
Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Sustainability

ISBN: 978-1-83797-778-9, eISBN: 978-1-83797-777-2

Publication date: 2 December 2024

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(2024), "Index", Mathiyazhagan, K., Kishore, A., Behdani, B. and Thanki, H. (Ed.) Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Sustainability, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 313-322.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 K. Mathiyazhagan -, Aakanksha Kishore, Behzad Behdani and Heena Thanki. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


ABC India Ltd.
, 224, 227, 229–230

, 2, 99–100

, 82–83, 290

, 23–24

Additive manufacturing
, 120, 277

Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS)
, 208

Advanced analytics
, 16

Agri-food industry
, 134–135

archiving of detailed records for future use
, 139

context, data collection and description
, 136

definition of scope of study
, 135

evaluation and comparison of model formalization and validation
, 137–138

method and results peer review
, 139

model selection and testing
, 139

selection of most relevant methods/tools
, 136–137

significant aspects and impacts
, 137

, 70

Allcargo Logistics Ltd.
, 224, 227, 229–230

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
, 208, 261–262

Analytic Network Process (ANP)
, 208

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 3, 16, 32, 35, 71, 119, 127–128, 158, 188, 221, 256, 276–277, 283–284

for smart decision-making
, 6

via supply chain
, 128–129

Artificial neural networks (ANNs)
, 256

Auditing in digital age
, 187–188

Auditors, recommendations for
, 195

Augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF test)
, 223

Augmented reality (AR)
, 256, 277

, 35, 41–42, 280

Autonomous robots
, 256

Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
, 88

, 54

Behavioral intentions (BIs)
, 82–83

and adoption of blockchain in supply chain
, 86

EE and
, 84–85

PE and
, 84

Best-Worst Method (BWM)
, 208, 238–239, 242–243, 259

, 71

Bi-objective optimization model
, 261–262

Big data (BD)
, 158, 221, 277

, 35, 120, 172

, 11, 67–68, 80, 82, 172, 188

, 72

blockchain-enabled smart contracts technology trends
, 69–70

, 68

regulatory and legal landscape of smart contracts
, 71–72

systematic search process for literature review
, 69

technology challenges of smart contracts in liner shipping industry
, 72–74

technology trends of smart contracts in liner shipping
, 70–71

Blockchain technology (BT)
, 80, 158

, 229–230

BMW Group Middle East–Automotive Sector
, 151–152

critical analysis and challenges
, 151–152

, 306

, 144, 173–174

case issues
, 123

, 298

privacy concerns
, 123

Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2 emissions)
, 50

, 71

Causal diagram
, 246–248

, 238

Chartered logistic Ltd.
, 227

Circular economy (CE)
, 157–159, 172, 208

opportunities for
, 165

Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC)
, 145–148

Closed-loop systems
, 152

Cloud computing
, 221, 277

Cloud connection
, 119

Cloud service (CS)
, 163–164

, 102–103

, 4

among stakeholders
, 44

Collaborative governance
, 21

Common method bias (CMB)
, 303

Compatibility challenges
, 106–107

Competitive advantage
, 80

Complex Proportional Assessment of Alternatives (COPRAS)
, 208

, 40–41

Composite Reliability (CR)
, 88

“Consortium blockchain” architecture
, 81

Conventional SCM
, 100–101

, 218

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 260–261

Corporate sustainable management activities (CSMA)
, 260–261

, 102–103

Cost reduction
, 74–75

Cost-effective operations
, 75

, 219

Cronbach’s Alpha, rho_A
, 88

Cryptographic techniques
, 67–68

Cultural diversity
, 19

Customer satisfaction
, 256

application of proposed approach for supplier assessment
, 264–266

literature review
, 258–262

problem description
, 262–263

research methodology
, 263–264

result discussion and managerial implications
, 266–269

Cyber dependence
, 202

Cyber-physical systems (CPS)
, 1–2, 256

, 277

, 121–122

, 42

, 70

Data analytics
, 3–4, 122, 188

for decision-making
, 104–105

Data magic
, 4

insights from
, 5

Data quality
, 123

Data security

, 122–123

and privacy issues
, 106

Data-driven decision-making for sustainability
, 4–5

, 83

Decentralized ledger technologies (DLTs)
, 283, 288

Decision making
, 42–43

Decision-makers (DMs)
, 258

Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)
, 208, 238–239, 243, 248, 261–262

direct relation matrix
, 245

final output and causal diagram
, 246–248

normalized direct-relation matrix
, 246

total relation matrix
, 246

, 71

Dell Middle East–Electronics Sector
, 148–151

critical analysis and challenges
, 149–151

, 87

Descriptive analysis
, 160–162

, 202

Digital age
, 276

Digital innovations
, 302

Digital technologies (DTs)
, 32, 173, 238

Digital transformation
, 194, 218, 298–300

analysis results
, 303–306

effect of digital transformation on sustainability
, 301–302

enablers of digital transformation in TOE framework
, 300–301

, 306–309

research gap and rationale for study
, 298–299

research methodology
, 302–303

Digital twins (DT)
, 120, 163–164

, 3–4, 165, 218, 238

challenges and risks of adopting
, 6–7, 10–11

creating transparent and sustainable supply chains
, 4

, 72, 276

Direct relation matrix
, 245

Discriminant validity
, 90

Dynamic capabilities (DCs)
, 172, 174

Dynamic capabilities view (DCV)
, 172–173

Economic dimensions
, 17

decentralized ledger technologies
, 288

ethical business practices
, 287–288

supply chain transparency
, 288–289

of sustainability
, 287–289

Economic growth
, 37

Economic performance
, 81

Economic sustainability
, 22–23

opportunities for
, 163–164

Economy aspects
, 39–40

Edge computing for real-time decision-making
, 6

Edge processing
, 6

, 54

, 2–3, 5–6

Effort Expectancy (EE)
, 84–85

EGARCH (1) model
, 1, 223–224

Emergency backup facilities
, 220–221

Emergency logistics systems
, 220–221

Employees, recommendations for
, 195–196

Employment creation
, 37

End-of-life (EOL)
, 144

Environment aspects
, 40–41

Environmental constraints
, 128, 136–137

Environmental dimensions
, 17

predictive modelling
, 285

real-time data analytics
, 285

resource optimization
, 285

of sustainability
, 285

Environmental factors
, 32, 308

Environmental performance
, 81

Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
, 173–174

Environmental sustainability
, 23

opportunities for
, 164

Esser shipping
, 228

Ethical AI and decision-making
, 291–292

Ethical and legal dimension
, 17

Ethical business practices
, 287–288

Ethical concerns
, 21

Ethical considerations
, 42–43

Ethical sustainability
, 21–22

European Union (EU)
, 280

External validity
, 92

Facilitating conditions (FC)
, 83, 85–86

, 291

, 175

Fish canning industry
, 134–135

5G for connectivity and efficiency
, 5–6

, 69

Fourth Industrial Revolution (see Industry 4.0 (IR 4.0))

Future research scope
, 100

Fuzzy best worst method (FBWM)
, 261–262

Fuzzy inference system (FIS)
, 259

Fuzzy TOPSIS with Z-numbers
, 264

, 228

Global challenges
, 32

Global projects, interactions with
, 44–45

Global Shared Container Platform (GSCP)
, 71

Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN)
, 70–71

, 81

Green supply chain (GSC)
, 127–128, 276–277, 284–285

approach for model application
, 129–134

archiving of detailed records for future use
, 133–134

artificial intelligence via supply chain
, 128–129

case study
, 134–139

context, data collection and description
, 131

definition of scope of study
, 130–131

evaluation and comparison of model formalization and simulation
, 132–133

, 139–140

literature review
, 128–129

method and results peer review
, 134

model selection and testing
, 133

, 128

, 140

selection of most relevant methods/tools
, 131–132

significant aspects and impacts
, 132

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
, 162

Grey System Theory
, 261–262

, 70

Horizontal system integration
, 277

Human dimensions of sustainability
, 289–292

ethical AI and decision-making
, 291–292

human–machine collaboration
, 290–291

workforce reskilling and upskilling
, 289–290

Human rights
, 86

Human-centric approach
, 19

, 23–24

data collection
, 18

economic sustainability
, 22–23

environmental sustainability
, 23

ethical and legal sustainability
, 21–22

Industry 4.0
, 16

integration of IR 4.0 technology and sustainability dimension
, 19

, 18

, 18

review of literature
, 16–18

social sustainability
, 19–21

synthesizing analysis
, 26

Human–machine collaboration
, 290–291

Human–Machine interaction (HMI)
, 122

Hyperledger Fabric
, 71

Implementation costs
, 107

, 20–21

Individual empowerment
, 290

Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
, 118

Industry 4.0 (IR 4.0) (see also Supply chain 4.0 (SC 4.0))
, 1–2, 16, 32, 34, 36, 68, 116–117, 144–145, 159, 172, 175–176, 187–188, 202, 238, 256, 276–277

artificial intelligence
, 35

, 35

big data analytics
, 35

integration of IR 4.0 technology and sustainability dimension
, 19

intersection of SDGs and
, 36–41

, 34–35

New-Age Digitalization
, 3

promise of
, 16

research issues in
, 122–123

and SA8000 audit
, 191–194

and SA8000 compliance
, 190–191

smart manufacturing and resource efficiency
, 3–11

on supply chain sustainability
, 221

, 2–3

and technological pillars
, 277–278

technologies and sustainability
, 283–285

transformation of industries
, 35–36

, 37

International Labor Organization (ILO) treaty
, 188–189

Internet of Things (IoT)
, 1–2, 16, 32, 34–35, 98, 116, 158, 172, 221, 256, 276–277, 284

benefits in IoT-SCM integration
, 104–106

challenges and concerns in IoT-SCM integration
, 106–108

, 188

enhanced inventory management through
, 102–103

future scope
, 109–110

impact of IoT on SCV
, 101–102

IoT-enabled supply chain optimization
, 103

literature review
, 100–103

outcomes and managerial implications
, 108–109

, 98–99, 102–103, 149, 151

Interoperability challenges
, 106–107

Inventory control
, 98

, 218, 231

Jarque Bera test
, 224

Job displacement
, 41–42, 286

, 41

Key performance indicators (KPIs)
, 203

, 224

Labor standards
, 189

Lancer container lines
, 228

Latent semantic analysis (LSA)
, 277–278

, 18

Legal challenges
, 43

Legal landscape
, 68

Legal sustainability
, 21–22

, 43

Lex Mercatoria
, 72

Liner shipping

technology challenges of smart contracts in
, 72–74

technology trends of smart contracts in
, 70–71

Literature analysis
, 51–54

Literature review
, 166

Logistics (see also Reverse logistics)
, 80, 98, 218

, 218

logistics 4.0
, 145–147

, 256

Machine learning (ML)
, 71, 102–103, 158

, 73–74

Mahindra logistics
, 228

Managerial implications
, 45–46

Managers, recommendations for
, 194

Maritime sector
, 67–68

Measurement model assessment
, 88–89

Message queue telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol
, 102–103

, 127–128

Multi-Agent Systems (MASs)
, 259

Multi-Attribute Relative Closeness Sorting (MARCOS)
, 208

Multi-criteria approaches for supplier performance evaluation
, 261–262

Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM)
, 202, 258

problems, methods and applications
, 208–210

Multi-echelon supply chain model
, 81

Multinational company (MNC)
, 189–190

Navkar Corporation Ltd.
, 229–230

Neural Network
, 261–262

New-Age Digital Revolution
, 3

New-Age Digitalization
, 3

New-age technologies

conceptualizing relationship
, 282–283

economic dimensions of sustainability
, 287–289

environmental dimensions of sustainability
, 285

human dimensions of sustainability
, 289–292

industry 4.0 technologies and sustainability
, 283–285

literature review
, 277–282

practical implications, limitations and future research directions
, 292–293

social implications of industry 4.0
, 286–287

theoretical framework
, 282–283

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
, 70

Normalized direct-relation matrix
, 246

Operational efficiency
, 74, 166

, 6, 300

Opportunities of SC4.0
, 158

, 69–70

Ordinal Priority Approach (OPA)
, 208

, 248, 250

Organizational resilience
, 290

Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
, 151

Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) Approach
, 303

Patel integrated logistics ltd
, 227–228

Performance evaluation
, 257

Performance Expectancy (PE)
, 84

Performance indicators
, 98

Performance optimization
, 69–70

, 218

, 5

Predictive modelling
, 285

Predictive relevance
, 92

Preference-Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment of Evaluation (PROMETHEE)
, 261–262

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
, 206

Privacy concerns
, 123

, 5

, 32

, 2, 173, 286

Profitable returns
, 2–3

Proposition development
, 178–179

moderating role of value chain
, 178–179

relationship between DC and SC sustainability
, 178

relationship between SC sustainability and I4.0
, 178

Radio frequency identification tags (RFID tags)
, 98–99, 102–103

Real-time data analytics
, 285

Real-time monitoring and tracking
, 104

Real-time visibility
, 4

Reduce, redesign, reuse, recover, remanufacture and recycle framework (6R framework)
, 283

Reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) approach
, 283

Regulatory frameworks
, 24, 289

Research contribution
, 262

Research questions (RQs)
, 203

, 204

keywords for
, 205

Resilience in supply chain system
, 220–221

Resource efficiency
, 3–11

Resource management
, 33

Resource optimization
, 285

Resource use
, 5

Resource utilization
, 34

Resource-based view (RBV)
, 172–173

Resource-efficient manufacturing process
, 145

Retail sector
, 81

, 81, 263

Return on investment
, 107

Reverse logistics
, 144–145

conceptual framework of sustainable reverse logistics transformation in
, 148

reverse logistics 4.0
, 145–147

, 41–43

Robotic process automation (RPA)
, 119–120

, 16, 119–120

Role of Industry 4.0
, 32–33

SA8000 auditing framework
, 188, 194

challenges and solutions
, 193

industry 4.0 and SA8000 audit
, 191–194

industry 4.0 and SA8000 compliance
, 190–191

, 194–196

, 188–190

SA8000 compliance
, 190–191

, 72

Science-Technology Scenario in Industry 4.0 (STS-S4.0)
, 281

, 69

Scoping reviews
, 204

charting data
, 206–207

identification of relevant studies
, 204

identifying RQs
, 204

, 204–207

, 208–209

study selection
, 206

, 204

Security optimization
, 69–70

Self-directed robots
, 277

, 123

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
, 70

, 67–68

Silsal technology
, 71

, 277

, 224

Skilled workforce and training requirements
, 108

, 69

Small-and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
, 173–174, 297–298

Smart contracts
, 69–70

regulatory and legal landscape of
, 71–72

Smart factories
, 2

Smart manufacturing (SM)
, 3, 11, 116–117, 283

from business perspective
, 118–120

enabling technologies for
, 118–120

, 124

research issues in
, 122–123

technological requirements for adoption of SM in business operations
, 118

Smart Manufacturing System (SMS)
, 117, 121–122

, 121–122

, 121–122

requirements for
, 119

Smart technologies
, 163–164

, 2

, 70

Snowmen logistics
, 227, 229–230

Social Accountability International (SAI)
, 188–189

Social cognitive theory (SCT)
, 82–83

Social dimension
, 17

Social distancing
, 220–221

Social implications of industry 4.0
, 286–287

job displacement
, 286

societal well-being
, 287

workforce automation
, 286

Social Influence (SI)
, 85

Social performance
, 81

Social structures
, 19

Social sustainability
, 19–21

opportunities for
, 164–165

Societal well-being
, 287

Society aspects
, 37–39

Socio economic equity issues
, 42

Socio-ecological expectations
, 258

Socioeconomic inequality
, 202

, 5, 44, 86

, 122

Standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)
, 305–306

Streamlined logistics
, 105

Structural equation modeling (SEM)
, 89

Structural model assessment
, 89–92

Structured Analysis–Real Time (SA-RT)
, 136–137

Supplier assessment, application of proposed approach for
, 264–266

Supplier monitoring process
, 259–260

Supplier performance assessment
, 259–260

Supplier performance evaluation based on customer satisfaction
, 260–261

Supplier selection
, 257

Supply chain (SC) (see also Green supply chain (GSC))
, 81, 98, 128, 174, 219, 238, 256

BI and adoption of blockchain in supply chain
, 86

challenges for supply chain system during crisis
, 219–220

conceptual framework
, 84

EE and BI
, 84–85

facilitating conditions
, 85–86

, 86–87

PE and BI
, 84

, 86

resilience in
, 220–221

, 87–92

review of literature
, 82–86

SI and BI
, 85

strategies for sustainability
, 222

, 176–177

theoretical framework
, 82–84

, 11, 288–289

Supply chain 4.0 (SC 4.0)
, 158–159, 238

barriers for sustainability in literature
, 240

, 242–243

challenges for sustainability
, 240–242

, 243–248

, 160–166

framework to overcome SC 4. 0 challenges for sustainability
, 248–250

future research
, 165–166

literature review
, 240–242

, 160

, 238–239

opportunities for sustainability
, 162–163, 166

theoretical background
, 158–159

Supply chain management (SCM)
, 50, 70–71, 80, 98, 176

, 100–101

reduction of costs and wastages in
, 105–106

Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR)
, 136–137

Supply chain optimization (SCO)
, 100

Supply chain system management (SSCM)
, 221

Supply chain visibility (SCV)
, 98–99

impact of IoT on
, 101–102

, 2–3, 16, 81, 157–159, 176, 202, 276–277, 297–298

, 50

framework to overcome SC 4.0 challenges for
, 248–250

in industrial practices
, 278–279

in industry 4.0
, 279–282

SC 4.0 barriers for sustainability in literature
, 240

SC 4.0 challenges for
, 240–242

, 189–190

technologies in shaping
, 5–6

Sustainable criteria
, 258

Sustainable development
, 16, 33, 176

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 32, 50, 173, 279–280

industry 4.0
, 34–36

literature review
, 33–34

managerial implications
, 45–46

managing industry 4.0 for SDG attainment
, 43

policy and regulation
, 43–45

prospects and future developments in industry 4.0 for achieving
, 45

risks and difficulties in using industry 4.0
, 41–43

SDG 12
, 37–39

, 36–37

Sustainable digitalisation, key indicators to measure
, 209

Sustainable resource management
, 151

Sustainable reverse logistics transformation
, 148

Sustainable supply chain
, 173–174

Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM)
, 50, 116, 176

challenges and solutions
, 61

challenges in SSCM adoption
, 51–53

, 54

potential solutions to overcome SSCM challenges
, 51, 54–55, 60

research method
, 51

Sustainable wealth-building strategies

, 222

, 224–230

future research directions
, 231

literature review
, 219–222

managerial implications
, 231

, 223

research methodology
, 222–224

System integration
, 277

Systems theory
, 173

Taguchi loss function
, 261–262

TCI express
, 230

Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
, 208, 261–262

, 19

Technological research issues
, 122–123

Technological solutions
, 44

Technologies in shaping sustainability
, 5–6

Technology integration
, 238

Technology trends
, 69–70

Technology-organization-environment framework (TOE)
, 82, 298

Theory of planned behavior (TBP)
, 82

Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
, 82

3D printing
, 120, 277

Tiger logistics Ltd.
, 230

Total relation matrix
, 246

, 81

, 72–74

Transformation of industries
, 35–36

, 21

Transport corporation of India
, 230

Transportation management
, 105

Triple bottom line (TBL) approach
, 148, 202, 211–212, 278–279, 297–298

, 69

Ukraine–Russia war
, 218

Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 1 (UTAUT1)
, 82

Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2)
, 82

Unit root testing
, 223

United Arab Emirates (UAE supply chains)
, 149

background and significance of study
, 144

case studies
, 148–152

industry applications in
, 148–152

literature review
, 144–148

United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child
, 188–189

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
, 188–189

, 202

, 177

Value chains
, 173

limitation and future scope
, 179

proposition development
, 178–179

theoretical background
, 174–177

Value creation
, 177

Value proposition
, 300

Vertical system integration
, 277

Virtual reality (VR)
, 277–278

, 163–164

VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR)
, 259

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA)
, 165

VRL logistics
, 228

Waste reduction
, 105–106

, 71

Web of Data
, 16

Web of Science (WoS)
, 204

Workforce automation
, 286

Workforce reskilling and upskilling
, 289–290

challenges and solutions
, 290

individual empowerment
, 290

organizational resilience
, 290

Workforce transformation
, 41–42

World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
, 202

World crisis
, 219

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 50

, 264

, 262, 266

New-Age Digitalization Impact on Sustainability in Industry 4.0
Balancing Industry 4.0 With Sustainability: Human-Centric Approach
Role of Industry 4.0 on Achieving SDG’S
A Review Study on Challenges and Potential Solutions of Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Technology Trends and Challenges of Blockchain-enabled Smart Contracts in Liner Shipping Industry
Navigating the Future: Blockchain Strategies for Reinventing Retail Supply Chains
The Integration of Internet of Things into Supply Chain Management: Evolution, Impact, Benefits, and Challenges
Smart Manufacturing to Implement Industry 4.0 in a Sustainable Supply Chain
Industrial Green Supply Chain: A Conceptual Modelling Approach Based on Artificial Intelligence
Reverse Logistics and Closed-Loop Systems in UAE Supply Chains: Leveraging Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Resource Management
Exploring and Mapping the Role of Supply Chain 4.0 Technologies in Promoting Sustainability: A Conceptual Framework
Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Sustainability: Moderating Role of Value Chain
Sustainability Meets Technology: Industry 4.0 for SA8000 Compliance and Audit
Sustainable Industry 4.0 in Operations and Supply Chain Management: A Scoping Review
Sustainable Wealth-Building Strategies With Supply Chain Companies Post Corona and Ukraine Russia Scrimmages: A Comparative Study
A Framework to Overcome Supply Chain 4.0 Challenges for Sustainability: Application of BWM and DEMATEL Approaches
An Integrated Model for Evaluation, Selection and Monitoring of Sustainable Suppliers' Performance Based on Customer-Satisfaction in Industry 4.0 Era
Harmony in Progress: Exploring the Symbiosis of New-Age Digitalization and Sustainability in Industry 4.0
Enablers of Digital Transformation for Supply Chain Sustainability