Vasuki Shastry
(Chatham House, UK)
ISBN: 978-1-80455-545-3, eISBN: 978-1-80455-542-2
Publication date: 4 September 2023
This content is currently only available as a PDF
Shastry, V. (2023), "Index", The Notorious ESG, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 165-169.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Vasuki Shastry. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
AAA (blue-chip company)
, 143–144
Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala
, 5–6
Amazon Web Services
, 45
American alpha-male capitalism
, 29–30
American corporation
, 121
American society
, 91
Anglo-Saxon model
, 56
Apple (company)
, 99
Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 128–129
, 69
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
, 109
Barcelona Olympics
, 121
, 109
Biden administration
, 32–33
Big Tech firms
, 113–114
, 46–47
Black lives matter (BLM)
, 83
, 83
BlackRock’s portfolio companies
, 7–8
Boomer generation’s signature legacy
, 123
Brexit referendum (2016)
, 8–9
Bridge fuel
, 38–39
Buffett’s conglomerate
, 52–53
Business and profit motive collides with nonfinancial and longer term environmental and social challenges, short-termism in
, 49–64
Business community
, 4
Business Roundtable (BR)
, 85–86, 91
Capture process
, 72
, 76
price setting process
, 76
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)
, 71–72
, 73–74
, 72–73
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
, 19
Central banks
, 113
Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
, 39–40
Centrifugal force
, 136–137
Centripetal forces
, 136–137
, 65–79
Chief Financial Officer, The
, 66
Chief Risk Officer (CRO)
, 111–112
Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)
, 62, 68
of DWS
, 139–140
Clean Air and Clean Water Acts
, 26–27
Climate Action Tracker
, 19
Climate activists
, 137
Climate change
, 32–33
Climate space
, 70–71
, 133–134
Colonial Oil pipeline shock
, 23
Columbia Climate School, The
, 46–47
Commissioner, The
, 39–40
Confluence Philanthropy
, 87–88
Conservative activists
, 87
Conventional wisdom
, 20
, 37–38
COP26 climate summit at Glasgow
, 37
Corporate culture
, 60
Corporate power
, 87
Corporate Sustainability and Reporting Directive (CSRD)
, 89–90
, 14, 19–20
Credit rating agencies (CRAs)
, 143, 145
Credit rating process
, 145–146
, 100
D & O insurance
, 104
Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act
, 30
Deutsche Asset Management (DWS)
, 139–141
, 140–141
Divergent approaches
, 144
, 93–96
Diversity and inclusion (D & I)
, 94
Europe–0, America–1
, 96
, 94
score as follows
, 96–98
supply chains
, 96–98
Drug addicts
, 18
Earth Day
, 26–27
Economic Policy Institute, The
, 14, 116–117
Economist, The
, 42–43, 81–83, 85, 137
Electrification of mobility
, 39–40
Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
, 26–27, 45–46
Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
, 1–16, 82
, 136–137
consultants complex
, 2–3
, 138–139
ESG-linked pay
, 117–118
group of elders have oversight over
, 103–118
millennials transform hidebound culture of business and deliver
, 119–134
output funds
, 138–139
regulatory framework
, 101
Environmental Policy Act
, 26–27
Equity analysts
, 49–50
Eschews nepotism
, 138–139
EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
, 74–75
EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR)
, 140
European approach
, 56
European Commission (EC)
, 39, 77–78, 92–93
European Commission’s Financial Services, The
, 39
European Council, The
, 89–90
European regulators
, 89–90
European Union (EU)
, 56
, 89–90
sustainability taxonomy
, 89–90
ExxonMobil (oil company)
, 72
Financial markets
, 137
Financial Times
, 8, 50, 138
Fire clouds
, 21
Fire-fighting technology
, 21
Focusing capital on the long-term (FCLT)
, 52–53
, 53
Forum report, The
, 44
Fossil fuels sector
, 33–34
Friedman doctrine
, 27–28
Friedman’s theory
, 30
, 37–38
Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)
, 73–74, 115, 146–147
Global Carbon Project, The
, 34–35
Global economy’s reliance on all things carbon, perverse economics behind
, 31–47
Global financial crisis (GFC)
, 116–117
Global investors
, 147–148
Global minimum corporate tax (GMCT)
, 99–100
Go with the flow (GWTF)
, 126
, 91–92, 128–129
Green metals
, 36
, 11–13
Grey London
, 8–9
every country’s great fortune
, 17–30
Group of elders have oversight over ESG
, 103–118
Guardian, The
, 58–59
, 18–19
Harvard Business Review
, 131–133
, 22
, 93–96
Indian economy, The
, 36
Inflation Reduction Act
, 42
Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market
, 76–77
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 20–21, 33–34
, 22
International banks
, 82–83, 97–98, 146
International community
, 23
International Energy Agency (IEA)
, 25, 44
International Monetary Fund
, 4–5
International NGOs
, 78, 137
Investing approach
, 138–139
, 92, 137
Iranian Revolution
, 23
, 140
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
, 149–150
Laissez faire capitalism
, 28
Legacy systems
, 113–114
Long-term investor (LTI)
, 56–57
Malaysia’s national oil company
, 37
Methane (CH4)
, 19
, 125
transform hidebound culture of business and deliver ESG
, 119–134
MIT Sloan Management Review
, 126–127
Modern Slavery Act
, 149–150
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
, 148–149
Morningstar Sustain analytics
, 140
Mortgage-backed securities (MBS)
, 61
, 140
Multilateral agencies
, 82–83
Multilateral organizations
, 22
Multinational companies
, 82–83, 97–98
Multinational corporations
, 146
National governments
, 137
Natural disasters
, 19
Natural language processing techniques
, 143
Net zero
, 76
, 65–79
Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)
, 112–113
New York Times, The
, 24–26, 38–39, 61–62, 83, 95–96
Nongovernmental organization (NGO)
, 11–12, 66–67
, 121
, 121
North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
, 28–29
Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC)
, 108–109
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
, 23
, 36–37
Paris Climate accord
, 53–54
Payment crisis
, 24
, 32–33
Perverse economics behind global economy’s reliance on all things carbon
, 31–47
Planting trees
, 100
Post, The
, 85
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
, 35
Pragmatists, The
, 71, 77
Principal uncertainty
, 111–112
Private-property system
, 27
Production process
, 44–45, 72
Project Maven
, 128–129
Protectors, The
, 71, 74–77
Prussian Army
, 131–133
Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinkura people (PKKP)
, 59–60
PWC (Global consulting firm)
, 63
Qatar Investment Authority
, 5–6
RAND Corporation
, 15
Rebalancing process
, 78
Remote workers
, 15
Renewable energy
, 39–40
Russian Army
, 33
Russian invasion
, 37–38
S & P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (S & P Global Corporate CSA)
, 144
Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund
, 5–6
Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTI)
, 115
Scottish oil company Cairn Energy
, 11–12
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
, 87
Short-termism in business and profit motive collides with nonfinancial and longer term environmental and social challenges
, 49–64
Silicon Valley
, 133
Singapore’s central bank
, 148–149
Singapore’s GIC
, 5–6
Socially responsible investing investors (SRI investors)
, 96
, 120
Steel manufacturing
, 44–45
Streamlined energy and carbon reporting (SECR)
, 149–150
Supply chains
, 96, 98, 100
Europe–0; America–0
, 98
, 149–150
, 98
social impact
, 98–100
Supply crisis
, 24
, 4–5, 67
sustainability accounting standard board’s materiality matrix
, 2–3
Sustainable finance (SF)
, 77
, 117
Swiss bank
, 94–95
Systems-based approach
, 45–46
Task-force for Climate Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
, 2–3, 68–69, 105
, 99–100
, 92–93
, 5–6
Time and Newsweek
, 24
Time magazine
, 1
Top Gun movie
, 31
, 120
Treating customers fairly (TCF)
, 93
U.S. Department of Defense
, 31–32
, 94–95
UK’s Modern Slavery Act
, 90
UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
, 142–143
United Nation (UN)
, 22
secretary general antonio gutteres
, 22
United Nations Climate Summit
, 120–121
United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 1–2, 53–54
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
, 130–131
US Armed Forces
, 31–33
US Department of Agriculture
, 18–19
Washington Post, The
, 85
Watson Institute
, 31–32
, 50
Woke capitalism
, 3, 86–87, 122–123, 137
consumer protection
, 91, 93, 96
on diversity & inclusion, score as follows
, 96–98
diversity and inclusion
, 93–96
driving companies to focus on social justice issues and amount to
, 81–91
Europe–0; America–0
, 101
on social impact
, 101
on supply chains
, 98–100
World Bank
, 36, 82–83
World Economic Forum, The
, 43–44, 150
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
, 20
World Trade Organization (WTO)
, 35–36
Yom Kippur war
, 23