and Coffee Shop/Events. 148
Table 13.1. Coopetition Applied to the Business Management. 190
Table 13.2. Coopetition Applied Into the Tourism Sector. 195
Table 14.1. Questions, Variables, Cronbach's Alpha, Composite Reliability, and Convergent Validity. 209
Table 14.2. Divergent Validity. 211
Table 14.3. T-test and Influence Coefficients. 212
Table 16.1. Characteristics of Entities From IDIs and FGI. 243
Table 16.2. Deductive (D) and Inductive (I) Codes Used in the Empirical Analysis. 248
Table 18.1. Categories of Coopetition Approaches in Tourism and Hospitality Based on the Study Focus. 283
Table 18.2. Types of Respondents in the Coopetition Studies. 287

List of Abbreviations


International Academy for the Development of Tourism Research in Brazil


Agência para o Desenvolvimento Turístico das Aldeias do Xisto


Culturally Sensitive Tourism in the Arctic


Constitutive Definitions


Constitutive Elements of Analysis


Innovative Planning and Development


Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation


National Council for Scientific and Technological Development


Coopetition Players Mapping


Coopetition Toolbox


Coopetition Value Proposition


Descriptions of the Elements


Destination Management Organisation


Denomination of Origin


Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation


Focus Group Interview


Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo School of Business Administration


Geographical Indication


Geographic Information Systems


Goodness of Fit


Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies


Hospitality, Gastronomy and Tourist Services


Institutional Analysis and Developed


Coopetition Local Index


Information and Communication Technologies


In-depth Interviews


Sustainable Development Index of Cities – Brazil


Key Performance Indicators


Board of Town Planners Malaysia


Malaysian Institute of Planners


Machine Learning


Ministry of Tourism


Non-governmental Organisations


Operational Definitions


Ordinary Least Squares


Tourism Destination Planning and Management


Resources-based Theory


Stellenbosch Business School


Sustainable Development Goals


Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises


Tourism, Marketing and Competitiveness Research Group


Travel and Tourism Development Index


Turismo: Visão e Ação


UNESCO Creative Cities


UNESCO Creative Cities Network


Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil


Federal University of Santa Catarina


Universidade Federal de Viçosa


University of Southern Santa Catarina


University of Vale do Itajaí

About the Editors

Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil and Aveiro University, Portugal, holds a PhD in Tourism, Economics, and Management from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. She is a Full Researcher at the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP), University of Aveiro, Portugal. She is a Professor at the Faculty of Management and Accounting at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil. She has co-authored many articles on coopetition and tourism, and she is the coordinator of the research group Coopetition Network Lab, registered by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) from Brazil.

Rui Augusto da Costa holds a PhD in Tourism from University of Aveiro. He is an Assistant Professor in the Tourism Area in the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism at University of Aveiro, Portugal. He's the Director of the Bachelor in Tourism Management and Planning, and a Full Researcher at Tourism and Development Research Group in the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy. He develops his research in planning and project in Tourism, destinations’ competitiveness, governance and public policy, tourism technologies and monitoring and evaluation in tourism destinations. He participates as a coordinator and a researcher in several international and national research projects funded by international and national organisations. He's the author and co-author of several articles in national and international journals. He's an Associate Editor of the Journal of Tourism & Development (indexed in SCOPUS), a member of the Editorial Board of Event Management Journal and a member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference INVTUR and also an internship coordinator in tourism (Bachelor and Master).

About the Contributors

Maria Saju Abraham is a Research Intern at Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom. Her research expertise is in circularity and its application in the Tourism and hospitality sector. With a special focus on the food and drinks sector, she has conducted research exploring technological applications to reduce food waste in restaurants.

Sofia Almeida is an associate professor and tourism director at Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology - Campus Lispolis, Universidade Europeia, Portugal. Sofia is also integrated researcher at Universidade Europeia; CETRAD-Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento, Universidade de Trás os Montes e Alto Douro.

Marcia Mariluz Amaral holds a Master's degree in Tourism and Hospitality from the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (Univali), Brazil, and a Bachelor's degree in Accountancy from Feevale, complemented by a specialisation in Business Management from FACCAT. Her research interests include wine tourism, gastronomy tourism, business management and regional development.

Sara Joana Gadotti dos Anjos, is a Professor of the Postgraduate Master’s and Doctoral Programme in Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Vale do Itajaí, Brazil (Univali). She is a a Research Productivity Researcher at CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Sara is the Regional Editor for South America of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. Her research interests include innovation in hotel and restaurant, motivation, human resources, tourist behaviours, management of destination excellence, hotel management and quality service.

Rosa M. Batista-Canino holds a PhD in management. She is a Full Professor at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. She has been the Head of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Canarias' research team since 2003 and is part of the GEM-Spain team. She led the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey at ULPGC and for six years she led the research team ‘Entrepreneurship, Digital Firms and Innovation’. She developed cooperation projects, and training projects for entrepreneurs, R&D and business development in countries such as Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Brazil, Morocco and Mexico. Also, she is co-editor of several books and articles on tourism, coopetition and entrepreneurship.

Mariana Carvalho is an Invited Adjunct Professor at the Coimbra Education School - Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal). She holds a PhD in Tourism and a Master's Degree in Tourism Management and Development from the University of Aveiro (Portugal), and a degree in Tourism from the University of Coimbra. She integrates the Research Unit of CITUR (Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation). She is the author and co-author of published papers and chapters in the field of Tourism and the tourist experience and she has participated in research projects related to rural, cultural and experience co-creation in tourism. Her main research areas of interest are experience co-creation, food and wine tourism, the tourist experience, rural tourism, cultural and creative tourism.

Jin Hooi Chan is a Professor of Sustainable Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Greenwich Business School, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom. He is also an Associate Researcher at the Energy Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge. He holds a PhD degree in Management Studies from Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. As a multidisciplinary researcher, he builds on the study of industrial organisation, industrial policy, entrepreneurship and innovation and covers sustainability, creative, heritage/culture, tourism and hospitality and cleantech industries. He holds several international research grants (funded by ESRC/AHRC, UK), the British Academy, EU Interreg and other national funders worldwide.

Tatiane Pellin Cislaghi is currently a Professor in Management and International Trade at Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Bento Gonçalves Campus, Brazil. She holds a PhD degree in Administration from Unisinos University, Porto Alegre, Brazil. She was a visiting student in the Kassel University, Germany (2018). Her main research interests are related to governance of agri-food chains in an emerging country context (organic supply chain), internationalisation, strategic management, supply chain management, buyer–supplier relationship, inter-organisational relationship, inter-organisational governance and logistics (international logistics; humanitarian logistics). She has published in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, British Food Journal, Brazilian Journal of Management – ReA UFSM, International Business and Management Review – Internext, etc.

Wojciech Czakon, Jagiellonian University, Poland. He obtained his PhD in Management from The Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. He is a Full Professor of strategy at the Faculty of Management and Communication of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. His research revolves around inter-organisational phenomena, strategies and structures. In particular, he published many articles and books on coopetition at various levels of analysis and in various empirical settings. His recent publications focus on coopetition behavioural underpinnings like trust, perceptions and preferences. He co-organised workshops and conference tracks on coopetition and co-edited the books Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies, Strategic Management and Myopia: Challenges and Implications and Managing Tourism in a Changing World: Issues and Cases.

Katarzyna Czernek-Marszałek is an Associate Professor, the head of the Department of Management Theory at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. Her research interests include inter-organisational relationships (especially cooperation and coopetition) and their determinants (e.g. trust and social embeddedness). Her empirical research focuses on the tourism sector. Her works also concern qualitative research methodology. Her research was published in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Tourism Management, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research and Current Issues in Tourism.

Maya Damayanti, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia. She was awarded PhD in urban tourism development from the University of Queensland, Australia, with research topic on coopetitive behaviours of the informal tourism economy. Her current research area includes urban management, governing the tourism commons and community-based tourism.

João Domingues is a researcher at Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology - Campus Lispolis, Universidade Europeia, Portugal.

Milad Ebrahimi is a master's degree graduate in Financial Management from Yazd University in Iran. He works as a researcher in the field of financial management. His areas of interest include behavioural finance, sustainability and marketing. He has also published articles in these areas. Additionally, he has experience in teaching various financial management courses.

Magnus Emmendoerfer, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Brazil, holds a PhD in Human Sciences: Sociology and Politics from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. He has a postdoctorate in management, public policy, creative tourism and entrepreneurship from universities in the Netherlands, Portugal and United States. He is a Full Professor in the Graduate Programme in Public Administration, UFV. He is a General Coordinator of UNESCO Chair Creative Economy & Public Policies (CEPP). He is the co-editor of 20 books and has several articles published as well as having authored 62 book chapters to date.

Luiz Carlos da Silva Flores, University of Vale do Itajaí, Brazil, is a Research Productivity Researcher CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. He holds a Postdoctorate from the University of Algarve (Portugal), in the area of Tourism; PhD in Production Engineering; and master's in Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He is a Professor-researcher of the postgraduate programme in Tourism and Hospitality, Masters and Doctorate, and a Professor of the Administration course, at undergraduate level - University of Vale do Itajaí, Brazil, linked to the Hospitality, Gastronomy and Tourist Services (HGTUR) and Tourism Destination Planning and Management (PLAGET) research groups, working in the areas of management, organisation, marketing of tourism and services and organisational strategy.

Anna-Emilia Haapakoski is a University Teacher in Tourism Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lapland, Finland. Her research interests lie in philosophy and approaches of slow, sustainability and contemporary mobilities with an emphasis on tourism and localities. Most recently, she has been involved with the project ‘Towards sustainable accessibility’ focusing on sustainable tourism development in Lapland (led by Kideve, Kittilä development, funded by EAKR).

Elahe Hosseini holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Yazd University, Iran. Her research interest is about organisation behaviour, human resource management and social and entrepreneurship activities to develop entrepreneurship in developing countries. Also, she has several publications in international journals and participated in several conferences in some countries. She serves as an editor, a member of the editorial board in a series of distinguished journals such as the Iranian Journal of Management Studies and International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development.

Hairul Nizam Ismail is currently a Professor and the Director of Centre for Innovative Planning and Development (CIPD) in the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM, Malaysia. He is also a Registered Town Planner under Board of Town Planners Malaysia (LPBM) and Corporate Member of Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP) since 2012. Hairul's main research interests are in the fields of urban tourism, urban planning and tourism in developing countries. His academic interests address the issue of tourism planning and urban planning and expanding to the area such as tourism image, tourist behaviour, volunteerism, tourism entrepreneurship and transgenerational business in tourism as well as have published on themes relating to this area.

Elisabeth Kastenholz is an Associate Professor with aggregation at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), where she teaches Tourism and Marketing-related subjects since 1994, also integrating the University's Research Unit Governance, Competitiveness and Pubic Policies (GOVCOPP). She holds a PhD in Tourism Studies, an MBA, a Licenciatura in ‘Tourism Management and Planning’ and a bachelor in ‘Public Administration - Specificity Foreign Affairs’ (Germany). She is member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V. and of the Portuguese Society of Rural Studies. She has coordinated and participated in 16 research projects, in the fields of accessible, senior, social rural, nature, cultural and sustainable tourism, innovative tourism education, cross-border tourism initiatives and regional development. Her current research interests lie in sustainable tourism destination marketing, consumer behaviour in tourism (focus on destination image and destination experience), sustainable and regenerative tourism, accessible tourism, rural tourism and related topics like food and wine, slow and nature-based tourism.

Nadine Leder is a Lecturer in Logistics and Operations Management at Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom. Her research expertise is in Circular Economy & Circular Business Models and the implementation of circular and sustainable practices in Operations and Supply Chain Management. Nadine has conducted research in a variety of industry sectors, including the Tourism and Hospitality, Food and Drink, Construction, Plastics and Waste and Resource sectors.

Sari Lenggogeni is a Founder and Director of Tourism Development Center, Universitas Andalas, West Sumatera, Indonesia. She is also a Chairwoman of West Sumatra Tourism Board, Indonesia. She was awarded a PhD from the School of Tourism, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Her research interests include tourism crises and disaster management, tourism marketing, psychology of tourism, halal tourism and tourist behaviour. She was an expert team of tourism working group KEIN RI presidential advisory board in Indonesia (2016–2019). In collaboration with University of Queensland, Australia, Sari and team won the Australia Indonesia Institute grant from DFAT, Australia in 2022. Sari is also an ad hoc reviewer for Q1 Scopus-Indexed Tourism Journal including Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Current Issues in tourism, etc. She is an experienced expert leader for tourism policy and planning in Indonesia. She is a speaker in international and national tourism conferences/guest lectures.

Rogério João Lunkes is a Professor in the Accounting Department and the Graduate Program in Accounting, Administration, and Management Planning and Control at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). She has a BS in Accounting and a master's degree and PhD in Production Engineering and Systems from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). She has completed her postdoctorate work in accounting at the University of Valencia (Spain) and the University of Macerata (Italy). She has written several books and book chapters as well as published articles in international journals, including the Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Business Strategy and the Environment, European Accounting Review, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Sustainability, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, and International Journal of Hospitality Management. PQ-1D Researcher at CNPq, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.

Kettrin Farias Bem Maracajá is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Currais Novos, in the Tourism course. She is a Researcher and Professor on temporary assignment at the Academic Unit of Administration and Accounting at the Federal University of Campina Grande. She is a Permanent Professor at Postgraduate Program in Administration, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil (UFCG). She is a Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resources Engineering and Management, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil (UFCG). She is the Coordinator of the Environment, tourism and sustainability (GEATS) Research Group Faculty of Administration and Accounting (UAAC/UFCG). She is a member of the International Academy for the Development of Tourism Research in Brazil (ABRATUR). She is a member in the Tourism, Marketing and Competitiveness Research Group (TMC) - UFPR. She has published in many scientific journals. She participates in research lines in the areas of tourism management, general administration, wine tourism, sustainability, environmental education, competitiveness in tourist destinations and water footprint.

Márcio Ribeiro Martins is an Adjunct Professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), Portugal. He has a PhD in Tourism from the University of Aveiro. His main research areas are the spatiotemporal behaviour of tourists, tourist tracking technologies and backpacker tourism. He has also collaborated with the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Lamego School of Technology and Management, where he teaches the ‘Geography, Landscape and Geotourism’ course in the Tourism, Cultural and Heritage Management degree programme. He is currently an integrated member of CITED - IPB's Centre for Transdisciplinary Research in Education and Development, a collaborating member of the Centre for Research, Development and Innovation in Tourism (CITUR) and of IPB's Management Applied Research Unit (UNIAG). He is the author of a book, several book chapters and several scientific articles in international journals (Scopus/WoS), and has also participated in granted research projects.

Elias Mediotte, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Brazil, holds a PhD in Public Administration, with a stay-research period at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in Spain. He has a Postdoctorate in public governance from UFV and started another in tourism at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). He is a Research Member of UNESCO Chair CEPP. His research interests are Governance, placemaking, Creative Cities, and Sustainability.

Jefferson Marlon Monticelli is an Assistant Professor at Unisinos University, Business School, in Brazil. He holds a Postdoctorate at the Department of Production and Operations Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP), São Paulo, Brazil. He holds a Doctorate and Master's degree in Business Administration from Unisinos University, Porto Alegre, Brazil. He was a visiting student in the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden, during his Doctorate. His main research interest is related to coopetition, institutional theory, international business, entrepreneurship and family business. He has published in Global Strategy Journal, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Emerging Markets, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, etc.

André Pedrosa completed his Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Porto and his master's degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the University of Aveiro. Since 2017, he has been engaged in research at the University of Aveiro and is currently pursuing a Doctoral Programme in Tourism. His doctoral research focuses on critical success factors for tourism route development. Additionally, he has been engaged in the publication and presentation of research on topics related to tourism and has been teaching Physical and Human Geography of Portugal at the University of Aveiro since 2020. His work encompasses cycling tourism, nature tourism, tourist routes and geographic information systems in tourism.

Mohd Alif Mohd Puzi is currently a Senior Lecturer from Program of Urban and Regional Planning in the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Malaysia. Mohd Alif's main research interests are in the fields of urban planning, tourism planning and urban economic. His academic interests highlight areas such as tourism entrepreneurship and transgenerational entrepreneurship that has influence towards the peripheral community development. His current research interest is exploring the tourism from business and economic perspectives.

Rauno Rusko is a University Lecturer at the University of Lapland, Finland. His research activities focus on cooperation, coopetition, strategic management, digitising and social media, supply chain management and entrepreneurship mainly in the branches of information communication technology, forest industry and tourism. In addition to several book chapters, his articles appeared in the European Management Journal, Forest Policy and Economics, International Journal of Business Environment, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy and International Journal of Tourism Research among others.

Aidin Salamzadeh is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business Management at the University of Tehran, in Iran. His interests are startups, new venture creation and entrepreneurship. Aidin serves as an associate editor for the Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (; Journal of Enterprising Communities; Revista de Gestão; Innovation Management Review (Emerald), Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education as well as The Bottom Line (Emerald). Besides, he is a reviewer in numerous distinguished international journals. Aidin is a member of the European SPES Forum (Belgium), the Asian Academy of Management (Malaysia), Ondokuz Mayis University (Turkey) and the Institute of Economic Sciences (Serbia). He co-founded the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Lab (London).

Joice Denise Schäfer is a Professor in the Accounting Department and the Graduate Program in Management Planning and Control at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Has a BS in Accounting from the State University of Western Paraná, a master's degree in Accounting and a PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil).

Juulia Tikkanen is a Researcher at the University of Lapland at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Finland. Her research interests in tourism research are related to sustainable tourism in the Arctic. Recently, she has explored tourism degrowth in the context of Arctic tourism. Currently, she works in a European Union's Horizon 2020-funded project, ArcticHubs, where various issues related to land use in the Arctic industries and livelihoods, including tourism, have been studied.

Petra Vašaničová, University of Presov, Faculty of Management and Business, Presov, Slovakia. She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Business, University of Presov. Her research mainly focuses on tourism competitiveness and development and coopetition in tourism. Her research interest is the study of how tourism activity among European countries is interconnected, how to predict the financial distress of companies in the tourism sector and how network theory can help us understand the interconnectedness of tourism activity in Europe. Since 2015, she has published more than 140 studies, including papers in journals or proceedings, monographs and textbooks. Her publications also deal with business, finance, management and marketing.

Jako Volschenk, Stellenbosch Business School (SBS), South Africa. He holds a PhD in Business Administration and Management from the SBS. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at the Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa. He is the author of several publications covering virtuous inter-organisational relationships, renewable energy, sustainability, coopetition and environmental consumer behaviour. His research in inter-organisational behaviour aims to understand how value is created and appropriated in different contexts and involving different stakeholders, especially focused on coopetition strategy.

Dagmara Wójcik, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Theory at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. Her research interests include strategic management issues, i.e. inter-organisational cooperation, and coopetition in particular, in the creative industries such as the performing arts. She is also a researcher involved in individual and team projects subsidised by the National Science Centre, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the European Commission.


It is my pleasure to write this foreword for this book which is edited by Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki and Rui Augusto da Costa. This book distinguishes itself by presenting coopetition cases within the hospitality and tourism (H&T) industry. It also offers practical tools for applying this strategy, making it valuable for both practitioners and scholars across various sectors, particularly the H&T industry. Based on my knowledge, this is one of the few books focusing on coopetition within these sectors. Coopetition is an increasingly significant paradigm in management literature, and dedicating a book to the H&T industry is particularly timely. This strategy is gaining traction in the management practices of tourism destinations and their firms. Therefore, I congratulate the editors and the authors for their efforts and contribution to the field.

The concept of cooperating with competitors has expanded into a broad value network, becoming an important framework for analysing networks, clusters, alliances and partnerships. Cooperation and competition have always been fundamental behaviours of businesses, organisations and individuals. Nowadays, these behaviours often merge, particularly in the tourism economy, where coopetition is essential. Understanding this strategy and defining mechanisms for its successful implementation is crucial, and this book significantly contributes to that endeavour.

This book illustrates various ways in which value is created through tourism coopetition. It is a particularly apt perspective for tourism, where value is generated by a joint effort of firms, entrepreneurs, governments, tourists, support institutions and synergy with other industries. In this book, the cases presented demonstrate how coopetition can foster tourism development in diverse contexts, involving different players and network structures. The chapters also highlight the connections and, at times, overlap between coopetition and other important theories. Despite its primary focus on coopetition, this book adopts a multidisciplinary approach and multi-level analysis characteristic of the H&T industry.

Another potential advantage of this book is its ability to offer practical solutions. The cases illustrate how coopetition strategies are implemented among businesses and organisations in tourism destinations. They explore problems, identify key players, define shared goals and demonstrate co-value creation. The book chapters address some of the challenges in the H&T industry and propose solutions based on coopetition strategy. Additionally, the book provides direct tools for implementing coopetition, such as the Coopetition Value Proposition, the Coopetition Players Mapping and the Coopetition Toolbox, offering practical solutions for practitioners.

This book emphasises the diverse values created by tourism coopetition at both private and public levels, contributing to economic, environmental and social positive impacts on firms and tourism destinations. Its effects on sustainability are also highlighted through discussions on the circular economy, multi-governance and sociocultural preservation. In summary, this book showcases the efforts of various authors to provide an integrative view of coopetition knowledge and practices in the tourism and hospitality industry. It is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners alike, aiding the advancement of the coopetition paradigm. I hope the readers find this book enlightening and inspiring.

Dr Fevzi Okumus

CFHLA Preeminent Chair Professor

University of Central Florida's Rosen College of Hospitality Management, USA

Chapter 1 Introduction: The Value Proposition to Tourism: The Coopetition Era
Part One Co-boost the Tourism Destination: Public Policies to Foster Coopetition Networks
Chapter 2 A Roadmap to Build Tourism Coopetition: Oneway to Coopetitiveness
Chapter 3 Cross-border Tourism Coopetition Among European Countries: Insights From the Travel and Tourism Development Index
Chapter 4 A Taxonomy of Value Creation and Appropriation From Tourism Coopetition
Chapter 5 Coopetition Strategy in the Context of Multilevel Governance: Evidence From UNESCO'S Global Creative Cities Policy
Chapter 6 Coopetitive Action of Small-Scale Accommodations
Part Two Co-create Tourism Business and Products: Co-entrepreneurs Using Coopetition Strategies
Chapter 7 Co-location and Coopetition as the Sources of Slow (City) Tourism: Case Rovaniemi
Chapter 8 Leveraging Co-entrepreneurship Through Coopetition: The Role of Governance Mechanisms in Tourism Destinations
Chapter 9 Coopetition Local Index (i-COOL): A Tool to Measure Coopetition Level at Tourism Destinations
Part Three Co-consolidate the Tourism Destination: Endogenous Resources and the Coopetition Behaviour at the Host Society
Chapter 10 The Coopetition Model in the Tourism Sector: The Proliferation of Reusable Cup-Sharing Schemes
Chapter 11 Analysing Coopetition in the Wine Business Ecosystem: A Literature Review
Chapter 12 Exploring Barriers Arising from Coopetition: A Case Study in the Brazilian Wine Tourism Industry
Chapter 13 Enhancing Business Strategies in Tourism Through Coopetition: An Essay
Part Four Co-promote the Tourism Sector: Including the Visitors in the Coopetition Process to Co-produce the Destination
Chapter 14 The Impact of the Local Residents' Voice and Social Media Brand Engagement on Coopetition in Tourism Destinations: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing
Chapter 15 Co-creating Locally Embedded Rural Tourist Experiences Using Coopetition Strategies: Insights From Village Tourism in Portugal
Chapter 16 Social Relationships in Coopetition Among Entrepreneurs on Culinary Tourist Routes
Chapter 17 Fostering a Better Spatial Distribution of Tourism: Using Geotagged Photos to Shape the Coopetition Network
Chapter 18 Conclusion: The Footprint of Coopetition in Tourism