
Informal Manufacturing and Environmental Sustainability

ISBN: 978-1-83549-999-3, eISBN: 978-1-83549-998-6

Publication date: 2 December 2024

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(2024), "Index", Pal, M.K. and Das, P. (Ed.) Informal Manufacturing and Environmental Sustainability, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 305-317.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 Mihir Kumar Pal and Pinaki Das. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Accommodative investment policy
, 77–78

Accumulation capital per unit labour in formal sector
, 50

“Adopt-a-Bin” initiative
, 245–246

Agglomeration economics, link between industrial activities and
, 146–147

Agricultural sector
, 71

Agro-based industries
, 102–104

Air pollution
, 162–163

Annual Average Growth Rate (AAGR)
, 106

of number, employment, and GVA of food and beverages industries
, 106, 108

Annual Survey of Industries (ASI)
, 133–134

Artisanal crude oil refining
, 22

Artistry of tribal communities in India
, 288

ASEAN economies (see also Emerging Asian economies)
, 210

Augmented Dicky Fuller Test (ADF Test)
, 118

, 289

, 162

adopting green and sustainable practices
, 299–300

analysis of MSME/informal sectors
, 296–299

contextualising economic growth, sustainable development and environmental governance
, 163–165

effects of pollution on environment and health
, 165–167

growth factors and contributions to national development
, 298–299

implement strict regulations
, 302

importance of MSMEs in green and sustainable practices
, 294–295

informal manufacturing sector of
, 58

informal sector and economy
, 165

initiatives by Government of Bangladesh to control pollution
, 167–168

literature review
, 295–296

MSMEs in nation building
, 300–301

overview of
, 294

policy recommendations
, 169–170

promote green factories
, 302

research and development
, 302–303

research objectives and methodology of study
, 163

result of study
, 168–169

review of literature
, 163

structure of industry
, 297–298

sustainable initiatives
, 301–302

textile and garments sector
, 296–297

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)
, 162

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity
, 154

BASF (German chemical company)
, 287

Bi-variate model
, 180

Binary Probit regression models
, 149–150

Biochemical oxygen demands (BOD)
, 166

Biodegradable waste
, 238

, 166–167

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS)
, 176, 180

data and methodology
, 180–182

econometric modelling and methods
, 180–182

, 180

literature review
, 178–180

long-run effects of IE on CO2 and EF in BRICS economies
, 187

outcome of panel cointegration test for CO2 and IE and for IE and EF
, 183–185

, 182–186

Wald test–short-run causality
, 186

Buriganga River’s water
, 167

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
, 155

, 289

Capital inflow
, 38

Capital utilisation equation
, 37

Capital-labour ratio (KL ratio)
, 202–203

Carbon dioxide (CO2)
, 192

Carbon dioxide emission intensity (CO2IN)
, 195–196, 199

, 194

database and methodology
, 194–196

dynamics of enterprise numbers and employment according to growth status
, 196–197

empirical model
, 195–196

estimation of
, 194–195

across growth status
, 197–199

number and employment of informal manufacturing enterprises
, 198

policy recommendation
, 203

regression model estimation
, 199–202

result of pooled regression model of
, 200–201

, 196–202

by status of growth of enterprises
, 199

Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2 emissions)
, 176, 209, 211, 222

Carbon monoxide (CO)
, 22

Carbon oxidation factor (COF)
, 195

Central Statistical Office (CSO)
, 85–86, 133–134

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
, 102, 104, 131, 133

Chemical oxygen demands (COD)
, 166

China’s formal e-waste recycling system
, 6–7

Chinese technology
, 19

Chow Test
, 118–119

Circular economy
, 6–7

Classical theory paradigm
, 163–164

Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
, 168

Cobb-Douglas production function
, 64

Community participation
, 280

of tribal people for sustainable development
, 287–288

of tribal people in fostering green economy
, 284–285

Community-based exploration approach
, 281

Competitive equilibrium conditions
, 71

Complex sociolect-ecological systems
, 59

Comprehensive city action plan (CAP)
, 155

Comprehensive environmental database
, 169–170

Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT)
, 69–70

Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES)
, 148

, 240

of nature-resistant materials
, 239

Continuous variable
, 149

Corporate manufacturing of thermocol
, 287

Corporate social responsibility
, 49

Correlation analysis
, 228–229

Correlation coefficient
, 228

COVID-19 pandemic
, 116, 118, 208

Craftsmanship, sustainable practices in
, 288

Creative destruction
, 266

Cross-sectional dependence
, 181

Current weekly status (CWS)
, 116, 120

Customers in Bangladesh
, 62

CUSUM squares test (CUSUMQ test)
, 118–119, 122

CUSUM tests
, 118–119

Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
, 102, 104, 131, 133

Descriptive statistics
, 196

, 167

Directory Manufacturing Establishments (DMEs)
, 85–86

Dirty activities
, 68

Disposable plastic packaging
, 238

, 20

, 20

school of thought
, 20

Duality sub-approach
, 20

Dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS)
, 181–182

, 8

Earth Resource Foundation
, 287

, 243

Ecological footprints (EFs)
, 176

Ecological management systems
, 63

Econometric modelling and methods
, 180–182

Econometric models
, 118

Economic development
, 294–297, 300–301

Economic growth
, 178–179, 222, 228

, 163–165

Economic sustainability
, 4–5, 18

Economic underdevelopment
, 45–46

Electronic waste
, 238

Emerging Asian economies
, 208

correlation among variables
, 213

, 211

descriptive statistics of considered variables
, 212

estimation techniques
, 212

fixed effect and random effect panel regression results for all countries
, 213

literature review
, 209–210

material and methods
, 211–212

model specification
, 211

policy implications
, 215–216

, 212–215

Empirical insights
, 252

Empirical model
, 195–196

, 102, 223, 225

, 90–93

, 197

Energy consumption (EC)
, 178–179, 211, 228

Energy efficiency improvement
, 192

Energy Policy (1995)
, 168

Enterprise (ESTT)
, 112

dynamics of enterprise numbers and employment according to growth status
, 196–197

, 102

, 266

, 144–145, 266–267

Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC)
, 21

, 176–177, 179–180

effects of pollution on
, 165–167

Environment Court Act (2010)
, 168

Environment-growth nexus
, 46

Environmental degradation (ED)
, 177, 179–180, 208–209

Environmental fallout of informal manufacturing
, 54

Environmental governance, contextualising
, 163–165

Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis (EKC hypothesis)
, 47, 178–179, 209

Environmental Management and Protection Law (2017)
, 245

Environmental pillar
, 10–11

Environmental pollution
, 49, 69–70, 144, 164, 176–177, 214

coefficients of probit regression for macro variables affecting company ownership
, 156–157

conceptual framework
, 146–147

, 147–149

empirical results
, 149–155

of informal manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria
, 21–22

in Lagos
, 22

, 149

ownership types of enterprises at all India and metropolitan levels
, 150

policy implications
, 155–158

probit regression coefficients for micro factors
, 152–153

statistical analysis for micro-level factors
, 151

total variance explanation
, 154

Environmental quality
, 178–179

Environmental regulations
, 259

policies and incentives
, 256–259

policy mechanisms
, 257

Environmental sustainability
, 6–7, 18, 228, 239

, 50–55

review of literature
, 46–49

Equilibrium relations
, 182

Error correction model (ECM)
, 181

Establishment enterprises (ESTT enterprises)
, 112–113

Estimation techniques
, 212

Expanded polystyrene (EPS)
, 287

Extended producer responsibility (EPR)
, 247

Factor market equilibrium conditions
, 72

Factors of production
, 38

Fair competition
, 4–5, 8–9

Field trip–based description
, 61–63

Financial pillar
, 9–10

Fisher type Augmented Dicky–Fuller test
, 181

Fixed effect model (FEM)
, 211–212

Food and beverages industries

AAGR of number, employment, and GVA of
, 106

relative position of
, 105–107

status of growth of
, 106–111

Food processing industry
, 102–104

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
, 30–32, 35, 208–209

Foreign exchange earnings
, 296–297

Forest Policy (1994)
, 168

Formal manufacturing sector
, 40, 71

Formal sectors
, 34, 45–46, 49–50, 68, 131, 133, 167, 222–223

Formal segments
, 133–134

Fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS)
, 181–182

, 167

Garments sector
, 296–297

Gender Development Index (GDI)
, 148

Gender Inequality Index (GII)
, 148

General equilibrium model
, 31, 40

Geographical Indications (GI)
, 64

Global Footprint Network (GFN)
, 180

Global green innovation strategies
, 63–64

Global Material Footprint
, 238

Global plastic production
, 241–242

Global supply chains
, 130

, 225–226

impact of globalization on informal sector in India
, 225–226

Glocal sustainable and inclusive development through reduced/eliminated IE and adverse impacts
, 7–11

Governance of socioecological systems
, 254

Government of Bangladesh (GOB)
, 163

initiatives by Government of Bangladesh to control pollution
, 167–168

Government subsidies
, 258

Granger Causality test
, 182

Green and sustainable practices, importance of MSMEs in
, 294–295

Green economy

drivers, barriers, solutions and best practices for informal manufacturing in
, 22–25

tribal community engagement in informal manufacturing for
, 281–285

Green ergonomics concept
, 254

Green factories
, 302

Green finance
, 258

Green growth
, 266, 270

database and methodology
, 268–270

nature of challenges faced by women micro-entrepreneurs
, 273–275

policy recommendation
, 275–276

, 270–275

status of women’s empowerment among micro-entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs
, 271–273

impact of women’s micro-entrepreneurship on sustainable development and
, 270

Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)
, 58, 63

Green innovation
, 58, 258

conceptual framework
, 61

field trip–based description
, 61–63

literature review
, 59–61

, 62–63

, 63–64

Green management
, 255

Green practices, role in adopting
, 299–300

Green process
, 255–256

Green product
, 255

Green technological innovation concept
, 252

Green technology innovation capabilities
, 256

Green theory
, 243

Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
, 192

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
, 31–32, 130, 180, 222

Gross Value Added (GVA)
, 31–32, 86–87, 102, 104, 111

of food and beverages industries
, 106

growth of
, 93


of employment
, 90–93

of GVA
, 93

of labour productivity
, 93–94

performance of UMS at activity level
, 90–95

Growth rate

of CWS employment status of male labour
, 124–125

GVA and labour productivity of UMS Activity-Wise growth rate of employment
, 91–92

Growth status

CO2 emission intensity across
, 197–199

dynamics of enterprise numbers and employment according to
, 196–197

Hausman test
, 214

Health, effects of pollution on environment and
, 165–167

, 84–85

Higher HDI values
, 150–154

Human Development Index (HDI)
, 148

Inclusion of technological-driven development
, 300


impact of globalization on informal sector in
, 225–226

KLEMS database
, 133–134

manufacturing sector
, 31–32

preserving tribal heritage and promoting sustainable practices in
, 288–289

UMS in
, 84–87

Indian economy
, 222–224

Indian Fabrics Industry (IFI)
, 131–133

Indian formal manufacturing industries
, 193

Indian industries
, 133–134

Indian manufacturing industry
, 30

Indigenous technology

, 19

role in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in Nigeria
, 20–21

Industrial activities, link between agglomeration economics and
, 146–147

Industry, structure of
, 297–298

Industry-level TFP growth rates
, 134

Inflow of foreign capital (FDI)
, 37

Informal activities
, 20

Informal economy (IE)
, 3, 45–46, 68, 162, 177, 208–210, 214, 226

drivers for and causes of
, 4–7

effects of UCT on pollution and sustainable livelihood
, 73–77

IE-based trade
, 7

, 50–55

, 71–73

recommendations for enhancing glocal sustainable and inclusive development through reduced/eliminated IE and adverse impacts
, 7–11

review of literature
, 46–49

Informal employment in India
, 223

Informal manufacturing
, 16

database and methodology
, 281

drivers, barriers, solutions and best practices for
, 22–25

enhancing sustainable development through tribal informal manufacturing
, 287–291

indigenous technology in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in Nigeria
, 20–21

, 281–291

retail marketing strategies for tribal products
, 285–287

tribal community engagement in informal manufacturing for green economy
, 281–285

Informal manufacturing activity
, 229–230

aims and objectives
, 227

characteristics of informal sector
, 224–225

data sources
, 227–228

impact of globalization on informal sector in India
, 225–226

informal sector and Indian economy
, 222–224

, 228

, 228–230

results of correlation analysis
, 229

review of literature
, 226–227

Informal manufacturing enterprises
, 31

environmental pollution of informal manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria
, 21–22

in India
, 196

Informal manufacturing sector
, 39, 71–72, 209, 215, 295

background of study
, 31–33

of Bangladesh
, 58, 165, 167

comparative statistics
, 37–40

data and variables
, 119–120

, 126

earlier literature review
, 116–118

growth rate of CWS employment status of male labour
, 124–125

of India
, 193

literature review
, 33–35

materials and methods
, 118–120

policy prescriptions
, 125–126

, 120–125

stationarity checking
, 118

structural break
, 122–123

structural break and growth rate
, 118–119

summary statistics and unit root text
, 120–121

theoretical model
, 35–37

Informal oil refining
, 22

Informal operations
, 24

Informal production activities
, 17, 23

Informal sectors
, 16–18, 25, 34, 45–46, 49, 131, 133, 162, 208, 222, 224, 238, 302

analysis of
, 296–299

, 17–18

and economy of Bangladesh
, 165

impact of globalization on informal sector in India
, 225–226

major characteristics of
, 224–225

production function
, 51

, 68

Informal segments
, 133–134

Informal workers
, 223

Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)
, 192

International Energy Agency (IEA)
, 192

International Finance Corporation (IFC)
, 301

International Labour Organisation (ILO)
, 131, 133, 284–285

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 210

Interstitial action
, 60

Ischaemic heart diseases
, 22

Jamdani industry
, 62

Job displacement
, 116

Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin index (KMO index)
, 154

Kenya Mission Report
, 17

, 226

KLEMS database

analysis of data
, 135–138

average and overall TFPG of manufacturing industries
, 138

objectives, methodology and data source
, 133–134

review of literature
, 131–133

year wise TFPG of manufacturing t industries for period
, 136–137

Labor laws
, 223

Labor market
, 225–226

Labor productivity (LPRD)
, 112

Labour endowment equation
, 37

Labour force participation rate
, 119–120

Labour productivity growth
, 93–94

Labour unions
, 40

Lagos, Nigeria
, 241

conceptual review of related literature
, 240–242

consumption patterns and consequences
, 241–242

consumption patterns and effect
, 243–244

data presentation
, 243–247

economic advantages of recycled plastic waste
, 242

effectiveness of recycling activities in Lagos
, 246–247

highlights of Lagos State’s policy and initiatives on recycling
, 244

impact of manufacturing process
, 243

, 239–240

plastic manufacturing process
, 240–241

plastic waste management
, 242

, 247–248

recycle initiatives
, 245–246

recycling practices
, 244–245

research questions
, 239

statement of problem
, 239

theoretical framework
, 243

Lagos Recycle Initiative (LRI)
, 245

Lagos State Development Plan (LSDP)
, 244, 246–247

Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency
, 243

Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA)
, 245

Land pollution
, 144

Large corporations
, 258

Lead (Pb)
, 166


barriers for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 23

best practices for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 24–25

drivers for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 22–23

environmental pollution of informal manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria
, 21–22

indigenous technology concept
, 19

informal sector concept
, 17–18

role of indigenous technology in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in Nigeria
, 20–21

solutions for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 24

sustainable development concept
, 18–19

theoretical framework
, 20

Levin, Lin and Chu test (LLC test)
, 181

Liberalization policy
, 34, 38

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
, 231–232

, 69

challenges in
, 290–291

Local governments
, 255

Location of enterprises (LOCN)
, 112–113

Logit regression

, 95–96

, 86, 95

Long-run analysis
, 180

‘Make in India’ campaign
, 30

Male labour, growth rate of CWS employment status of
, 124–125

Malmquist Productivity Index
, 102–104

, 102, 240

impact of manufacturing process
, 243

of nature-resistant materials
, 239

, 239

, 138–139

Marginal effects
, 149

of regression
, 155

Mercantilism model
, 163–164

Methane (CH4)
, 192

Metro cities
, 155–158

Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
, 30–31, 102, 295, 301–302

analysis of
, 296–299

importance of MSMEs in green and sustainable practices
, 294–295

in nation building
, 300–301

Micro, small and medium-sized businesses
, 162

, 266–267

Micro-entrepreneurs, status of women’s empowerment among
, 271–273

, 266–267

Migration process
, 116–118

Ministry of Industries
, 301–302

Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA)
, 281

Multi-level perspective on nontechnical innovation
, 59

Multi-sectoral neo-classical full employment model
, 70

Multidimensional women’s disempowerment index (MWDI)
, 268–269

Multinational corporations (MNCs)
, 30–31

Multinomial Logit model (MNL model)
, 102, 105

Nation building, role of MSMEs in
, 300–301

National Accounts Statistics (NAS)
, 133–134

National Bureau of Statistics, The
, 16

National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector The (NCEUS)
, 225–227

National Conservation Strategy (1995)
, 168

National development, growth factors and contributions to
, 298–299

National Environment Management Action Plan (1995)
, 168

National Industrial Classification (NIC)
, 32, 85–86, 194

National Industrial Classification code 2008 (NIC code 2008)
, 102

National Manufacturing Policy, The
, 130–131

National Sample Survey (NSS)
, 146

National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)
, 133–134

National Sample Survey Organisation, The (NSSO)
, 32, 85–86, 102, 104–106, 108, 194

Nature of operation (NOPN)
, 112

Neoclassical models of trade
, 70

Neoclassical theory
, 164

Neoliberal idea
, 60

Net domestic product (NDP)
, 131–133

New Economic Geography model (NEG model)
, 146–147

, 238, 241–242, 244

environmental pollution of informal manufacturing enterprises in
, 21–22

indigenous technology in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in
, 20–21

Nigerian informal economy, The
, 20–21

Nigerian informal sector, The
, 16

Nitrogen oxide (NO)
, 22

Nitrous oxide (NO)
, 177–178

Non-biodegradable waste
, 238

Non-entrepreneurs, status of women’s empowerment among
, 271–273

Non-parametric tests
, 118

Non-renewable resources (NR)
, 180–181

Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)
, 286

Open economy framework
, 36

Opportunity cost of nurturing IE
, 7

Ordinary least square (OLS)
, 181–182

Organizational complexity
, 255

Organizational green technological innovation
, 254–256

Organizational innovation
, 255

Organizational learning
, 256

Organizational socioecology

environmental regulation policies and incentives
, 256–259

organizational green technological innovation
, 254–256

theory of
, 253–254

Organizational strategies
, 253

Own account type enterprises (OAE)
, 39

Panel data analysis
, 178–179

of BRICS economies
, 182

Paris Agreement, The (2015)
, 192–193

Particulate matter (PM)
, 22

Partnership for a Cleaner Textile (PaCT)
, 299–300

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS)
, 119–120, 145

Persistent organic pollutants
, 167

Phillips Perron Test (PP Test)
, 118

, 166–167

Plastic bags
, 244

Plastic consumption in Lagos
, 244

Plastic manufacturing process
, 240–241

primary forms of plastic imported to Nigeria and use
, 241

Plastic waste management
, 242

Plastic Waste Management Policy
, 244

, 238, 240–242

Poirier’s Spline function approach
, 118–119

Political economy
, 9–11


effects of pollution on environment and health
, 165–167

effects of UCT on
, 73–77

initiatives by Government of Bangladesh to control
, 167–168

Pollution heaven hypothesis (PHH)
, 45–46, 208–209

Pontrygan’s Maximization Principal
, 51

Population growth (PG)
, 211, 214–215

PP-Fisher Chi-square test
, 181

Primary textile sector (PTS)
, 297

Private sector
, 238

Private sector participants (PSPs)
, 245–246

Probit regression
, 155

Production process of cane furniture
, 289

Protectionist policy regime
, 84–85

Public–private partnerships (PPPs)
, 247–248

Ramsay-Cass-Koopmans tradition of growth theory
, 50

Random effect model (REM)
, 212

Ready-made garments sector (RMG sector)
, 297

Recycled plastic waste, economic advantages of
, 242

, 238–240, 247–248

Lagos State’s policy and initiatives on
, 244

of nature-resistant materials
, 239

recycling-based approach
, 242

Reduce, Recycle and Reuse (RRR)
, 242, 283

Regional economic development
, 255

Regression model estimation
, 199–202

Regulatory capture
, 258

Regulatory policies
, 257

Research and development (R&D)
, 253

Retail marketing strategies for tribal products
, 285–287

sale of tribal products
, 286–287

VDVKs initiative
, 285–286

Santhal tribes, The
, 288

Sector of enterprises (SECTOR)
, 112

Self help groups (SHGs)
, 286

, 247

Shadow economy
, 16

Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs)
, 168

Single-use plastics
, 244

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
, 253

Social pillar
, 10

Social protection policies
, 69–70

Social sustainability
, 5–6

Socio-agro ecological management transformations
, 60

Socio-political sustainability
, 18

Socioecological theory
, 253

Solid waste management (SWM)
, 238, 242

, 248

, 149

State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
, 257

Stationarity checking
, 118

Status of enterprises, determinants of
, 111–113

Status of growth (STGR)
, 111

Stochastic process
, 121

Strategic initiatives and solutions
, 291

Strategically effective policies
, 7–8

Strategically effective political economy
, 8–9

, 22

Structural break
, 122–123

Structuralism’s school of thought
, 20


, 32

in Indian manufacturing industries
, 30

, 32, 199, 203

Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
, 22

Summary statistics
, 120–121

Sustainability (see also Environmental sustainability)
, 18, 59, 252

, 4–7

, 18

three pillars of
, 4, 7–9

Sustainable development
, 10, 24, 176

addressing SDG 2 through tribal participation in sustainable development
, 289–290

community participation of tribal people for
, 287–288

, 18–19

, 163–165

preserving tribal heritage and promoting sustainable practices in India
, 288–289

realizing SDG 8 for tribal communities
, 290–291

sustainable practices in tribal art and craftsmanship
, 288

through tribal informal manufacturing
, 287–291

impact of women’s micro-entrepreneurship on
, 270

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 164, 238

challenges in tribal employment and livelihoods
, 290–291

SDG 2 through tribal participation in sustainable development
, 289–290

SDG 8 for tribal communities
, 290–291

, 193

strategic initiatives and solutions
, 291

Sustainable growth concept
, 47

Sustainable initiatives
, 301–303

MSME sector
, 301–302

textile sector
, 301

Sustainable livelihood, effects of UCT on
, 73–77

Sustainable practices

importance of MSMEs in green and
, 294–295

role in adopting
, 299–300

Sustainable technologies
, 231–232

t test
, 108–111

Technical efficiency (TE)
, 102–104

Technological innovation
, 255, 257

Technological progress (TP)
, 131–133

Textile industry of Bangladesh
, 166

Textile sector
, 296–297

Theoretical model
, 35

Three-sector model
, 33–34

Total dissolved solids (TDS)
, 166

Total factor productivity (TFP)
, 131–133

Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
, 131

Trade openness (TO)
, 208–209, 211, 214

Trade theoretic analysis
, 77–78

Trade theoretic neoclassical general equilibrium modeling
, 70

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
, 131–133

Transport industry
, 155

Tribal art, sustainable practices in
, 288

Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED)
, 281, 285

Tribal communities
, 289

advantages of green economy and tribal community participation
, 284

engagement in informal manufacturing for green economy
, 281–285

SDG 8 for
, 290–291

Tribal employment, challenges in
, 290–291

Tribal heritage and promoting sustainable practices in India
, 288–289

Tribal informal manufacturing, enhancing sustainable development through
, 287–291

Tribal jewelry
, 288

Tribal participation in sustainable development, addressing SDG 2 through
, 289–290

Tribal people
, 280

community participation of tribal people for sustainable development
, 287–288

community participation of tribal people in fostering green economy
, 284–285

Tribal products

retail marketing strategies for
, 285–287

sale of
, 286–287

Tribes India initiative
, 285

Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT)
, 69–70, 75–77

effects of UCT on pollution and sustainable livelihood
, 73–77

UCT-driven pollution
, 77

Unemployment rate (UR)
, 119–120

Unit root text
, 120–121

United Nations
, 281

advantages of green economy and tribal community participation
, 284

benefits of green economy
, 283–284

community participation of tribal people in fostering green economy
, 284–285

core attributes of green economy
, 283

tribal informal manufacturing and sustainable alternatives
, 282–283

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, The (UNESCO)
, 238

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
, 301

United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
, 290

Unorganised manufacturing sector (UMS)
, 84–85, 93–94, 126

data base and methodology
, 85–86

growth of employment
, 90–93

growth of GVA
, 93

growth of labour productivity
, 93–94

growth performance of UMS at activity level
, 90–95

growth rate of employment, GVA and labour productivity of UMS activity-wise
, 91–92

identifying characteristics of job creating activities of UMS
, 95–96

in India
, 84–87

job creating activity groups of UMS in latest period
, 94–95

logit regression results
, 96–97

share of employment and gross value added of fifteen major activities of
, 88–89

size of UMS and structure at activity level
, 86–90

Unorganized food and beverage sector
, 102, 104

AAGR of number, employment, and GVA of food and beverages industries
, 106

database and methodology
, 104–105

determinants of status of enterprises
, 111–113

literature review
, 102–104

multinomial Logit model
, 105

relative position of food and beverage industries
, 105–106

, 105–113

status of growth of food and beverages industries
, 106–111

Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs)
, 31, 104–105

Unorganized sector
, 145

Urban economy
, 155

, 144

, 154

Van Dhan Vikas Kendras (VDVKs)
, 285–286

Variance inflation factors (VIFs)
, 149, 199

Vertical re-organization of production
, 45–46

, 238

Waste emissions of firms
, 59–60

Waste management
, 238, 247

Water Policy (1998)
, 168

West Bengal
, 267–268

three districts of
, 275–276

Women micro-entrepreneurs, nature of challenges faced by
, 273–275

Women’s empowerment

, 266–267

multidimensional disempowerment indices
, 273

percentage share of empowered women across indicators of empowerment
, 272

results of ordered Logit model: determinants of women’s disempowerment
, 274

status among micro-entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs
, 271–273

Women’s micro-entrepreneurship impact on sustainable development and green growth
, 270

Workforce in informal sector
, 224

Working poor (WP)
, 209

Workplaces in informal sector
, 224

World Bank
, 210

World Climate Risk Index (2021)
, 167–168

World Development Indicators (WDI)
, 180

Part I Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
Chapter 1 Impacts of Informal Economy on the Glocal Sustainable and Inclusive Development and Sustainability: From the Political Economy and Ethics Perspectives
Chapter 2 Leveraging on the Application of Indigenous Technology in the Informal Manufacturing Sector for Advancing Sustainable Development in Nigeria
Chapter 3 Foreign Capital Inflow and Expansion of Subcontracting in the Informal Manufacturing Sector: A General Equilibrium Approach
Chapter 4 Informal Economy and Environmental Sustainability: An Optimal-Growth Theoretic Analysis
Chapter 5 Economic Enhancement Through Green Innovation in Informal Manufacturing Sector of Bangladesh: An Analysis
Chapter 6 Unconditional Cash Transfers, Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Livelihood in an Informal Economy: A Trade-Theoretic Perspective
Part II Nature of Growth and Productivity of Informal Manufacturing
Chapter 7 Growth Performance of the Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in India During 1984–85 to 2015–16: An Activity Level Analysis
Chapter 8 Pattern of Growth of Unorganized Food and Beverage Enterprises: An Analysis Across States of India
Chapter 9 Informal Manufacturing Sector Job Displacement Due to COVID-19 Pandemic: Myth or Reality?
Chapter 10 Total Factor Productivity Growth of Formal and Informal Manufacturing Industries in India: An Insight From the KLEMS Database
Part III Environmental Pollution of Informal Manufacturing Enterprises
Chapter 11 Does Environmental Pollution Impact the Ownership of Informal Enterprises in Indian Cities?
Chapter 12 Environmental Pollution by the Informal Manufacturing Enterprises in Bangladesh: The Question of Sustainable Development and Environmental Governance
Chapter 13 Nexus Between Environment and Informal Economy: Analysis of BRICS Economies
Chapter 14 Status of Growth of Informal Manufacturing Enterprises of India and Its Role on the CO2 Emission Intensity
Chapter 15 Impact of Informal Manufacturing Sector on Environmental Degradation: Evidence From Emerging Asian Economies
Chapter 16 Impact of Growth of Informal Manufacturing Activity on Environmental Sustainability and Aggregate Economic Activity: Global Perspectives
Part IV Drivers, Barriers, Solutions and Best Practices for Informal Manufacturing in a Green Economy
Chapter 17 Manufacturing, Consumption, and the Recycling of Nature-Resistant Materials and Environmental Sustainability of Lagos, Nigeria
Chapter 18 Organizational Socioecology: Regulation and Green Technological Innovation
Chapter 19 Green Growth Through Micro-Entrepreneurship: Empowering Women for Sustainable Development in West Bengal
Chapter 20 The Community Participation of Tribal People Through Informal Manufacturing for a Green Economy and Sustainable Development
Chapter 21 Unravelling Bangladesh's Informal Manufacturing Sector With a Focus on Textile and Garments