The Branding of Tourist Destinations: Theoretical and Empirical Insights
ISBN: 978-1-78769-374-6, eISBN: 978-1-78769-373-9
Publication date: 4 December 2018
(2018), "Prelims", Camilleri, M.A. (Ed.) The Branding of Tourist Destinations: Theoretical and Empirical Insights, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xx.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
The Branding of Tourist Destinations
Title Page
The Branding of Tourist Destinations: Theoretical and Empirical Insights
Edited by
Mark Anthony Camilleri
University of Malta, Msida, Malta
United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2019
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-78769-374-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78769-373-9 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78769-375-3 (Epub)
Copyright Page
Dedicated to my wife Adriana and to our special kids, Michela and Sam
There are too many people to thank individually. I am very grateful to my family, particularly to my wife Adriana who has always encouraged me in my academic endeavours. Finally, I must thank Emerald Publishing and their editorial team, including Kerry Laundon and Niall Kennedy for their valuable support during this fruitful project.
About the Editor | xi |
About the Authors | xiii |
Preface | xix |
Chapter 1 The Marketing Environment of Tourist Destinations Mark Anthony Camilleri |
1 |
Chapter 2 Branding Places and Tourist Destinations: A Conceptualisation and Review Chung-Shing Chan and Lawal M. Marafa |
15 |
Chapter 3 A Stakeholder Approach for Destination Management Organisations Jeremy Fairley |
43 |
Chapter 4 The Destination Branding through Multisensory Experiences: Case Studies from Sweden Clarinda Rodrigues |
61 |
Chapter 5 The Development of the Agritourism Sector in Campania, Italy Veronica Di Caprio, Peter Wiltshier and Valentina Della Corte |
83 |
Chapter 6 Using the Destination’s Heritage, Language, Lifestyle and ‘Made in Italy’ as a Tourism Development Model Kamel Ben Youssef, Martha Friel and Giuseppe Giaccardi |
97 |
Chapter 7 The Consumer-Based Brand Equity of Music Events: Two Case Studies from Portugal Gisela Alves, Arnaldo Coelho and Vítor Roque |
113 |
Chapter 8 Branding Porto: A Case Study of the ‘Essence of Wine’ Ana Pinto Borges, Elvira Vieira and Paula Rodrigues |
129 |
Chapter 9 Oleotourism Development in Jaén, Spain Carla Marano-Marcolini, Anna D’Auria and Marco Tregua |
147 |
Chapter 10 The Hotel Managers’ Attitudes Towards Environmental Responsibility. An Empirical Study from Ecuador María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández, Valentín-Alejandro Martínez-Fernández, Beder Gonzalo Aguilar Campoverde and Jackson Guillermo Valverde Jaramillo |
169 |
Chapter 11 The Moderating Effect of Perceived Value on the Relationship between Country Image and Destination Brand Extension in Alanya, Turkey Bekir Bora Dedeoğlu |
185 |
Chapter 12 Exploring Customers’ Attitudes Towards the Hospitality Brands in India: A Social Identity Perspective Ahmad Raouf Rather |
207 |
Index | 233 |
About the Editor
Dr Mark Anthony Camilleri is a Resident Academic (Senior Lecturer) in the Department of Corporate Communication. He lectures in an international master’s programme run by the University of Malta in collaboration with King’s College, University of London. Mark specialises in strategic management, marketing, research and evaluation. He successfully finalised his PhD (Management) in three years’ time at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland – where he was also nominated for his ‘Excellence in Teaching’. During the past years, Mark taught business subjects at under-graduate, vocational and post-graduate levels in Hong Kong, Malta and the UK. He is an editorial board member for a number of academic journals.
His latest books include Corporate Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Environmental Management: An Introduction to Theory and Practice with Case Studies (2017) and Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (2018). Moreover, he edited three publications, entitled; CSR 2.0 and the New Era of Corporate Citizenship (2017), Strategic Perspectives in Destination Marketing (2018) and Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing (2018).
About the Authors
Beder Gonzalo Aguilar Campoverde holds a master’s degree in University Teaching and Educational Research and undergraduate degree in Commerce and Business Administration from the National University of Loja UNL, Ecuador. He worked as a Professor at UNL for 14 years, before joining the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja in March 2012. He has acquired professional experience in the private sector and serves as an advisor to micro-companies.
Gisela Maria Alves is a Lecturer at the IPAM – European University – Laureate International Universities in the marketing field and a Coordinator of Research at IPAM Porto – European University – Laureate International Universities. She holds a PhD in Marketing and Strategy from the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho in a consortium with the University of Aveiro and the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. She is on the Advisory Board of the Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies in New Delhi, India. She is also the Editor of Portuguese Marketing Journal. She is the reviewer of various journals and conferences such as the Journal of Global Marketing, the EuroMed Academy of Business, the Academy of International Business and the International Consumer Brand Relationship Conference. She has several scientific publications with double-blind referee indexed to the Web of Science.
Chung-Shing Chan is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography and Resource Management of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His doctoral research investigates the potential of urban green resources for city branding in Hong Kong. He teaches for Master of Social Science in Sustainable Tourism. His research interests and projects cover topics about place branding and marketing, sustainable tourism, green-, creative-, smart-branding, accessible tourism and urban park management. He also engages in teaching projects related to e-Learning, virtual reality and game-based learning, as well as courses in sustainable tourism, eco-tourism and urban tourism.
Arnaldo Coelho holds a PhD from the University of Barcelona and from the University of Coimbra and is Assistant Professor, in the Marketing Field, at the University of Coimbra. He created the University Executive Training Programs and coordinates the Marketing Programs. He acts as a Business Consultant, as well, in the fields of Marketing and Strategy.
Anna D’Auria is a Post-doc Research Fellow in Tourism Management at University Federico II of Naples and a Visiting Professor in Management and Marketing at Universidad de Jaén in Spain. She participated in national and international conferences and published book chapters and papers on smart innovation and tourism on national and international journals. Her main areas of research are tourism management, destination management, smart innovation and service ecosystems.
Bekir Bora Dedeoglu earned his master’s degree from the Tourism and Hospitality Management Department at Mustafa Kemal University in 2012 and PhD from the Tourism Management Department at Akdeniz University in 2016. Bekir Bora Dedeoglu, currently, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tourism Guiding at Nevsehir HBV University. His research interests include tourism marketing, social media marketing, destination marketing, destination branding, tourist behaviour and hospitality marketing. He is the author of articles in journals such as Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management and Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. He has also served as a reviewer for top tourism and hospitality journals such as Tourism Management, Tourism Management Perspectives, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management.
Valentina Della Corte is an Associate Professor of Business Management at the University of Naples Federico II. She teaches Strategic Management and Marketing, Tourism Business Management, Revenue Management and Heritage Management and is the author of numerous articles in specialised journals, both national (Economia e Diritto del Terziario, Sinergie) and international (Tourism Management and European Journal of Innovation Management). She also serves as a reviewer of several journals and conferences. She is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Governance and Regulation, International Journal of Marketing Studies and Open Journal of Business and Management. She cooperates actively within academic activities of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Strategic Management and Tourism Management, and in PhD programs in Italy and Europe, also promoting international exchanges and relations with the entrepreneurial world. Her research is focussed on the evolution of resource-based theory, strategic networks, strategic human resource management and marketing literature with related applications in the tourism industry and cultural heritage industry.
Veronica Di Caprio holds an MSc degree in Tourism Management awarded by the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, and has been an Erasmus exchange student at the University of Derby, UK. She has acquired relevant experience in the hospitality industry. Recently, Veronica has started training for hospitality and tourism management at Il Sole24Ore. Her research interests include tourism development, heritage and cultural tourism.
Jeremy Fairley is a third year PhD Candidate at the University of Central Florida’s Rosen College of Hospitality & Tourism Management in Orlando, Florida. His research interests include destination marketing and management, organisational behaviour and technology and innovation related studies. Prior to joining the Rosen College, Jeremy spent the past 10 years as a Practitioner in the destination marketing industry where he worked in several capacities from agency to association at the destination marketing and management levels. Jeremy’s most recent role was Director of Marketing and Strategic Partnerships for aRes Travel, the San Diego based technology firm that specialises in online booking engine platforms for the destination marketing, amusement and theme park and housing solutions provider. Jeremy received his BA in Communications, with a minor in advertising from the University of Tampa, and received his Master of Science degree in Hospitality Management from The Chaplain School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University in 2015.
Martha Friel is an Assistant Professor of Economics and Business Management in the Faculty of Arts, Tourism and Markets, IULM University, Milan. Her research areas regard the economy and management of culture, of the creative industries and of tourism as well as the intersectoral relationships between tourism, culture and the creative industries.
Giuseppe Giaccardi is a strategy, management and web economy Consultant with a large experience in industrial marketing and research, founder (1999) and CEO of Studio Giaccardi & Associati – Management Consultants. In tourism and travel economy he works with public and private clients in many Italian regions as Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Marche, Piemonte, Puglia, Sardegna, Toscana and in some European regions as PACA (France) and Catalunya (Spain). From 2015, he was appointed on contract as a Teacher in Tourism Digital Innovation and Planning at Strategic Marketing Course of University Paris Nanterre (France), Cultural Tourism Master’s Program and Food & Wine Master’s Program of Bologna University.
Lawal Marafa is a Professor at the Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also the Director, Postgraduate programme in Sustainable Tourism. Dr Marafa was awarded the ‘Exemplary Teacher Award’ in 2005 and received the Royal Belum Inaugural Ecotourism Award, Perak, Malaysia, in 2007. He served as a Facilitator at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting, in Hong Kong, 2008. Dr Marafa served as the Board of Directors of the World Leisure Organization (2006–2013). His research and teaching interests are diverse and cover such areas that include tourism policy, tourism and environment, ecotourism, natural resource management, sustainable development as well as leisure, recreation planning and management. He has participated and conducted research on landscapes, soundscapes, ecotourism, REDD, climate smart agriculture, etc., leading to publications in a number of peer reviewed journals and book chapters.
Carla Marano-Marcolini has a PhD in Marketing and Consumption and is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Jaén (Spain). She participated in national and international conferences and published books and papers on agri-business and consumer behaviour on international journals. She received the Best Communication Award by the Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK-2016) and the VII Research Award of the Economic and Social Council of the province of Jaén. Her main areas of research are rural tourism, agri-food sector and agricultural policy.
Valentín-Alejandro Martínez-Fernández is the tenured Professor of Commerce and Market Research at the University of A Coruña (Spain). He has a PhD in Information Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid), an MBA from the University of A Coruña, and an undergraduate degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
Elvira Vieira holds a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela, since 2007. She lectured in Higher Education Institutions and in 2010, she was the Director of the European Group of Territorial Cooperation Galicia – North of Portugal. At present she is the CEO of ISAG – European Business School, where she also is a Coordinator Professor, Member of the Scientific and Technical Council and Scientific Coordinator of Nucleus of Investigation of ISAG (ISAG Research Group). She is a founding member of European Journal of Applied Business and Management and a member of the Editorial Board. Additionally, she is also a Professor in the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), and a research member of UNIAG – Applied Management Research Unit from IPVC. Elvira Vieira is the holder of thirty-six scientific publications, with one book, two chapters, indexed scientific papers and scientific reviewer.
Ana Pinto Borges received her PhD in Economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Porto. Currently, she is a Professor Coordinator at the ISAG – European Business School, President of the Pedagogical Council and Executive Coordinator of the Nucleus of Investigation of ISAG. She is author of more than 30 publications in indexed international scientific journals. She has participated in presentations at various national and international congresses and she is also a member of the scientific committees at academic events. She is a publisher and one of the founding members of the European Journal of Applied Business and Management. She is a Former Accenture Consultant in the financial area. She is an Economist at the Health Regulatory Entity since 2010.
Ahmad Raouf Rather is a full-time PhD Candidate in Marketing Management at the Business School, University of Jammu, India. He also holds an MBA (Marketing). His research interests include customer engagement, co-creation, service innovation, brand identification and loyalty. He has published his work in academic journals including Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Journal of Global Marketing, European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems, South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, International Journal on Customer Relations, Pacific Business Review International, among others. He is the Editorial Coordinator of Journal of Tourism and Management Research. He also acts as a reviewer of various national and international journals.
Clarinda Rodrigues is a Senior Lecturer of Marketing and Head of Retail and Service Management Programme at the School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, Sweden. She is engaged in courses in brand management, sensory marketing, retail management and service management. Her on-going research projects concern global sensory branding in the field of places, luxury and consumer goods. More especially, it has a focus in understanding the impact of multi-sensory brand experiences on both brand love and brand hate. Furthermore, her research aims at developing a framework for brand-building strategies from a sensory perspective. She is member of the Sensory Studies Research Directory. She is also an experienced International Marketing Consultant and Branding Strategist, having worked in several firms before joining the Academia. She is a regular speaker at academic and business conferences about sensory branding and marketing.
Paula Rodrigues graduated in Economics. She did a master’s degree in Economics and completed her PhD in Management about the Measurement of Brand Equity, both in Faculty of Economics in University of Porto, Portugal. She is a full-time Professor in Management at School of Economic and Management, Lusíada University – North, Portugal. Since 1995, she teaches Brand Management, Consumer Behaviour, Econometrics, Statistic and Quantitative Methods at the Lusíada University – North. She has published several scientific papers and books. Her on-going research projects concern brand love in the field of luxury and consumer goods. More specifically, it has focus in understanding how consumers create strong emotional connections with brands to the point of creating a brand love. Lately it has investigated the relationship between the brand experience, sensory brand and its connection to the brand love, brand hate and consumer perception on CSR.
Vítor Roque holds a master’s degree and an undergraduate degree in Marketing and Tourism from the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández has a PhD in ‘Competitiveness, Innovation and Development’ and is a Lecturer at the University of A Coruña (Spain), Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Analysis and Business Management, Business Organization area. She is also part of the GREFIN (University of A Coruña) and GEIDETUR (University of Huelva) Research Groups and Associate Researcher at the Centre of CICS.NOVA.UMinho and Lab2PT research at the University of Minho, GEEMAT (Brazil) and REDOR Network (Mexico). She has been the author or co-author of several articles published in indexed journals. She has participated in over 100 communications in national and international conferences and is a member of the scientific committee. She reviews international scientific magazines in Spain, United States and Brazil. Her main research topics are: corporate social responsibility, quality, tourism, the hotel industry and human resources.
Marco Tregua is a Post-doc Research Fellow in Management at University Federico II of Naples and a Visiting Professor in Business Creation at Universidad de Jaén (Spain). He participated in national and international conferences, chaired special sessions in international conferences and published papers on sustainability and value creation on international journals. His main areas of research are service logic, sustainability and smart innovation.
Jackson Guillermo Valverde Jaramillo holds a master’s degree in Banking Administration and Finance from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and has an under-graduate degree in Commerce from the Universidad Nacional de Loja in Ecuador. Currently, he lectures at Universidad Técnica Particula de Loja.
Peter Wiltshier is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for Travel & Tourism at the University of Derby, UK. His research interests include rural regeneration through tourism, tourism management and promotion in micro-business, education and training for small business and social capital and capacity building in small communities.
Kamel Ben Youssef is an Associate Professor at the University of Paris Nanterre, France. He teaches marketing and strategy and his research interests include CSR, customer education, consumer behaviour, design and tourism.
The marketing of tourist destinations requires continuous strategic planning and decision making. Therefore, this authoritative book provides students and practitioners with a good understanding of different tourism products, marketing strategies and tactics on destination branding, as well as useful insights on sustainable and responsible tourism practices, among other topics. The readers are equipped with a strong pedagogical base on the attractiveness of tourist destinations as this publication presents contemporary conceptual discussions and empirical studies on several aspects of destination branding. They will appreciate that the tourism marketers, including destination management organisations (DMOs), are formulating strategies and tactics to attract prospective visitors. Hence, this book also sheds light on the latest industry developments in travel, tourism, hospitality and events in different contexts around the world.
Chapter 1 describes the marketing environment of the travel and tourism businesses. It explains that tourism marketers should consider macro-aspects, including political, economic, social and technological influences, as well as micro-factors, including capital structures, resources, capabilities and marketing intermediaries.
Chapter 2 provides an explanation of destination marketing, place branding and their related notions. The authors critically review the conceptual developments on the branding of tourist destinations.
Chapter 3 suggests that destination management organisations ought to engage in fruitful relationships with internal and external stakeholders. The authors maintain that there are several factors that can affect the strategic management of these organisations.
Chapter 4 explores how Sweden is branding its destinations by improving its cultural identify and by providing multi-sensory experiences to its visitors.
Chapter 5 sheds light on the agritourism businesses in Italy’s Campania region. The author analyses the main critical success factors for a thriving rural tourism market.
Chapter 6 explains the key elements of cultural tourism, including the destination’s heritage, lifestyle and ‘Made in Italy’. The authors put forward a tourism development model. They suggest that it represents a functional framework for the benefit of tourism practitioners.
Chapter 7 explores the consumer-based brand equity of events. The authors explain how the organisation of events, including music festivals, could add value to the destinations’ image. They imply that the visitors’ positive experiences and their word-of-mouth publicity can contribute to the destinations’ branding.
Chapter 8 explores the destination branding of Porto in Portugal. The authors analyse the visitors’ attitudes on Porto’s largest wine festival. They assess their visitors’ level of satisfaction with the event and their intention to return.
Chapter 9 identifies the key elements that serve as drivers for the development of oleotourism in Jaen, Spain. The authors suggest that there is scope in stakeholder engagement among the main actors and drivers in the sector.
Chapter 10 investigates the environmental behaviour of three-, four- and five-star hotels in Azuay, Ecuador. The authors explored the relationship between environmental responsibility and stakeholder engagement. Their findings suggest that the hotel managers strive in their endeavours to implement responsible environmental practices to avoid regulatory pressures.
Chapter 11 examines the relationship between the country image and brand equity. The author contends that the tourists’ hedonic and monetary values can have a moderating effect on the country-of-origin’s image and brand extension.
Chapter 12 investigates the relationship between the customers’ satisfaction, commitment, trust and loyalty towards hospitality brands. It develops and empirically test the social identity construct (customer brand identification and other critical social exchange constructs (satisfaction, trust and commitment).
This publication was written by academics for other scholars, researchers, advanced under-graduate and post-graduate students. However, it is also relevant to the industry practitioners, including consultants, senior executives and managers who work for DMOs, tourism offices, hotels, inbound/outbound tour operators and travel agents, among others. The book explains all the theory and the empirical studies in a simple and straightforward manner. It describes the various marketing environments that comprise a wide array of economic, socio-cultural and environmental realities.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 The Marketing Environment of Tourist Destinations
- Chapter 2 Branding Places and Tourist Destinations: A Conceptualisation and Review
- Chapter 3 A Stakeholder Approach for Destination Management Organisations
- Chapter 4 The Destination Branding through Multisensory Experiences: Case Studies from Sweden
- Chapter 5 The Development of the Agritourism Sector in Campania, Italy
- Chapter 6 Using the Destination’s Heritage, Language, Lifestyle and ‘Made in Italy’ as a Tourism Development Model
- Chapter 7 The Consumer-Based Brand Equity of Music Events: Two Case Studies from Portugal
- Chapter 8 Branding Porto: A Case Study of the ‘Essence of Wine’
- Chapter 9 Oleotourism Development in Jaén, Spain
- Chapter 10 The Hotel Managers’ Attitudes Towards Environmental Responsibility. An Empirical Study from Ecuador
- Chapter 11 The Moderating Effect of Perceived Value on the Relationship between Country Image and Destination Brand Extension in Alanya, Turkey
- Chapter 12 Exploring Customers’ Attitudes Towards the Hospitality Brands in India: A Social Identity Perspective
- Index