Accommodative investment policy
, 77–78
Accumulation capital per unit labour in formal sector
, 50
“Adopt-a-Bin” initiative
, 245–246
Agglomeration economics, link between industrial activities and
, 146–147
Agro-based industries
, 102–104
Annual Average Growth Rate (AAGR)
, 106
of number, employment, and GVA of food and beverages industries
, 106, 108
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI)
, 133–134
Artisanal crude oil refining
, 22
Artistry of tribal communities in India
, 288
ASEAN economies (see also Emerging Asian economies)
, 210
Augmented Dicky Fuller Test (ADF Test)
, 118
, 162
adopting green and sustainable practices
, 299–300
analysis of MSME/informal sectors
, 296–299
contextualising economic growth, sustainable development and environmental governance
, 163–165
effects of pollution on environment and health
, 165–167
growth factors and contributions to national development
, 298–299
implement strict regulations
, 302
importance of MSMEs in green and sustainable practices
, 294–295
informal manufacturing sector of
, 58
informal sector and economy
, 165
initiatives by Government of Bangladesh to control pollution
, 167–168
literature review
, 295–296
MSMEs in nation building
, 300–301
overview of
, 294
policy recommendations
, 169–170
promote green factories
, 302
research and development
, 302–303
research objectives and methodology of study
, 163
result of study
, 168–169
review of literature
, 163
structure of industry
, 297–298
sustainable initiatives
, 301–302
textile and garments sector
, 296–297
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)
, 162
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity
, 154
BASF (German chemical company)
, 287
Binary Probit regression models
, 149–150
Biochemical oxygen demands (BOD)
, 166
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS)
, 176, 180
data and methodology
, 180–182
econometric modelling and methods
, 180–182
, 180
literature review
, 178–180
long-run effects of IE on CO2 and EF in BRICS economies
, 187
outcome of panel cointegration test for CO2 and IE and for IE and EF
, 183–185
, 182–186
Wald test–short-run causality
, 186
Buriganga River’s water
, 167
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
, 155
Capital utilisation equation
, 37
Capital-labour ratio (KL ratio)
, 202–203
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
, 192
Carbon dioxide emission intensity (CO2IN)
, 195–196, 199
, 194
database and methodology
, 194–196
dynamics of enterprise numbers and employment according to growth status
, 196–197
empirical model
, 195–196
estimation of
, 194–195
across growth status
, 197–199
number and employment of informal manufacturing enterprises
, 198
policy recommendation
, 203
regression model estimation
, 199–202
result of pooled regression model of
, 200–201
, 196–202
by status of growth of enterprises
, 199
Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2 emissions)
, 176, 209, 211, 222
Carbon oxidation factor (COF)
, 195
Central Statistical Office (CSO)
, 85–86, 133–134
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
, 102, 104, 131, 133
Chemical oxygen demands (COD)
, 166
China’s formal e-waste recycling system
, 6–7
Classical theory paradigm
, 163–164
Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
, 168
Cobb-Douglas production function
, 64
Community participation
, 280
of tribal people for sustainable development
, 287–288
of tribal people in fostering green economy
, 284–285
Community-based exploration approach
, 281
Competitive equilibrium conditions
, 71
Complex sociolect-ecological systems
, 59
Comprehensive city action plan (CAP)
, 155
Comprehensive environmental database
, 169–170
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT)
, 69–70
Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES)
, 148
, 240
of nature-resistant materials
, 239
Corporate manufacturing of thermocol
, 287
Corporate social responsibility
, 49
Correlation analysis
, 228–229
Correlation coefficient
, 228
COVID-19 pandemic
, 116, 118, 208
Craftsmanship, sustainable practices in
, 288
Creative destruction
, 266
Cross-sectional dependence
, 181
Current weekly status (CWS)
, 116, 120
Customers in Bangladesh
, 62
CUSUM squares test (CUSUMQ test)
, 118–119, 122
Earth Resource Foundation
, 287
Ecological footprints (EFs)
, 176
Ecological management systems
, 63
Econometric modelling and methods
, 180–182
Economic development
, 294–297, 300–301
Economic growth
, 178–179, 222, 228
, 163–165
Economic sustainability
, 4–5, 18
Economic underdevelopment
, 45–46
Emerging Asian economies
, 208
correlation among variables
, 213
, 211
descriptive statistics of considered variables
, 212
estimation techniques
, 212
fixed effect and random effect panel regression results for all countries
, 213
literature review
, 209–210
material and methods
, 211–212
model specification
, 211
policy implications
, 215–216
, 212–215
, 102, 223, 225
, 90–93
, 197
Energy consumption (EC)
, 178–179, 211, 228
Energy efficiency improvement
, 192
Energy Policy (1995)
, 168
Enterprise (ESTT)
, 112
dynamics of enterprise numbers and employment according to growth status
, 196–197
, 102
, 144–145, 266–267
Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC)
, 21
, 176–177, 179–180
effects of pollution on
, 165–167
Environment Court Act (2010)
, 168
Environment-growth nexus
, 46
Environmental degradation (ED)
, 177, 179–180, 208–209
Environmental fallout of informal manufacturing
, 54
Environmental governance, contextualising
, 163–165
Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis (EKC hypothesis)
, 47, 178–179, 209
Environmental Management and Protection Law (2017)
, 245
Environmental pillar
, 10–11
Environmental pollution
, 49, 69–70, 144, 164, 176–177, 214
coefficients of probit regression for macro variables affecting company ownership
, 156–157
conceptual framework
, 146–147
, 147–149
empirical results
, 149–155
of informal manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria
, 21–22
in Lagos
, 22
, 149
ownership types of enterprises at all India and metropolitan levels
, 150
policy implications
, 155–158
probit regression coefficients for micro factors
, 152–153
statistical analysis for micro-level factors
, 151
total variance explanation
, 154
Environmental quality
, 178–179
Environmental regulations
, 259
policies and incentives
, 256–259
policy mechanisms
, 257
Environmental sustainability
, 6–7, 18, 228, 239
, 50–55
review of literature
, 46–49
Equilibrium relations
, 182
Error correction model (ECM)
, 181
Establishment enterprises (ESTT enterprises)
, 112–113
Estimation techniques
, 212
Expanded polystyrene (EPS)
, 287
Extended producer responsibility (EPR)
, 247
Factor market equilibrium conditions
, 72
Factors of production
, 38
Fair competition
, 4–5, 8–9
Field trip–based description
, 61–63
Fisher type Augmented Dicky–Fuller test
, 181
Fixed effect model (FEM)
, 211–212
Food and beverages industries
AAGR of number, employment, and GVA of
, 106
relative position of
, 105–107
status of growth of
, 106–111
Food processing industry
, 102–104
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
, 30–32, 35, 208–209
Foreign exchange earnings
, 296–297
Forest Policy (1994)
, 168
Formal manufacturing sector
, 40, 71
Formal sectors
, 34, 45–46, 49–50, 68, 131, 133, 167, 222–223
Fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS)
, 181–182
Gender Development Index (GDI)
, 148
Gender Inequality Index (GII)
, 148
General equilibrium model
, 31, 40
Geographical Indications (GI)
, 64
Global Footprint Network (GFN)
, 180
Global green innovation strategies
, 63–64
Global Material Footprint
, 238
Global plastic production
, 241–242
Global supply chains
, 130
, 225–226
impact of globalization on informal sector in India
, 225–226
Glocal sustainable and inclusive development through reduced/eliminated IE and adverse impacts
, 7–11
Governance of socioecological systems
, 254
Government of Bangladesh (GOB)
, 163
initiatives by Government of Bangladesh to control pollution
, 167–168
Government subsidies
, 258
Granger Causality test
, 182
Green and sustainable practices, importance of MSMEs in
, 294–295
Green economy
drivers, barriers, solutions and best practices for informal manufacturing in
, 22–25
tribal community engagement in informal manufacturing for
, 281–285
Green ergonomics concept
, 254
Green growth
, 266, 270
database and methodology
, 268–270
nature of challenges faced by women micro-entrepreneurs
, 273–275
policy recommendation
, 275–276
, 270–275
status of women’s empowerment among micro-entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs
, 271–273
impact of women’s micro-entrepreneurship on sustainable development and
, 270
Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)
, 58, 63
Green innovation
, 58, 258
conceptual framework
, 61
field trip–based description
, 61–63
literature review
, 59–61
, 62–63
, 63–64
Green practices, role in adopting
, 299–300
Green technological innovation concept
, 252
Green technology innovation capabilities
, 256
Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
, 192
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
, 31–32, 130, 180, 222
Gross Value Added (GVA)
, 31–32, 86–87, 102, 104, 111
of food and beverages industries
, 106
growth of
, 93
of employment
, 90–93
of GVA
, 93
of labour productivity
, 93–94
performance of UMS at activity level
, 90–95
Growth rate
of CWS employment status of male labour
, 124–125
GVA and labour productivity of UMS Activity-Wise growth rate of employment
, 91–92
Growth status
CO2 emission intensity across
, 197–199
dynamics of enterprise numbers and employment according to
, 196–197
Inclusion of technological-driven development
, 300
impact of globalization on informal sector in
, 225–226
KLEMS database
, 133–134
manufacturing sector
, 31–32
preserving tribal heritage and promoting sustainable practices in
, 288–289
UMS in
, 84–87
Indian Fabrics Industry (IFI)
, 131–133
Indian formal manufacturing industries
, 193
Indian industries
, 133–134
Indian manufacturing industry
, 30
Indigenous technology
, 19
role in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in Nigeria
, 20–21
Industrial activities, link between agglomeration economics and
, 146–147
Industry, structure of
, 297–298
Industry-level TFP growth rates
, 134
Inflow of foreign capital (FDI)
, 37
Informal economy (IE)
, 3, 45–46, 68, 162, 177, 208–210, 214, 226
drivers for and causes of
, 4–7
effects of UCT on pollution and sustainable livelihood
, 73–77
IE-based trade
, 7
, 50–55
, 71–73
recommendations for enhancing glocal sustainable and inclusive development through reduced/eliminated IE and adverse impacts
, 7–11
review of literature
, 46–49
Informal employment in India
, 223
Informal manufacturing
, 16
database and methodology
, 281
drivers, barriers, solutions and best practices for
, 22–25
enhancing sustainable development through tribal informal manufacturing
, 287–291
indigenous technology in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in Nigeria
, 20–21
, 281–291
retail marketing strategies for tribal products
, 285–287
tribal community engagement in informal manufacturing for green economy
, 281–285
Informal manufacturing activity
, 229–230
aims and objectives
, 227
characteristics of informal sector
, 224–225
data sources
, 227–228
impact of globalization on informal sector in India
, 225–226
informal sector and Indian economy
, 222–224
, 228
, 228–230
results of correlation analysis
, 229
review of literature
, 226–227
Informal manufacturing enterprises
, 31
environmental pollution of informal manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria
, 21–22
in India
, 196
Informal manufacturing sector
, 39, 71–72, 209, 215, 295
background of study
, 31–33
of Bangladesh
, 58, 165, 167
comparative statistics
, 37–40
data and variables
, 119–120
, 126
earlier literature review
, 116–118
growth rate of CWS employment status of male labour
, 124–125
of India
, 193
literature review
, 33–35
materials and methods
, 118–120
policy prescriptions
, 125–126
, 120–125
stationarity checking
, 118
structural break
, 122–123
structural break and growth rate
, 118–119
summary statistics and unit root text
, 120–121
theoretical model
, 35–37
Informal oil refining
, 22
Informal production activities
, 17, 23
Informal sectors
, 16–18, 25, 34, 45–46, 49, 131, 133, 162, 208, 222, 224, 238, 302
analysis of
, 296–299
, 17–18
and economy of Bangladesh
, 165
impact of globalization on informal sector in India
, 225–226
major characteristics of
, 224–225
production function
, 51
, 68
Informal segments
, 133–134
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)
, 192
International Energy Agency (IEA)
, 192
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
, 301
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
, 131, 133, 284–285
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 210
Ischaemic heart diseases
, 22
Labor productivity (LPRD)
, 112
Labour endowment equation
, 37
Labour force participation rate
, 119–120
Labour productivity growth
, 93–94
Lagos, Nigeria
, 241
conceptual review of related literature
, 240–242
consumption patterns and consequences
, 241–242
consumption patterns and effect
, 243–244
data presentation
, 243–247
economic advantages of recycled plastic waste
, 242
effectiveness of recycling activities in Lagos
, 246–247
highlights of Lagos State’s policy and initiatives on recycling
, 244
impact of manufacturing process
, 243
, 239–240
plastic manufacturing process
, 240–241
plastic waste management
, 242
, 247–248
recycle initiatives
, 245–246
recycling practices
, 244–245
research questions
, 239
statement of problem
, 239
theoretical framework
, 243
Lagos Recycle Initiative (LRI)
, 245
Lagos State Development Plan (LSDP)
, 244, 246–247
Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency
, 243
Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA)
, 245
barriers for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 23
best practices for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 24–25
drivers for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 22–23
environmental pollution of informal manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria
, 21–22
indigenous technology concept
, 19
informal sector concept
, 17–18
role of indigenous technology in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in Nigeria
, 20–21
solutions for informal manufacturing in green economy
, 24
sustainable development concept
, 18–19
theoretical framework
, 20
Levin, Lin and Chu test (LLC test)
, 181
Liberalization policy
, 34, 38
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
, 231–232
, 69
challenges in
, 290–291
Location of enterprises (LOCN)
, 112–113
Logit regression
, 95–96
, 86, 95
‘Make in India’ campaign
, 30
Male labour, growth rate of CWS employment status of
, 124–125
Malmquist Productivity Index
, 102–104
, 102, 240
impact of manufacturing process
, 243
of nature-resistant materials
, 239
, 239
, 138–139
Marginal effects
, 149
of regression
, 155
Mercantilism model
, 163–164
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
, 30–31, 102, 295, 301–302
analysis of
, 296–299
importance of MSMEs in green and sustainable practices
, 294–295
in nation building
, 300–301
Micro, small and medium-sized businesses
, 162
, 266–267
Micro-entrepreneurs, status of women’s empowerment among
, 271–273
, 266–267
Migration process
, 116–118
Ministry of Industries
, 301–302
Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA)
, 281
Multi-level perspective on nontechnical innovation
, 59
Multi-sectoral neo-classical full employment model
, 70
Multidimensional women’s disempowerment index (MWDI)
, 268–269
Multinational corporations (MNCs)
, 30–31
Multinomial Logit model (MNL model)
, 102, 105
Nation building, role of MSMEs in
, 300–301
National Accounts Statistics (NAS)
, 133–134
National Bureau of Statistics, The
, 16
National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector The (NCEUS)
, 225–227
National Conservation Strategy (1995)
, 168
National development, growth factors and contributions to
, 298–299
National Environment Management Action Plan (1995)
, 168
National Industrial Classification (NIC)
, 32, 85–86, 194
National Industrial Classification code 2008 (NIC code 2008)
, 102
National Manufacturing Policy, The
, 130–131
National Sample Survey (NSS)
, 146
National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)
, 133–134
National Sample Survey Organisation, The (NSSO)
, 32, 85–86, 102, 104–106, 108, 194
Nature of operation (NOPN)
, 112
Neoclassical models of trade
, 70
Net domestic product (NDP)
, 131–133
New Economic Geography model (NEG model)
, 146–147
, 238, 241–242, 244
environmental pollution of informal manufacturing enterprises in
, 21–22
indigenous technology in growth and productivity of informal manufacturing in
, 20–21
Nigerian informal economy, The
, 20–21
Nigerian informal sector, The
, 16
Nitrous oxide (NO)
, 177–178
Non-biodegradable waste
, 238
Non-entrepreneurs, status of women’s empowerment among
, 271–273
Non-parametric tests
, 118
Non-renewable resources (NR)
, 180–181
Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)
, 286
Panel data analysis
, 178–179
of BRICS economies
, 182
Paris Agreement, The (2015)
, 192–193
Particulate matter (PM)
, 22
Partnership for a Cleaner Textile (PaCT)
, 299–300
Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS)
, 119–120, 145
Persistent organic pollutants
, 167
Phillips Perron Test (PP Test)
, 118
Plastic consumption in Lagos
, 244
Plastic manufacturing process
, 240–241
primary forms of plastic imported to Nigeria and use
, 241
Plastic waste management
, 242
Plastic Waste Management Policy
, 244
Poirier’s Spline function approach
, 118–119
effects of pollution on environment and health
, 165–167
effects of UCT on
, 73–77
initiatives by Government of Bangladesh to control
, 167–168
Pollution heaven hypothesis (PHH)
, 45–46, 208–209
Pontrygan’s Maximization Principal
, 51
Population growth (PG)
, 211, 214–215
PP-Fisher Chi-square test
, 181
Primary textile sector (PTS)
, 297
Private sector participants (PSPs)
, 245–246
Production process of cane furniture
, 289
Protectionist policy regime
, 84–85
Public–private partnerships (PPPs)
, 247–248
Ramsay-Cass-Koopmans tradition of growth theory
, 50
Random effect model (REM)
, 212
Ready-made garments sector (RMG sector)
, 297
Recycled plastic waste, economic advantages of
, 242
, 238–240, 247–248
Lagos State’s policy and initiatives on
, 244
of nature-resistant materials
, 239
recycling-based approach
, 242
Reduce, Recycle and Reuse (RRR)
, 242, 283
Regional economic development
, 255
Regression model estimation
, 199–202
Research and development (R&D)
, 253
Retail marketing strategies for tribal products
, 285–287
sale of tribal products
, 286–287
VDVKs initiative
, 285–286
Sector of enterprises (SECTOR)
, 112
Self help groups (SHGs)
, 286
Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs)
, 168
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
, 253
Social protection policies
, 69–70
Social sustainability
, 5–6
Socio-agro ecological management transformations
, 60
Socio-political sustainability
, 18
Socioecological theory
, 253
Solid waste management (SWM)
, 238, 242
State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
, 257
Stationarity checking
, 118
Status of enterprises, determinants of
, 111–113
Status of growth (STGR)
, 111
Strategic initiatives and solutions
, 291
Strategically effective policies
, 7–8
Strategically effective political economy
, 8–9
Structural break
, 122–123
Structuralism’s school of thought
, 20
, 32
in Indian manufacturing industries
, 30
, 32, 199, 203
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
, 22
Summary statistics
, 120–121
Sustainability (see also Environmental sustainability)
, 18, 59, 252
, 4–7
, 18
three pillars of
, 4, 7–9
Sustainable development
, 10, 24, 176
addressing SDG 2 through tribal participation in sustainable development
, 289–290
community participation of tribal people for
, 287–288
, 18–19
, 163–165
preserving tribal heritage and promoting sustainable practices in India
, 288–289
realizing SDG 8 for tribal communities
, 290–291
sustainable practices in tribal art and craftsmanship
, 288
through tribal informal manufacturing
, 287–291
impact of women’s micro-entrepreneurship on
, 270
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 164, 238
challenges in tribal employment and livelihoods
, 290–291
SDG 2 through tribal participation in sustainable development
, 289–290
SDG 8 for tribal communities
, 290–291
, 193
strategic initiatives and solutions
, 291
Sustainable growth concept
, 47
Sustainable initiatives
, 301–303
MSME sector
, 301–302
textile sector
, 301
Sustainable livelihood, effects of UCT on
, 73–77
Sustainable practices
importance of MSMEs in green and
, 294–295
role in adopting
, 299–300
Sustainable technologies
, 231–232
Technical efficiency (TE)
, 102–104
Technological innovation
, 255, 257
Technological progress (TP)
, 131–133
Textile industry of Bangladesh
, 166
Three-sector model
, 33–34
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
, 166
Total factor productivity (TFP)
, 131–133
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG)
, 131
Trade openness (TO)
, 208–209, 211, 214
Trade theoretic analysis
, 77–78
Trade theoretic neoclassical general equilibrium modeling
, 70
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
, 131–133
Tribal art, sustainable practices in
, 288
Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED)
, 281, 285
Tribal communities
, 289
advantages of green economy and tribal community participation
, 284
engagement in informal manufacturing for green economy
, 281–285
SDG 8 for
, 290–291
Tribal employment, challenges in
, 290–291
Tribal heritage and promoting sustainable practices in India
, 288–289
Tribal informal manufacturing, enhancing sustainable development through
, 287–291
Tribal participation in sustainable development, addressing SDG 2 through
, 289–290
Tribal people
, 280
community participation of tribal people for sustainable development
, 287–288
community participation of tribal people in fostering green economy
, 284–285
Tribal products
retail marketing strategies for
, 285–287
sale of
, 286–287
Tribes India initiative
, 285
Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT)
, 69–70, 75–77
effects of UCT on pollution and sustainable livelihood
, 73–77
UCT-driven pollution
, 77
Unemployment rate (UR)
, 119–120
United Nations
, 281
advantages of green economy and tribal community participation
, 284
benefits of green economy
, 283–284
community participation of tribal people in fostering green economy
, 284–285
core attributes of green economy
, 283
tribal informal manufacturing and sustainable alternatives
, 282–283
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, The (UNESCO)
, 238
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
, 301
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
, 290
Unorganised manufacturing sector (UMS)
, 84–85, 93–94, 126
data base and methodology
, 85–86
growth of employment
, 90–93
growth of GVA
, 93
growth of labour productivity
, 93–94
growth performance of UMS at activity level
, 90–95
growth rate of employment, GVA and labour productivity of UMS activity-wise
, 91–92
identifying characteristics of job creating activities of UMS
, 95–96
in India
, 84–87
job creating activity groups of UMS in latest period
, 94–95
logit regression results
, 96–97
share of employment and gross value added of fifteen major activities of
, 88–89
size of UMS and structure at activity level
, 86–90
Unorganized food and beverage sector
, 102, 104
AAGR of number, employment, and GVA of food and beverages industries
, 106
database and methodology
, 104–105
determinants of status of enterprises
, 111–113
literature review
, 102–104
multinomial Logit model
, 105
relative position of food and beverage industries
, 105–106
, 105–113
status of growth of food and beverages industries
, 106–111
Unorganized manufacturing enterprises (UMEs)
, 31, 104–105